I'm so sorry for your loss. I offer you my prayers. I wish I knew words to comfort you but, I'm not good with that. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone that has lost someone from this evilness.
I looked at the original article from where this article came https://nypost.com/2022/01/01/ghislaine-maxwells-brother-says-she-wont-rat-out-for-lighter-sentence/ I noticed in the second pic down from the vid that Kevin has his right hand in his left side of his jacket. I'm still learning all this stuff and their signs and signals. I've been here just shy of a year. So, I was wondering if that is the hidden hand gesture and if so what does it mean?
Here is the deferred prosecution agreements documents listing the US attorney Audrey Strauass of the Southern District NY https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/judge-approves-deferred-prosecution-deal-averting-trial-for-jail-guards-who-falsified-records-the-night-jeffrey-epstein-died/ Here is the Nolle Prosequi document https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/day-after-ghislaine-maxwells-convictions-prosecutors-formally-ditch-case-against-jeffrey-epsteins-jail-guards/ I'm not of legal mind so I don't know if there is anything here that might be something. I leave this with you to pick through.
I did not not know about black cumin seed being used as an alternative to ivermectin. This is the first time I have seen this. Thank you so much for putting the protocol up. I've looked at it before several months ago and did not see that. I don't know if it's new or I just over looked it. I don't want to take ivermectin because I have seen warnings not to take it if you have had meningitis before. From all I have gathered is that the BBB (blood brain barrier) weakens with meningitis and ivermectin can cross over. I'm going to look into black cumin seed now. TY again.
Jewelweed works on poison oak and ivy. When I lived in NY it grew all over my yard. I would brake a stem and rub it on me wherever the poison ivy was on me. The poison ivy would vanish almost right away if I got to it immediately. Often Jewelweed grows right next to poison ivy. Funny how nature works sometimes. But, you can make soaps and salves with it too. The plant has either yellow or orange flowers. Get the orange flowering plants if you can. They are more potent from what I've learned. This plant also works on a whole lot of other skin problems. Here is a good article to start if you want to research it https://farmhouse-bc.com/jewelweed-diy-salves/
You both are in my prayers. This place helps me so much. I come here and sometimes I'll read post after post of nothing but bad things happening. I'll start to get in that boat of despair. Then just as I get ready to turn away, someone types out something that's makes me laugh. Granted a lot of times it might be some kind of sick sense of humor but, I like that. This place has helped me through prayers as well. I was suffering from PTSD after serving on a first degree murder trial (I still have some lingering effects from it but not as bad). I asked for prayer and I could literally feel Christ calm my soul. I hope and pray your wife does too. I don't know if you and your wife like to shoot pool. But, it is an excellent way to unwind and let out frustration. I like to image certain faces on the balls, then knock the crap out of them with the cue ball.
My family is the same way. I had to explain the whole thing to my dad yesterday. I caught the last of the race with him. Brandon finished the race backwards! I was LMAO. He didn't see what was so funny. I said I swear you can't make this stuff up and explained it to him. To be fair he doesn't watch the interviews unless his man wins. But, he does watch college football and hasn't heard any of the chants. He is waking up because of me telling him things I've learned from here. He ask questions from me everyday. It's funny, he's 86 years old. He'll hear something somewhere and he can't wait to tell me. Most of the time I already know it but, I pretend I didn't. He's so excited to share it with me. Getting back to the race...Brandon finished the race going backwards! After I explained everything, my dad says it. Let's Go Brandon, kek.
Yep, with my luck they would. They wouldn't believe me that it was a joke either. I have some hardcore biker friends. They'd shake us all down. My friends wouldn't be my friends anymore. Then my body would be disappeared. All because some stupid telemarketer couldn't take a joke. Yeah, probably should just stick with County Morgue.
I know it's old but, I still get some funny responses. I wish I could type the way one lady was stuttering when she called. It went something like...Oh Lordy, no, no, no, I didn't mean to call you. I don't want to talk to no morgue. I'm so sorry. I almost felt bad for her.
Sorry so late getting back to you. Murphy is in the western most far tip of NC. It is on the bottom tip. The Nantahala National Wilderness is next to it and the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest. It's a beautiful area. There are trees over 400 years old in that section. There are tons of caves. You have bears, Mountain Lions and Timber Rattlesnakes, oh my. There are also lots of rock quarries. I wouldn't doubt if you ever found the bottom of a few of them you'd find a body or two. The Cherokee Reservation is in western NC as well. The Great Smokies National Forest is up above Murphy. Part of that Park is in Tenn. The largest section is in NC. Lots of people don't realize this, they think it is mostly in Tenn. but it's not. The GSNP has the 3rd highest death rate among the NPs. Western NC and Eastern Tenn are beautiful and would be a great place to live. They have their dangers make no mistake about it. I know of one serial killer that used the area (Gary Hilton). The Appalachian Trail is dangerous as hell. All that said you will also find some of the most caring, God loving, kind hearted people living there. But, if you hear banjos RUN!
Here is an article about him that can give you better detail than I can https://allthatsinteresting.com/eric-rudolph He was the Atlanta Olympic bomber (supposedly, I say that because there is a lot of speculation about if he really did) and he targeted abortion clinics. But after sending thousands of manpower into those mountains and a million dollar price tag on his head, they never caught him. Those mountain folk don't give up their own no matter how poor they might be. They don't like outsiders especially feds. They also have a lot of stills and crops they don't want discovered. If ever in those mountains don't go off the trails. He did get caught eventually. He was dumpster diving and a local cop saw him. He didn't run, the cop asked him if he was Eric and he said he was and went peacefully with the local cop.
B in central NC. I noticed that when you walk down the aisles, at first glance, they look full. However, when you take a closer look, you'll see that they have moved everything forward. There is a lot of emptiness behind what they have pulled forward. I'm not sure if they are almost out of stock or may be only putting so much out at a time to keep people from buying multiples. I bought the last two jars of my peanut butter the other day. I went in the next day and there were 2 more jars on the shelve. I noticed this with a few other things before and didn't ponder on it too much. Now though, I do believe that is what they are doing. They seem to be rationing out what they have. I try to shop the small food stores when I can. I pay a little more sometimes then if I were to buy from the big chains. As far as Walmart goes, I won't darken their doors.