patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Putin has good writers, and I'm liking it.

I wonder what he did with facial expression on that one.

patriot68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now I see... the waist belongs a foot below the boobs. She's wearing it like an old man with his pants hiked up way too high.

patriot68 4 points ago +4 / -0

...and since they're caught more often it MUST be that we're being unfair about it.

It's totally logical. For any given crime you'll have 3 white persons, and exactly the same number of blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Listen to the science.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds like a win for me. If I wanted a healthier chicken sandwich in Canada, I'd go to KFC if something better wasn't available.

patriot68 14 points ago +14 / -0

Anthony Johnson dodged a lifetime of hard slavery when the slave ship he was being trafficked on couldn't make it to the sugar plantations in the Caribbean and had to land in the English Colonies at Virginia. It was a huge stroke of luck, as the English had an aversion to outright owning humans, and preferred the system of indentured servitude, where the would-be slave was recognized as a free man after 7 years of repaying the man who bought him from the slave traders. In some jurisdictions it was 4 years. He was then given his freedom dues, which included farming clothes, farming tools, a mule, firearm and ammo, a FARM, a farm house, and his first year of corn seed. He was a freed man, and had the same chance of becoming wealthy as any white colonist.

In 1655 Anthony Johnson, having played his cards right was one of the wealthiest men in Virginia, with a huge farm and four servants, three Irish and one African. The black man, John Casor, had served his time and demanded his freedom dues. This didn't settle right with Johnson, who preferred the centuries-old African tradition of once a slave, always a slave. Casor had left and gone across town to work for a white man for fair payment. Johnson had him arrested and brought the matter to court.

Johnson and the judge may have known each other, due to Johnson's great wealth. The matter was decided: John Casor would be the first black man in America to remain a slave for life.

Soon this abomination would spread to other states, and the freed slave Anthony Johnson from Angola succeeded in bringing lifetime slavery to the English Colonies in 1655.

Anthony Johnson and his kind owe ME reparations for fucking up my country beyond recognition.

elwiptx may be speaking from knowledge of these events, when a black man could arrive on a slave ship and eventually become wealthy.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a good observation that Carson is an excellent choice, except for this election. Should Trump not be able to serve his full turn, the VP becomes the person who has to fight Lucifer and succeed. Is that Carson?

patriot68 9 points ago +9 / -0

Banning children's books, forbidding the child from knowing and interacting with its biological father, banning elite private schooling in favor of the disasterous public school system. They need to dumb down every child to the lowest common denominator. That makes them equal and Marx is pleased.

Apply that to the street fentanyl problem. They can't think of solutions except that every last person now has to be made horribly addicted to fentanyl, to make everyone equal. Brilliant.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

The extension of the "everything is free" mentality will result in hordes of people going onto farms to just take what they want.

patriot68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cool tune, sounds great. Has a sort of Tom Petty feel to it.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Equating blockchain with the trickery that is Dominion and Smartmatic will not lead you to the answer.

Okay, who has successfully hacked the direct blockchain to "flip votes" from one address to another? I'll wait right here to learn your answer.

For that matter, why isn't it a trivial matter to "flip votes" from one banking account to another? That system cannot be more secure than online voting by Dominion, can it? Dominion is the most solid and trustworthy accounting system on the planet, just ask the CEO. /s

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is the intrinsic value of email? It does something useful. If space aliens came and took our email from us, how much ransom would we pay to get it back? But it doesn't have any muy intrinsic value.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dr. Carson looks to be a good and exceptional man, and as far as I know, he's authentically black. Which would be a first.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was surprised to hear her rapping about her brown hole and her pink hole. You can count on her to have excellent political discernment.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I listened carefully, at different speeds, to the gunshots heard in these recordings. In many places you can hear multiple types of automatic fire simultaneously.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was fortunate to enjoy shaking his hand and engaging in a 10 minute private conversation with David Duke. About Joos of course. I was trying to make the point that why tell people that all Joos are bad if they don't understand the many points in this thread. People would waste their time attacking the kosher grocery. Duke's response: It doesn't matter, they're all the same. Hmm.

patriot68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Conveniently, ancestry tests are now BANNED IN ISRAEL after Johns Hopkins found out their little secret.

patriot68 4 points ago +4 / -0

And that tribe has a ceremonial cloth that Pelosi and friends draped over their necks for that hideous kneeling photo. Commemorating the original slave traders. Morons.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you! I've told this story many times and I'm getting tired of typing it. It took a black man, himself a freed and wealthy former slave, to bring the African tradition of lifetime slavery to the English Colonies.

See: Anthony Johnson 1655

patriot68 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's kind of as if the Ferengi owned the Earth, isn't it?

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