Can't say the same for Los Angeles, east (Baltimore City, Maryland) where we have had several murders in the last couple of days. Our politicians will never, ever, learn-not unless they are punished for their wrong-doings.
He is a whirlwind when he gets started. I had no idea Davos was on his agenda, just found out reading this site. Okay, just listened to the first part, this is from 2020. Also saw that he may be addressing them real time/video chat NOW. So he didn't go there, but did show up on a video chat!
I am hoping Maryland's "governor, Wes Moore, (who already said he won't interfere) will and is thrown in jail. Although he isn't a bright bulb, he isn't stupid enough to go against Trump on this. Maybe the Mayor of Baltimore City, Brandon Scott, will be the dumb one.
The time to keep everybody safe was before the fires started. Now, what is she talking about-"keeping everybody safe?"