The mainstream conservative movement is dead. If this was still the America of pre-2012 then Mike Pence or Nikki Haley would likely be the nominee. Endless wars for Israel above anything else. These days Trump is 30 points ahead of them in the polls, no one cares about Israel or foreign wars or tax cuts for multinational corporations the stuff that would have fired the base in 2000.
I think Vivek is a plant by the elites to keep people invested in the GOP brand because they hear someone on the stage saying the things they believe. I doubt he believes a word of it and if he were to become the nominee he would forget about the people who believe those things in a second. I'm not saying he doesn't have his uses but I doubt president H1B would turn out very well.
I think when he had contacts with certain deep state contacts going back to Robert Maxwell and Leslie Wexner and was in contact with some of the Zionist lobby. I think when he got some momentum he did a deal with them but they are one of the weaker factions of the cabal and they got crushed when they tried to make even the most weak sauce policy moves.
I have come to believe that the Q movement was co-opted by the bad guys at a later date after Trump was in office to take some of the wind out of the sails while they contained it. The fact so many people started the see the truth is a good thing, but it isn't so good when they are being told to "trust the plan" and that "patriots are secretly in control".
Thanks - I hope I don't upset to many people or get banned but the situation is more complex than most realise. I'm not saying the Trump movement was necessarily bad, I don't even think Trump was necessarily a bad man. I think he quickly realised he was in over his head and those he was allied with were snakes who kept him alive for their own purpose.
His wider failings to use street politics and a "mass movement" to combat his enemies (something like Boris Yeltsin might have done) and to cross the Rubicon and use force of arms against his enemies are probably rooted in the fact he is a boomer. Boomers have been conditioned since birth to believe in a wholly false set of beliefs about how power works and to value the material gains they won as a result of post war prosperity above the more important things - the intangible benefits of living in a homogeneous, high trust, high IQ society. Stuff you cannot put a dollar value on until it is gone.
There is some evidence that these false notions based on the WW2 founding myth and created by the social engineers since are breaking down. Boomers allegiance to the system was based in large part on their material "buy in" to it, they will all be dead within the next 15 years. The oldest millennial's are approaching 40 and probably have nothing to show for their lives in a country where the house your office worker parents purchased for $150,000 in 1984 is now worth over a million dollars and zoomers are even more screwed. There was a leaked recording of a call Greenblat at the ADL was on the other week decrying how zoomers won't die for the Zionist entity of Israel. Seemingly missing that most zoomers have no buy in to society and most are not even white or have any understanding of the predominantly WASP - puritan culture boomers brought into. Meanwhile TikTok and other big tech companies engaged in a panicked censorship program when huge numbers of young people began reading OBL's "Letter to America" supposedly explaining the 9/11 attacks.
I find it highly unlikely that OBL had any role in 9/11 but the fact that such a "founding myth" of the last 20 years of policy that people like me grew up in indicates a total collapse of narrative control by the regime.
This is probably why since 2020 the globalists have engaged in a world wide coordinated assault on the population to bring in a new control grid with digital ID and CBDC controlled by AI with a social credit score and new technologies like "pre-crime detection" and total narrative control to control the population. The reason Musk purchased Twitter probably was less to do with free speech and more about training his AI on all the material and data people are feeding it. To have these AI weapons for the conflict that is coming and while he may be no friend of the "woke" after they transed his daughter it certainly doesn't mean he is any great ally of ours. There is a secret and powerful cabal within the US MIC, national security state and big tech working on these AI weapons and control grids and god help us with what the result will be.
I don't think the deep state is a single entity and I think Trump had an alliance with some elements of the deep state - he was always quite cosy with the Zionists. I don't think its a coincidence MBS rose to power in KSA during his admin who was cosy with the Zionist entity of Israel. I also got the feeling Trump was cosy with certain interests in the Pentagon even if many of the generals didn't like him. It explains why Fauci kept his job and why a crook like Bill Barr was his attorney general.
Its the oldest tale in the book. Compromising with evil believing you can control it. Nixon tried the same thing. You remember that leaked audio of Nixon saying "I've kept the secrets, terrible secrets". He knew full well he was head of a government which murdered JFK, got Agnew sacked over a BS corruption charge and then threw him out on his arse.
Trump doesn't have the balls to release the JFK files because it would bring down the whole rotting edifice including people he is allied with as well as his property portfolio and the Zionist financial entities who bankrolled him for decades.
You cannot reform a system so corrupt - only conquest by external barbarians can do it. How long do you think the feds can control urban "scholars" in Baltimore, Philly and other urban ghettos from sacking D.C?
I won't call it a victory until the ADL and SPLC are destroyed the same way. Media matters is just a pawn. The elites are throwing the goyim a low value chess piece. I would argue that they might have the value of "rooks" or "knights" on the political chessboard. They are a key interface between government and social media and advertisers and banks to coordinate blacklisting and demonetisation and censorship. Taking down one of those might well deal the globalists an actual reverse for a few years like the Canadian truckers or somewhat freer speech on Twatter has.
There is also a fair few moves the cabal are going to make in 2024 that have nothing to do with the election. Some time before 2025 there is going to be a massive cyber attack on the financial system which will be used as a cover for the fact it is insolvent. Then just like with the scamdemic there will be a world wide move to institute CBDC and they will bring in a digital ID needed to access the internet at the ISP level under "national security" grounds in the space of a few weeks - apparently the UN and interpol are planning to grab new powers to criminally prosecute or sanction those who spread "misinformation" online. Apparently the policy documents have already been written which is why your are hearing neocon clowns like "Nimrata" Haley talk about ending all anonymity on the internet and probably why the FCC just seized control of the internet at the ISP level.
I also doubt a change in administration will make much difference to the plans the MIC and big tech are conducting to bring in new AI tools to control the global population.
I've come to the conclusion the election is just a clown show. Trump never lifted a finger to protect people from lockdowns, never fired Fauci. Tweeted law & order when the cities were burning. Never did squat while they stole the election. Never crossed the Rubicon even though enough people would have joined him.
Then we have the Biden clown show. Remember the weird video they put out of Biden getting a booster in a weird sound stage sat in a kiddies chair? Now the picture of him holding on to the table with his birthday cake on fire? They are telling you the whole thing is fake. It keeps people distracted.
A brutal assault of the temple of democracy! This is worse than Pearl Harbour!
Actually it should be said that the IT sector has changed a lot in the last decade or so since all the Indian outsourcing came in. Not just in the US but the same thing has happened in a lot of countries. The culture became a lot more toxic and the back stabbing and the nepotism went off the scale because many of these Indian workers they have shipped in are incompetent and cover it up by causing extreme disruption in the work environment.
My mother lost her last job to outsourcing and the last few years of it were utter hell as the Indians came in, made a dogs dinner of everything and then proceeded to blame every one else but themselves so work became mostly about arse covering and deflecting unfounded allegations.
Most men cannot afford to provide a home to a woman. When my grandfather got married he was a draftsman working in a project office on a big construction project. He was able to afford a ring, a wedding and to buy a home for about 2.1X his income. It was a nice semi detached house in a cul-de-sac with 3 bedrooms and a driveway. He and my grandma lived there for 50 years. This was in 1955 - there was still the last auspices of war time rationing in my country that year. I believe Bananas and certain tropical fruits and nuts were very hard to come by.
I live in a 2Mx5M tool shed I rent from a crooked Indian guy for cash. I had to do some work on it to make it habitable. Its cheaper than a room in a house share and nicer than living in my car. I drive a 17 year old car I just had to put a used engine in because the original blew up and I would be screwed if I didn't do all my own work and a good scrapyard to help me out.
I couldn't even afford a ring even if I did have a woman let alone any of the other stuff. I'm just on my own waiting until the globalists finally decide to kill us all or the race war comes.
What is insane to me is that I manage, I even manage to save something some months and I haven't gone hungry or cold. I have no idea how the normies are surviving except by loading up their credit cards.
Not surprised at all. Certainly one thing I would recommend if you believe you may fall foul of the government is switch to Linux, it probably won't stop them if they are determined enough but it could slow them down. The way proprietary operating systems work is essentially Apple or Microsoft always are a back door super user into your system where as on Linux if so inclined you can see everything that runs on your system as its all open source and in theory any super user actions need your password and permission. My guess is the tools they have available are less sophisticated for Linux systems just because its such a small percentage of desktop users.
Of course there is relatively little you can do about your smartphone because ultimately whatever OS it runs the phone itself runs on the baseband and Apple and Google are full of back doors on top of that.
If you want to do something in secret for god sake don't take your phone and don't say anything around it you wouldn't want the FBI to know unless the battery is out - then think how many phones can you take the battery out of these days...
Arabs used to have this concept of "the right of guests" - as an outsider you would always be protected and receive hospitality. Egypt actually isn't strictly an Arab country but they do have an aspect of those traditions.
Read Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E Lawrence or A Soldier with the Arabs by Lt. General Sir John Glubb about what it was like being a white man in Arabia before Israhell or early on in the disaster it has brought down on the middle east. Today? In some parts of Arabia you would be safe to very safe depending on your nationality. Some parts? You might not last long. Generally you would be safer as a Brit or an Australian than an American.
Also many Arabs will ask your faith - normally first asking if you are Muslim, no obviously. Second they will ask if you are Christian. Generally a good idea to say yes to this even if you are an agnostic or atheist because if you say no they might assume you are Jewish which in some places would be bad.
During the great war the British had a concept for setting up a single Arab dominion or confederation across the middle east likely ruled by king Faisal or Abdullah and protected by an Arab army with British officers and NCO's. The Balfour declaration and Sykes-Picot destroyed all that currency. There are parts of the middle east like Jordan or Oman that have prospered under wise leadership.
Jesus wept - just the logic of the way government operates is wholly perverse.
You know this explains a few things - here in England the water companies, government and the media are always itching to declare a drought in the summer. We weren't even 4 weeks into summer 2023 and they were already announcing a hosepipe ban in the South of England and claiming the reservoirs were empty due to the "climate emergency". Now in actuality the water infrastructure especially in some regions of England is terrible and they don't even know how much of it they are losing to leaks. The population has also increased by 10 million in the last decade or so - most of it in the South of England yet at the same time they have spent the last 30 or 40 years removing reservoirs. Also if you look at the data it seems that rainfall has been on a very slight upwards trend over the last century or so.
Now as it turned out after we had a very warm and dry May and early June only for it to turn into a total washout which forced the lying media to run scare stories about it being hot in the Mediterranean in the summer and claim it was a "crisis" and just outright lie about what the temperature was - saying it was 10-12 degrees warmer than it actually was.
The weather just hasn't cooperated here to add to the hysteria about the "climate crisis". On the day the UN declared the era of "global boiling" had begun here in England it was bucketing down with rain. So this summer has been a bit of a bust for the lying media. Last year we had a very hot summer and it was pretty dry but despite attempts many boomers remember the summer of 1976 which was much drier. In many places there was no rain between mid march and mid September. The media however were mainly focused on "muh Ukraine" and "muh COVID" so were not best positioned to exploit it. Next year we are at the mercy of the weather as to how much success the globalists and the lying rat media will have in driving home these agendas. I will say this summer has been a bit of an L for them. At least here.
Trudeau and Freeland hang on by their finger nails.
The boomer truth regime - essentially the set of propaganda programming installed into people with WW2 as the "founding myth" does a number on peoples brains. They start to see "Nazis" everywhere and in everything. I find it very cringe.
The Nazis were a psychopathic gang who seized control of Germany with help from certain business interests, landowners and the German military. If it wasn't for the weakness and ineptitude of the European states - particularly France and Britain they would be a footnote in history.
The Nazi's had a particular set of beliefs and were a symptom of the German political system at that particular moment in history. The current cabal are a cancerous outgrowth of the global American empire and some of the worst elements of American society who gained their power at a particular moment of mania in American history. The only difference is they have vastly expanded their power over the last 80 years and have an international presence these days.
When you understand that the government is merely a criminal enterprise then everything that is going on makes sense. They'll tell you its a few bad apples but in fact the whole cart is rotten and you'll have to burn the whole thing down.
Do you remember that article back in 2018 that the BBC produced that declared with great authority that "Big man Tyrone is the leader of the neofascist kekistan movement"?
They have a "disinformation department" and on the first show they did they put out a bunch of totally false information about Carl Benjamin (Sargon).
You know I'm pretty blackpilled about everything but you can't deny as bad as things look the systems of regime control are teetering. Now I'm sure the regime have replacements planned but its not guaranteed they will be successful. The average age of most mainstream media viewers must be 70-something.
I think the Ukrainians might hold out another year or two partly because their leaders have been told they have to drag the war out until after the 2024 election and that if they satisfy their masters they get a life of comfort in Miami with their ill gotten gains. The war however will be hard to spin as going in their direction after their so called "offensive".
If Hollywood cannot end the strike in the next few months there won't be any content for next year. It will permanently damage them. People with actual talent will probably go to Indie films.
We're not winning but our enemies institutions of control are rotting.
Yes. Carbon fibre is a very strange material. It shreds when it fails.
In most European countries because of PR it often means that coalitions are needed to form a majority to pass legislation unlike FPTP systems like the UK or America have. So having 16 seats in your senate controlled by an upstart party who are against your agenda does throw quite a spanner in the works. Likewise if they took a similar proportion of seats in the lower house at the next general election it could really cause serious problems for anyone to form a coalition.
Nah. Linux is cool, the ones who humble brag are the ones who tell you they use Arch linux.
I find myself still going to it sometimes out of habit for certain normie tier things.
Mainstream Celtic nationalism is basically re-writing history to cast themselves as the poor victims (normally of the English) and engaging in anti-English agitation while at the same time selling their nations out to the 3rd world and the globalists.
In many cases this agitation worked well for extracting a lot of money out of treasury in Westminster while pissing it away on pet projects and siphoning it in to certain SNP pockets.
Scotland has a lot of islands off its western and northern coast and they depend on ferry services to connect them with the mainland and the SNP has funnelled money needed for new ferry's to their corrupt mates and no ferry's are forthcoming and now these islands have no ferry service because the old ones are at the end of their life and often break down. I saw this keep happening in 2019 to the service to the isle of Arran. The Scottish NHS despite getting more money per head than in England is also in a terrible state.
The SNP are kind of like the Scottish equivalent of the ANC in South Africa.
You know the Tory party is on the verge of tearing itself apart. While Boris is a rat and a servant of the cabal there are quite a lot of his people in the party who are very unhappy about how he was railroaded by the standards committee and threats are being made at them for complaining about how he was treated when others who did the same thing have been treated with kids gloves.
This isn't the worst development actually.
The Tories have been some of the most politically opportunistic blood sucking hacks in the 5000 year history of politics. I forget their names but these two Jewish political scientists wrote a paper saying that the best way to prevent a genuinely patriotic right wing party from seizing power in a country is an established conservative party. If the Tories cease to exist it might really cause the cabal a problem in continuing to control the British political system like they have.
Keir Starmer is a very faithful servant of the globalists and was anointed at Davos this January but his position is not exactly all that secure. He has had to purge many people from the party ranks to secure his position - most of Jeremy Corbyns allies have been purged but he has been forced to boot out many of his own MP's for various infractions. I don't know how long he will be able to keep his own party under control.
This kind of political instability in the UK is really unprecedented. We have had the same number of PM's since 2016 than we had between 1979 and 2016. The wheels are coming off. Really the only option the cabal have is to resort to ruling with direct force and criminalising people who won't believe their lies.
I remember being a punk kid around 2006-2007 and having a bit of a political awakening seeing Ron Paul campaigning for president in America. It was my first real introduction to Libertarianism and small government as ideas. I also remember I started watching Alex Jones (thinking he was kind of crazy) and learning just what a total shit show the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were like they had deliberately gone out of their way to make the situation worse. So that is also around the time I learned about the "false flag" as a concept - really the only previous example I knew of was the 1933 Reichstag fire. Then you look at history and see how many false flags there have been like the USS Maine, Gulf of Tonkin and then I realised 9/11 suddenly made sense.