propertyofUniverse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought that Hitler tried his hardest not to fight England.

propertyofUniverse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the body may remodel and clear microclots. Not sure though.

it would help if people took natto and bromelain.

propertyofUniverse 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think I know one of the mechanisms for these cardiac suddenlies.

The vax damages the myocardium, the heart muscle, and silently and leaves scarred lesions which the person doesn't know about.

The normal heart has consistent myocardium and the heart beat rhythm propagates through it in a smooth front, but if the myocardium is scarred in lesions by the vax, the electrical propagation will be slowed in some regions and the propagation front will be disrupted.

I think this can lead to interference with another heartbeat and lead straight to arrythmia where the contraction is completely disordered and only recoverable with defibrillation.

Basically, the vaxxed and scarred heart can go into a fatal spasm unpredictably at any time under stress for ,quite possibly, the whole of that vaxxed person's life, and they would never know they had this weakness.

This explains why in some cases, only defib saves the patient. if it does at all. CPR just doesn't cut it with this condition. Not that one shouldn't try.

That's what I have gathered anyway.

I suppose this condition will only get worse through life with wear and tear on the heart so I am expecting people to be more likely to get a suddenly as they get older, so we'll have years of this, even with no new boosters. That's my fear.

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that he is a burnable media asset.

He has a great track record, now the cabal asks for the big favour which will end his career.

propertyofUniverse 3 points ago +4 / -1

Kek, you're shorting Trumps's stock?

Bold move fren!

propertyofUniverse 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hold some and I'm not considering selling.

propertyofUniverse 3 points ago +3 / -0

One thing that strikes me is this woman's accent.

Why does she seem to have an African accent instead of an accent from San Francisco?

I would have expected her to have an American Accent if she had grown up in SF since at least the age of 13.

propertyofUniverse 16 points ago +16 / -0

I think if you are here on this site then you probably believe Trump's signature stock is a good investment in the long term.

propertyofUniverse 3 points ago +3 / -0

He kind of says this early on. He says that his job is to find a way to explain stuff well which comes to him from other anons.

propertyofUniverse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think like you do and I'm keeping my old car running.

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

How intriguing.

In real life, the remote viewing subject has TDS.

But when Donald Trump is her blind subject she finds has has intelligent and good energy, but she struggles to reconcile this with her TDS when she is told who her subject was.

When Biden is her blind subject, she is very repulsed by him, but not by kamala. I find this curious, because I believe Biden to be a white hat actor, and not the original evil and repulsive Biden.

Anyway, all curious.

The remote viewer seems to say that Kamala is disappointed in Jan 2025 and Trump is anxious but not disappointed.

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