When I see the term anti semitism I already know the post is fake and gay.
Hitler attacked first cause he knew Stalin would attack and the Germans had to be on the offensive for a chance to win.
Doesn’t mean shit. He probably got attacked by the cabal like Trump, Kavanaugh, Russell Brand etc.
Which is why I get so annoyed about the whole “we have to show them” angle. I get it to a degree but so many people are too damn dumb.
They are the biggest donors to a lot of the GOP. I don’t like it
LA is the biggest shit hole in America
Does this guy provide the sauce for all of this?
People cannot grasp how bad election fraud is on the west coast.
Everyone is the western US hates Californians and California
I might have to finally make an account
What I have found in this journey is people generally don’t give a shit about things that don’t affect them personally or affect the area they live in.
Out here in the PNW nobody gives two fucks about the LA fires, hurricanes, drones etc. because it doesn’t affect them.
Yup. I see so much lazy shit stickied
Yeah this shouldn’t be stickied
I don’t believe in absolutes and think that anyone who questions is a doomer, shill or whatever names you want to call them. We were told to question everything.
I think Trump is either the real deal or the best controlled opposition ever created. I think he is the real deal but it will be put up or shut up this time.
I am suspect of the AIPAC money and will be more suspect if the Epstein and Diddy lists aren’t released this year.
But the H1-B thing is alarming. If “America first” means full libertarian we must be the #1 economy at all costs then count me out. I want white replacement exposed for all Western Civilization to see. To me “America First” means our citizens, culture and way of life first.
A lot of people on this site do the same thing the woke left does when someone questions or criticizes something. And you are doing it right now basically telling this guy he was never a true follower or believer. You sound literally no different than a woketard. You might well say “DIE UNBELIEVER!”.
At this point just let it play out. We’ve been through a lot and some people just need that confirmation with their own eyes. Can you blame them after all these years?
Yup it’s all a fantasy to them. They want what they “can’t have”. Kinda like women who go after married men cause of the thrill and taboo of something they “can’t have”.
Cause they are all narcissists
Unfortunately they conquered it they get to do what they want. We need to conquer it back.
How is Istanbul? Huge history nerd and have always wanted to go.
I think he either got replaced or got a hell of a deal. Also maybe the MMA training has changed him. Who knows.
Fuckin normies man. These retards are the main reason we are in this situation.
These people legitimately think the world will end if we stop paying taxes.
Honestly this is grounds for someone to pull a Luigi
Can’t wait for the pro immigrant tards on this page to try to spin this
Where do you live?
It’s hard to when you are ground zero for an issue.
I just got done at the Fred Meyer in Redmond, Washington the home of Microsoft. I would guess about 40-50% of the people in the store were East Indian foreigners.
Good for you. But for people like me and others on here who live in these type of places or are in the tech world this is a “line in the sand” issue. Then we’re told it’s not that big of a deal or we’re shills driving a wedge or whatever.
This. Kill the arsonists and burn them. The police are fucking useless.