I believe, and hope, their days are numbered. They sleep well because they have no soul or conscience and they don't care about anything but themselves. As for knowing their days are numbered, they may not--look how long they have gotten away with what they are doing. Sad, but we can hope for the justice system to finally get them and maybe give them what they deserve.
I like horses, and I realize they take a lot of effort (I have never had one, but have known people that have). I was just offering alternatives from the past to cut down on gas prices. I don't know what the cost of feeding a horse would be, but I do know they eat every day, ridden or not! I agree with your comment on cars that require our attention--too much can go wrong with "computer" cars (as I call them).
We should go back to horses, they seemed to be more reliable and less to mess with moneywise. Of course the commies could think of things, like saddles, harnesses, feed, buggies or wagons, you name it, they could charge outrages prices for it. So I might just be wrong.
Remember, it is not free stuff. It is paid for by each and everyone of US in America. So the debt is why it is and why it is better for some to sit home and really do much of nothing. This kind of thing has to END (stating the obvious, I'm sorry).
The commies, I guess, don't believe a fetus is a child and never, ever will. We will not change the true communist's mindset but the people who aren't yet turned to communism via brainwashing--we might and should have a chance to have them see the light--HOPEFULLY!!
magavoices, I like your reasoning better than most I have read to date about Q. We already know, it had to be this way to wake a lot of sleeping people up. Q should stay anonymous and out of the picture--if it is not AI. We can wait years for 2 more weeks, as long as we know something BIG is going to happen😁 But, seriously, if there is a plan and it is going to be put into action--I hope it is sooner rather than later. Or we will have to have a war between the (maybe) states or at least patriots v commies. I don't want the war, but if it comes to that I will do my part.
This is all strange to me, but I have heard stranger things and they have been verified later on. In this case I will wait to find out who Q really is--I'm not taking a guess, but appreciate the others who are guessing. Good luck to someone who actually guesses Q's true identity.
Didn't know that, thanks.