He was a good president, fell for make these illegals legal and then we will cave on some other issue he wanted, well we know the Dems/Commies and they never lived up to their promise. So they can not be believed! EVER.
But Biden/Harris are doing what their design states-ignore American's and America's issues/problems and do nothing to help them-give illegals all the help you can, seems to be their ideology and agenda. We need to vote them out and get a real leader--DJT!! He, DJT, is showing America what he would, and is doing now, as our next president. And like is said here he is probably still CIC! If not he is certainly acting the part.
That is one of the things they (the dock workers on strike) are fighting-trying to lessen the robotic automation that the docks can bring in-but like you said-this kind of strike could very well backfire and more automation will come from it.
Wasn't it Ronald Reagan who fired the air traffic controllers when they went on strike. I know Biden/Harris would never think about that but it would make the people on strike think about their job. But if they didn't get a vaccine, Biden/Harris would be all over firing them.
It is a terrible design, but they are all about their ideologies and furthering their agenda. We can see it very clearly now, but some in our country will still vote for this idiocy. And that may be several million, but by comparison it is a very small percentage of people.
If they/we have to wait for that to happen, it will be too late. These people in control of our government do not have any care for Americans or America; we have all seen it and it is getting pretty clear now that they are after their own agendas and ideologies. This is what "waking up" is all about and Congress is the worst of the worst, they won't budge until they are forced to and as far as I can see no one is forcing them (at least not yet).
Isn't that nice. It probably belonged to Hunter or Joe Biden, one or the other, it really doesn't make any difference to me-they are both guilty and should be punished severely for their crimes-it may be Jill's (you know the doctor) but then that would really be funny, to me. Great find, thanks.
Of course, the two ideologists are nowhere to be found when a state needs help. These two, Biden/Harris, couldn't run a faucet if they had the instructions in front of them. They are not idiots, they just want to destroy our country and left to their own--they will and they will be successful.
Vote EARLY, and make sure your vote counts FOR TRUMP!
Yes, mostly I forgot about them-and I figured it was an order from their superiors and they were just obeying-like all the COVID 19 dumb officers-telling people they need to wear masks. Any illegal order does not have to be obeyed.
I can agree, but I just hate to see Newsmax put an article like this on their website. But if they report news, as news instead of spinning everything (like the MSM) then articles like this will be reported. I also hope it is not correct-as the people should be rejecting Harris/Walz as quickly as they can.
To me the people that will/want to vote for Harris and Walz really want to destroy America and don't love or want freedom. I hope this is not a prelude to what is going to happen when election day gets here. We, conservatives and Trump fans, need to vote early and often if this is going to be the case. I know the Dems/Commies are not stupid, but their ideas are so absurd, how can anyone think they have a knowledge base to run our country? This is a scary type of poll, it may not matter in the long run, but I keep hearing how we are the majority-but this article makes it seem like we may be trying to come from behind-which is never good. I hope Trump has a great plan and this is just a small blip and means nothing.
The police were "set up" for the George Floyd incident-after the fact (probably). I don't think Floyd wanted to die to start the people being against the police, but once he did the political part of this diabolical machine saw to it that the police were blamed and all the focus was on them instead of the actual bad person-George Floyd!
This would be horrible if they were to actually complete their mission. I surely hope Trump has some people on board-in high agencies (that aren't against him)-helping him with this threat. It is probably real and being acted on, at least parts of it, as we dialogue here. Thanks for finding this from Lara Logan!
Oprah must not have prepared Harris enough for the interview. Harris has no answers, just the Communist manifesto and her upbringing. She wants everyone to "feel" good-we won't be good, but it is all about her agenda and ideology!
I don't know if Camela was there or not, hopefully not. But we are not like the Communist-we have empathy and feelings. That is probably why they were allowed to get this far in America, because they know we care-such a shame. People say Trump is bad for his wording and what he calls people, but the Communists are evil, very evil, people!
Every large government organization seems to be full of Commies and against the United States, it is a difficult (and they know it) combination to overcome and beat back. We must defeat this onslaught of Communism from these intelligent, weird, communist wanting, people!
And, of course, Obama's was a sham-Ivermectin was a real one, for being valuable!