needorganization 5 points ago +5 / -0

Difference between these thugs and MAGA?

We want justice, thru the law, and the treasonous fools tried for treason with possibility of the death penalty by court of law.

Not by our hands. By the hands of justice, thru legal and honest means.

These thugs? They don't like someone, so they call for their assassination. Without cause. Without justification. With made up labels that wouldn't (and they know don't/wouldn't) stand up to scrutiny by the American people OR the SCOTUS OR military tribunals, etc.

These people are evil.

needorganization 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lol, the "law" applies to us. You really think they wouldn't forcefully move them out? Heck, they'd probably even say they were trying to overthrow the government or were insurrectionists.

needorganization 12 points ago +12 / -0

Right? It should be an immediate deport.

And if it's murder, swift death penalty. No lingering in prison for decades.

And, if drug/human trafficking, the same. Swift death penalty. Put an end to the cartels immediately.

Problem is, too many get kick backs from their blood money. 170 of them were just shown!

needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

She was installed by the cartel, of COURSE she is going to veto the bill that would hurt the hand who installed her there!

needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

We sure this is FBI? 🤷🏼‍♂️ I mean, who really knows anymore.

I do remember a prophecy about something on the levels of WikiLeaks will eventually come out. Not saying this is it, but hey, we haven't seen any true leaks lately...

And, it would be fun if those "lives" and "trials" they speak of are information relating to their stealing of 2020 election.

Time will tell...

needorganization 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wonder if this has something to do with our communications disruptions yesterday???


Have a plan for if/when mobile goes down for an EXTENDED period of time.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have terrorists standing by.

Note I said THEY. Meaning the Cabal that "secures democracy".

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because many aren't smart enough with money to realize what's going on.

I try to get the number close to zero... And still end up having to pay a butt load.

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

And illegals. And helps fund illegal wars. And propaganda.

Such a waste of my money.

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

This has perplexed me for a bit. It seems to be speaking of what most would call heaven; however, heaven will not have death and these verses seem to imply that there is still mortality.

I hear so many people say "all of the prophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled" for the return of Christ.

Personally, I read this one, and I disagree. This hasn't been fulfilled, yet.

needorganization 5 points ago +5 / -0

I sure hope so. I think, after three years of this exposure, we're ALL ready for some actual justice with MANYYYY trials for treason.

needorganization 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe that's her angle – say this, and somehow, in her clown brain, figure that when Trump is president he'll remember this clown saying and pardon her.


Clowns. They literally never learn.

needorganization 5 points ago +5 / -0


I remember the march for life, or whatever they call that crud, and I thought it was actually helping people. I look back now at all these "not for profit" and wonder how much pockets have been lined.

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have several ideas, but I'm actually wondering if they'll let Trump win.

And then the first day or few weeks, completely demolish the economy (with fail guards to prevent what happened in 2019, their hopeful implosion that didn't happen). And then bring in their insurgency army and try to wipe out the cities that they can.

But, that leaves a year or shenanigans in the way, so who knows.

Either way, something's going to happen and it's gonna be like a movie in the bad things that transpire.

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