operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

One thing I have noticed about America is your use of wooden construction. I know wood is a renewable resource in theory but I have to wonder at the lifespan of a lot of the new construction, here in the UK we mainly use brick/breeze block construction. I grew up in a Victorian house which was built in the 1870's. It had a lot of issues. As far as we could tell it hadn't had any major work done on it since before the second world war besides possibly having the slate roof replaced with concrete tiles in the late 1970's. My dad and me spent a decade refurbishing it. In theory I see no reason after our work it shouldn't last another 130 years. The only major work it might need is probably replacing its current concrete roof tiles - possibly some time around 2040. The current electrics and plumbing in it should last into the 2070's.

The other thing I would give brick construction over wooden is greater thermal mass, maybe not quite as warm but in hot weather much more temperature stable. Without air conditioning even in 30 degree weather the downstairs in my old house would be quite comfortable. Almost no one has air conditioning in Europe except for commercial buildings.

If I were looking to reduce emissions from building I would build everything to last out of high quality materials. Bricks may take more energy to manufacture and transport but a brick building will last hundreds of years if looked after and create a more temperature stable environment.

In the US you could probably save copper for your electrical installations by taking a leaf out of our regulations. We use 240V ring mains in most domestic situations. Sometimes you see radial circuits as "ad ons" after the fact. It was set up that way after the war to save copper because it was being rationed.

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah - whenever I hear "Get woke, go broke" I cringe.

In 2008 we shifted over from a rigged market to an outright managed economy. Prior to 2008 there was still a fair chance the government would let a company go bankrupt. I remember ENRON when I was a young man. Despite their close connections to the white house not even the Bush administration dared to bail them out or protect their executives from prosecution.

2008 changed everything.

We could debate until we're blue in the face about exactly when the last time there was a reasonably free market. Some might say 1913 with the federal reserve. Others might say the great war when the allies and central powers decided to pay for the war on credit which put a Rothschild boot on the throats of the worlds wealthiest nations. After the great war you have the rise of what James Burnham called the "managerial regime" - FDR, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin. Maybe the second world war and the creation of the permanent security state or maybe as late as 1971 when the gold window was closed.

Now I don't think it matters how bad things got, the large corporations, banks and investment firms would never be allowed to go under. It would get to a completely absurd situation you had in dark age and medieval Europe with the amount of tin pot monarchs who still laid claim to the title "emperor or Rome" even though the Romans had been gone for hundreds of years. Look at Zimbabwe - the country doesn't even have a currency. People use foreign currency and barter in biro pens, cigarettes and lighters when they lack change but at the end of the day ZANU PF still have the army and police to maintain their grip over key institutions and the handful of economic operations that can generate hard currency.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably a job at the censorship committee that google has or a job at the ADL or SPLC. She is probably a touch to cringe even for MSNBC.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

Manufacturing consensus. Knowing most people are sheep and will follow the herd even if its a fake herd. I know Cas Sunstein advocated for something along those lines but I don't know if he actually originated the idea or someone else in the PR industry did.

operation_eland 16 points ago +16 / -0

I came to this conclusion a few years ago that 90% of the internet was astroturfed. Not just by governments and intelligence agencies either. A lot of it is probably corporations and their PR firms promoting narratives about their products or putting down anyone criticising them.

For example on reddit if you criticised Monsanto or Lockheed Martin at any time of day weird shill accounts would show up and defend them at any hour of the day. Likewise going back to 2016 those weird accounts which would show up and post walls of text defending Hillary Clinton with articles from CNN and MSNBC. A combination of bot and shill accounts likely working for one of the big PR firms.

I also came to the conclusion that a lot of the fandoms do the same these days. Most of its bots and shills who do their PR saying whatever the latest turd the TV or gaming industry has produced is wonderful and the best while a lot of genuine people will complain its a giant turd and get thousands of downvotes and replys calling you racist or a trump supporter or far right. For example when the new star trek series came out I had this experience which is when I first realised something was "off".

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad I live in a rural area and near a market town. A lady has a market stall there specialising in high quality local cheese. It's worth the extra money I spend vs whats in the supermarket. Same with bacon, ham, sausages and cuts of meat. The butcher will either buy a few cattle from the local market or buy some stock from the local organic farms. Our main local farm has a healthy supply of slop including Barley mash from the local brewery to feed the pigs on.

I'm going to plant more vegetables this year now i think we've had the last frost. I'm also going to have a go at more canning in the autumn.

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

She is a grifter to some degree. She is quite intelligent and has quite a sharp wit in verbal encounters. I have seen her demolish people several times. We could have worse people as allies for now.

operation_eland 10 points ago +10 / -0

The miners strike in the UK in the 1980's - there were several large battles in mining towns in the North of England and South Wales between strikers and the police. Many of these battles had soldiers dressed up in police uniforms. In many cases no warrant number visible on the uniform. Numerous people I know claim to have seen room fulls of what were obviously soldiers in police uniforms waiting around in case there was trouble on a picket line.

I would actually suspect many of the goons policing the protests in Ottawa are either Americans or maybe even Latin Americans working for one of these large PMC's. I'm sure I saw something about PMC's being used during hurricane Katrina and the aftermath in New Orleans.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well there has been some evidence that the jabby jab everyone has taken the last year or so causes immune system dysfunction in T-cells. What if the supposedly new strain everyone is talking about isn't actually more virulent. What if its the same as the other strains but people are more susceptible now due to dysfunctional immune systems? Or HIV is being blamed for them developing AIDS faster when in fact the jab might have done the damage?

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I have heard - the RNA itself is incredibly fragile. That is why its encased in nano lipid particles - to give it a little endurance inside the body to deliver its "payload" and that it degrades quite quickly outside of certain controlled conditions.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

My nearest town out where I live in the sticks has a market 2 days a week. I went to the market the week before Christmas to get my festive meat from the butcher and my cheese and fruit & veg and it was sad - I'd guess just under half of people were wearing masks outside. I'll be going to market next week and it'll be interesting to see what the outdoor mask wearing rate is.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not sure if I'm imagining it but at Tesco the other day it was fairly quiet but I think it was probably like a third of people without masks. Non compliance definitely seemed up on before Christmas.

I'm in the midlands - might be even higher up in parts of the north of England. This non compliance was reportedly in Lancashire (the north west). It's pretty much a shit hole up there.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see I'm not the only one who keeps a few rounds of antibiotics stashed!

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here in the UK the rapid acting tests you either order online or get from a local pharmacy and do it at home and then record the result through the NHS app if you need it for something. Only since they ramped up the fear mongering from Omicron a lot of the sheeple went out and cleared out the tests so now there is a severe shortage of them. My dad is naturally immune and is on his 3rd vaccine and he still insists on taking a test every day.

The hospitals here are pretty rammed at the moment because most of the doctors surgeries are refusing to see patients or are seeing them at extremely reduced rates so many people are just turning up at Accident & Emergency because they couldn't access treatment through their GP. I think a lot of the GP's are happy for this to continue because they have life a lot easier now than before.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I'm getting ready mate - already living off the radar and growing my own food. Between what I grow and have stashed I think I could last through the coming holodomor.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

They're going to starve most of you to death - you ever heard of the holodomor? You have guns but how many chickens do you have, how many potatoes or carrots can you grow. How many fruit trees do you have?

by gamepwn
operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yet most of them are to ignorant or inbred to actually sit down and do some calculations on the back of a fat packet and realise that at the rate money is losing its value they're all fucked.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

The office lunch was cancelled for the second year running where I work due to Omicron. I don't know what is going to happen honestly - if I'll ever have a job this time next year. I don't care anymore. Me and a few guys off my shift did have a clandestine Christmas lunch with some takeaway, some cheese and crackers, samosas and I brought some beer. Most of our management a few of them triple vaxxed came down with it and we have been basically left to our own devices the last 6 days. hahaha.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nigerian ancestry. Born in the UK. Grew up in Saudi Arabia. I think he is an Oxford grad and as others have said he is also a rapper. He is quite level headed actually.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point most media is just the propaganda arm of various wealthy billionaires.

NBC will never be allowed to go under, some twat with deep pockets who benefitted from the record wealth transfers of the last 2 years will buy them in order to promote and lend legitimacy to his agenda. Like Bezos with the Washington post.

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