oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

pretty sure I just got something in the mail from him....but I threw it away so don't know for sure....mostly I don't even open political mail.

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just watched it....goes over all the stuff we've been talking about for yrs, all in one neat package.....my question over there and now here is WHY?.....why have we been thru this?.....apparently buyden has power since we're in a depression and he keeps giving away trillions....and is trying to start a nuclear war.....why does he still have any power?.... we need one big stinking blowout of truth to all the masses and when will that ever happen.....

oldsoul 9 points ago +10 / -1

well as I understand it, most blacks in this country did not take that stinking vaxx....good on them.....too many sheeple in the white community...

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

to save Oregon, and Washington, they need to STOP the vote fraud....its even affecting smaller towns....stop the fraud and the people will vote in the right people, they people that they choose....

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

you got a point....this may be the little sacrifice the rats do so they won't look so bad in November......they are never out of their little tricks.

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

stupid voters in the first place.....people need to THINK before they just push the D button for rat.....rats have ruined everything they touch....

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always make sure our ballots are in on time, but just in time....I make sure they get time stamped in order to be counted...because in my state of Washington the rat center of King county always seems to get their votes in last, and if they don't know how many then need to fabricate to win, maybe one of these days we'll catch them....

oldsoul 5 points ago +5 / -0

we were told decades ago that if we just made sex easier for men to get, have porn and strippers available, and abortion so the men don't have to fear responsibility, that if we did all that , there would be no rape, no molestation....

and here we are....scum remain perverted, against children....

oldsoul 1 point ago +2 / -1

Iran is not necessarily the American people's enemy....our enemies are here.

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

dpt is the only vaxx my doc insisted I take ...not covid...not flu...not shingles...but she thought the dpt was very important...

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

the natural, human , biological reaction is for men to be attracted to women and women to be attracted to men...

when that does not happen among this rich people, I thinkt its forced upon them and then solidify with video of them in totally obscene and illegal and immoral situations, perhaps with children....then they are in the satan system..

they may not have started out homosexuals, but they may end up that way..IMO

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

when I think of these fat arse "generals" and "admirals" sitting in their glory holes I want to puke...my father was a true hero, a true American sailor who sacrificed for this country....these perfumed princes are nothing more than fat arrogant preppy boys...

oldsoul 19 points ago +19 / -0

there's a reason why some of these black rap stars ever became stars and its not talent....there's a reason that certain actors get many parts while good actors get none...there's a reason why bankrupt companies give out golden parachutes to losers.......there's money going around and its probably all our tax dollars that seem to just disappear.....

oldsoul 4 points ago +4 / -0

where can we move to?....this country is so gone....if there be white hats, they better show their hand because its about the end.

by G-Anon
oldsoul 6 points ago +6 / -0

elections are total fraud.....and because we are conditioned to just accept things, and believe that the "majority" has spoken, we just hang our heads and become the defeated.

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

they could refuse to participate.....what the rap crap has done has encouraged violence, promiscuity, and sloth...

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm convinced that most of all these new rich got so by see I a or fibber assistance....do this and we'll make you rich and keep you rich as long as you do what we say....

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

"foreign aid".."nasa"..."climate change"..."war in Ukraine"...etc etc....all fraud with monies given to politicos and their supporters....I'm convinced of it....they take all our money and give it away....meanwhile, taxes are so high that most people get to keep just a small fraction of what they have earned.

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