The democrat party committed suicide last year, the party is a zombie political party. the only group not to understand this is the rank-and-file democrats who have not left the party, the leadership is aware that its bad.
@Pcpoet.....I am not on the list and was a member....its good to see a partial list of friends and idiots. I say idiots because some of those on the list were trolls that would show up to make things interesting...Voat taught me to listen to what everyone had to say about an issue and to not write anyone off because there was a fundamental difference in world view. never would have learned that on Redditt. Voat is responsible for me never posting on Redditt.
I would also say that the neon was not good for the board and his posts were meant to fool the gullible into making fools of them self to help with the narrative that anyone fallowing Q was crazy. I suggest for good analysis, Praying Medic, Amazing Polly, Tracy Beanz. iAny anon starts who making the analysis about themselves or conflates research with their own research I see as a problem. With Q post analysis you must be warry because It is verry easy to bring your own baggage and preconceptions to looking at Q posts and while I don't see this as a larp. I believe for neon revolt it's about ego and he fits the narrative of this all being a larp....
suggest people go back and watch the first season of all in the family. listen to all archies concerns and then look at what has HAPPEND THE LAST 45 YEARS. You will notice that most of the fears mentioned were never addressed and that archie was told that he should be ashamed of having the concern. today those concerns have gone to logical conclusions and the ones that he was told to be ashamed for voicing have become real problems.
I don't know if Putin is a good person or bad. what I do know is that propaganda is a verry effective tool and when done right the person who is targeted has no idea that their opinion is inaccurate....I and most of us on here are so far down on the political food chain we have no idea how much of what we belive is propaganda. my personnel belief is that Putin is a world leader trying to do right by his country. I refuse the belief that he is a comic book Vilan best compared to Hitler. this does not mean he is incapable of some vile and evil acts. he was KGB before he took over. what he thinks as good thing to do for his country runs counter to USA concerns and is a partial reason for the conflict.... My belief is that biological weapons with a targeted genetic code is the main reason for what's happening in the Ukraine. but I reserve the right to be wrong in my assessment.
it sucks having an opinion on this that enrages friends and family... I can take the weird looks when someone finds out I monitor all the Q stuff. The fact that I think that Russia might have valid reasons for what they are doing is a verry unpopular opinion and one I hesitate even voicing because if I voice it other conservatives react to Russia and Putin like liberals that have trump derangement syndrome.
I don't think the CCP could successfully take Tiawan. They do not have the forces that they can use to successfully project force... best everyone look at the trouble Great Britan had with invading the Falkland Islands they lost and had damaged some Major war ships that was caused by cheap handheld weapons. The problem for the CCP is that technologically Tiawan has all the tools to cheaply take out what ever navy comes close. The CCP would of taken out Tiawan years ago if was not an island.
I think at the verry least a 21-years citizenship with strict laws about having to live in the United States should be required before anyone is allowed to run for any voted-on position in the United States. I would also outlaw dual citizenship for anyone under 21 years of age with those over eighteen having to choose which country they are a citizen of during that three-year period after turning eighteen.
How old are you? go back 25 years and it was a lot different. go back 35 years and CNN was a news loop about what was happening with verry little commentary. This was verry boring. Eventually after Ted Turner sold it in the 1990s. Thats when it started to go downhill. Thats when political operative started to insert news analysis and ruined it.... The channel has been shit for a long time and if you are under 40 years in age you have no clue what CNN was originally
the only thing keeping Putin from taking him out years ago was the political ramifications of doing it....I think that there is not much protecting Soros from Putin anymore.