Although Facebook massively sucks it is a good resource for looking for used vehicles on their marketplace, you could just create a burner account there to use for the marketplace if you wanted
I personally subscribe to the theory that some of the containers might have weapons or missiles and the delay is to be able to search them thoroughly but who knows
Something to be aware of is all the supply chain disruptions I don't know if your business would require various materials but if so make sure that they are things that don't seem to be affected because it would put you in a bad spot to start a business and not be able to get what you need or have your supplies become insanely expensive.
They don't care
Sell tickets, it'll help to restart the economy
Hopefully they have enough rope down there
Just six more months
I don't think those of us here would be fucked up mentally, I've already accepted that basically all politicians are swamp,I mean how can anyone even think otherwise at this point?
Stuff like Fuck Biden flags, shirts, etc is better I think now. There's some people that are never going to like Trump but they are starting to hate Biden so they're more likely to be drawn to anti Biden stuff than pro Trump stuff
People with morals would say no but we don't know who they are because they never become famous despite, I'm sure, many of them being more talented then the people who do take the deals and become famous
It's called taking the golden ticket, most celebs and now ecelebs take a deal with the deep state to gain fame and money
Not while we are living under clown world rules
I think we should be looking at what happened in Australia as the template, something like that is going to have to happen here with people pushing back in a major way. Sounds like they may have replaced one cunt with another though in New South Wales so who knows if they've actually solved anything but it seems like something like that happening here could actually solve things
That bloody cunt is going down
I think we need to devolve into something like 500 or even more States and just let people sort it out at the local level they can tax people if they want it but then it's not hard for people to move to the next state over. Power has been way too concentrated in large states and the federal government and that has to be broken up.
Well technically that would still be a warning but I agree they should be more forceful
Reddit used to be this way, people would call each other faggots and stuff all the time for the most ridiculous things, this was like 6 years ago
He's probably a glowie just meant to further divide
It's been memory holed
They better not obey the judges order, NULLIFY
What country are you from that somewhere like LA is better?
The weather is really mild in Arizona in the winter. Honestly I think Florida would be a crappy place to be in an RV but a lot of people here seem to do it so to each their own it's just very humid in the warmer months and extremely hot so you have to have an AC running the whole time