consuming meat, plastics in the water, processed sugar like coke, anything with pesticides, all affect gene expression. eating veggies and being healthy also changes the way genes replicate and activate.
I hope you're as careful about what you eat, patriot.
there are people who refuse vaccines but eat total shit and its like...hello...pesticides and meat with shitloads of vaccines and antibiotics...
100% guaranteed it was from her vax
no. I mean the covid vaccination is weird and new because it doesn't actually use the original virus like say polio and measles. if your niece was vaxxed, its possible she passed the virus to you, but it wasn't from the vaccine, since the vaccine never had the virus in it.
you got it from something else, or your niece carried a virus load into your house from somewhere else.
did she get sick or get symptoms?
I think she's mocking people since individuals can't really do medical research in that they can't get tens of millions of dollars together to do controlled studies in sterile lab environments over 12 iterations over a year.
"research" is not watching videos or reading articles by chiropractors if I'm being honest.
particularly if they have a book to sell or podcast to promote.
If you are not fluent enough in Russian to hide your accent you will get discriminated against by law enforcement, employers, waiters, literally everyone.
I ordered a beer wrong in 2009 and ended up strip searched and robbed by Russian police. When my friend came looking for me the cops were drunk with money they took from me and they threw him in a canal.
But Russian poon is the best. 10/10 go for the poon.
Because he’s irrelevant to future elections?
They didn’t even cover him getting booed for telling people to take the vaccine.
At this point packing a fair ground to hear him riff like a stand up comic working on new material isn’t really news.
The problem is these cyber ninjas demanded they have cameras on them then hired whoever wanted in who made dumb shit blunders in front of friendly media.
Remember that reporter that was like “shouldn’t you have different colored pens?” hint hint
Or that boomer who turned the tabulating machine off and on in front of NEWSMAX? This is run by boomers who cannot program a ROKU.
Arizona is basically Mexico.
can someone explain whats on the routers?
the only vid I saw was some boomer with zero actual CS skill stumble through it like trying to figure out a roku.