this should extend to those here illegally for years as well. who cares how assimilated they are, especially those hired in law enforcement. according to current immigration law, if found to have entered the US illegally, you would have a 10 year wait before you could APPLY for reentry legally. which would mean those that really want to be here should be self deporting already...
joe rogan pisses me off. he is the typical idiot voter that swings with the breeze. while they were talking about the consensus building nonsense, he was all like shocked, but he DEFENDED them when Trump was calling it all fake news. like wtf, joe? come out and make a statement admitting you were a douchebag about this stuff... ffs...
right, the list HASN'T been released. she is held in a for profit prison, so who is really responsible for her? and if we cannot get to see the list and that those on the list are being charged, then is she really guilty? who is telling us she is guilty of this and why? epstein never got his day in court, are we hearing the truth behind all of this? also, I trust those holding her even less...
take furniture as an example. plenty of good furniture is manufactured in the ol' usa, but we buy a TON of imported cheap furniture because "it's cheaper". what these importers are doing is taking advantage of fewer regulations and much cheaper labor costs over seas that they can still afford to ship this crap here and sell it cheaper than companies in the USA. so by placing tariffs on imported goods, it "levels the playing field" for US manufacturers, so that the prices would end up being competitive. there is a good book by a guy named Pat Choate called Agents of Influence. it was written back in the 80's about how the japanese took over the electronics market in the US, specifically the television market, from US manufacturers. it also goes into how US officials have been selling us out for decades. and remember, this was written decades ago...
did you know he did not get it wrong? just like tomato, you can also spell it with an 'e'. they teacher claimed he got it wrong. and with it being spelled like that on the card, it seems like a media set up on poor old Dan.
what's the next step here? mobsters being given life time pardons when they are being investigated? pardons for cartel leaders? will those that are in charge of the human trafficking rings start getting lifetime pardons? I don't need the answer, I need other people to ask these questions and more...
I dunno, how did he manage to get a pistol, let alone a silencer into nyc? aren't they illegal there? (anyone not able to spot sarcasm on the internetshould reread my comment and think about the rationale of it. kek)