platinumbubble 8 points ago +8 / -0

He is super smart and knows if he goes all out for a ban now, it will open up another attack vector for the media and scare off weak Dem supporters who are more centrist who might vote for him, but will be easily put-off by reports of a 'fascist' pro-life stance. At this stage, the most important thing is quantity of votes, 45 needs/wants the biggest swing possible. 45 is all for the children, it's a huge motivator for him. He knows an innocent child at 14 weeks is just as human and important as a 17 week old pre-born baby. The shift towards a pro-life world has to be managed carefully as we are in such a mess. I think he feels the church and pro-life groups have not done anything much to further their cause since he installed the pro-life justices. There has been little effective 'marketing' of the cause to sway people, garner wider support. I think the kind of people that are pro-life activists are not good at organizing the agenda, unlike the Dems who as we know are very clever at marketing their agenda. So it has all relied on 45 and continues to do so. I have little respect for Christians who could barely tolerate 45 in the first place and waiver now so easily. Are these the same Christians who wore masks, stopped sung worship and supported the easy closure of churches often to become vaxxine centres? Conservatives who desert him now over this are fickle fair-weather friends with little understanding or wisdom. If they attack him over this, they show no clue as to what he has gone through to achieve this astonishing feat. I always used to believe we got the government we deserve. That changed with 45/17 as we still don't really deserve their victory. But it's not about us, it's about the vulnerable and the children, it's about doing the right thing for the dominated proxy nations and securing a future for the generations to come. Q said we needed to learn their comms. We are all still learning that. I'm not sure we have really shifted far from base camp on that task yet.

platinumbubble 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dana Perino never seemed to like President Trump in 2016. She used to often look irritated when talking bout him. She is married to an English man.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the UK, it's near impossible to apply to live in America. We have friends who have done it via work (executive board level or pastorate) and some through marriage and also extended family who did it long ago. But for us as a stand alone family unit there does not seem to be a viable route. People from other countries have routes open to them through national agreements between govts and one wonders what deals were done to get such agreements in place. The deep state seems to have it's fingers all over immigration at every level as ordinary people do not really have freedom of movement like elites, illegal immigrants and selected nationalities do.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a good meme for normies. But the truth is that when they say climate change, they mean Trump. And as nuclear weapons are fake, they are actually telling the truth from their POV.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's true, but he is inflammatory and spins his own fakegoodness. Feels like he is basically creating a platform for asking someone to do what Tucker expressed concern about. I wonder how many more of his agency team mates will start to make these kinds of victimy claims. Prayers for 45 and all whitehats on the frontline.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

'He gets his Aslan moment'? :-/ He already is an Aslan type figure from all he has gone through. He is not looking for an Aslan moment!

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Operation warpspeed is more than the jabs, but in regard to just the arm juice, if we hadn't had them created and ready to go before 45 left the White House, we would prob still be under lockdowns. Think on that! Gates himself said it would take years to get the jabs. They were preparing for full scale tyranny much sooner. The jabs meant they had to left the mandates.

platinumbubble 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think Soros replaced the Rockefellers who do not seem so much in view now. This substack goes into a bit of detail on that idea. https://patriotsinprogress.substack.com/p/all-q-drops-part-58-rothschild-rockefeller

This links it into the election steal: https://freebeacon.com/politics/soros-director-moves-rockefeller-entity-push-automatic-voter-registration/

In addition Q194/195 (196 shows the Y heads linked below) ask questions linked to it and brings in the covering in gold.

platinumbubble 7 points ago +7 / -0

I pray for your mom to have supernatural strength for her recovery, that she will walk well very soon.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

The boys image on the right was used in a story about a girl dying. The boy named on the left has two different child images posted here (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/208590979/ismail-mohamed-abdulwahab/photo) They may be fake stories but this one wasn't rehashed as suggested, unless you have original/wayback links. The middle story is the only one that I could find online.

platinumbubble 7 points ago +7 / -0

It doesn't matter whether we like him or not. If he comes through the GA, he will be a good man. If he falls away, he is bad. Trump will show us RFK's heart by how he promotes him or not.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's coms, when they talk about climate change they mean us, what they label 'populism', deplorables, truthism, whatever you want to call this movement. Trump is the climate change.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure looks like it but she's unlikely to be their only prospect. A lot can go wrong, they need a few...

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does anyone have the video where 45 is speaking in front of large flags (from a few years back). He talks about being an insider and he knows how good it is for [them].

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anons are anons. Patriots are patriots. Whitehats are whitehats. There may be some overlap, but in the main we understand the categories. Let's not blur things too much at this stage.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you just made Mathletic's point.

platinumbubble 12 points ago +12 / -0

45 said he helped Elon. Was he released from something? Was he groomed for his position as slightly mad, maverick tech genius? Was he freed? Is he now working with the whitehats. If he is, he's not going to suddenly shed every idea he thought was good is he? Is he on a journey towards goodness? He is a military contractor and will have been vetted to a high level.

platinumbubble 0 points ago +1 / -1

You need to find a relaxing place and pray. Ask the Lord Jesus to reveal himself to you. Read the bible. Find other genuine Christians to pray with you. Maybe do a detox. Eat well, sleep well. Peace to you.

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