propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

A conference in the UK this week will outline new developments in a project to look for ‘technosignatures’ of other advanced species

But the hunt for alien civilisations may be entering a new era, researchers believe. Scientists with Breakthrough Listen, the world’s largest scientific research programme dedicated to finding alien civilisations, say a host of technological developments are about to transform the search for intelligent life in the cosmos.

These innovations will be outlined at the group’s annual conference, which is to be held in the UK for the first time, in Oxford, this week. Several hundred scientists, from astronomers to zoologists, are expected to attend.

Astronomer Steve Croft, a project scientist with Breakthrough Listen, said: “There are amazing technologies that are under development, such as the construction of huge new telescopes in Chile, Africa and Australia, as well as developments in AI. They are going to transform how we look for alien civilisations.”

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

My wife mentioned this article to me, and I note that the timing coincides with Clif High's predictions on a sky event coming up around about this week.

Might something be happening in that arena soon? like bluebeam for example?

See u/greekish 's post from a couple of days ago:


propertyofUniverse [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're welcome fren.

Have a great day!

propertyofUniverse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow fren, that's an amazing life story.

I am always impressed with people who can pull themselves out of a bad situation.

propertyofUniverse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sometimes I use iodine such as lugols iodine / potassium iodide dropped in small amounts over a tooth or part of a gum which is giving me issues due to infection.

It can stain your mouth and tastes pretty strong and you don't want to swallow more than a drop or two really, but it arrests any toothache for me.

propertyofUniverse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just be aware that you are asking for contact details and make sure that anyone you send to is also aware that they are sharing their contact details over DM or whatever. This is not totally secure even though its not publicly posted. Check that they are happy with this level of risk of doxxing.

propertyofUniverse 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's the Egyptian frog god of meme magic or something like that. You'd have to ask the far autists on the 4chan board where it originated.

Memes are those ideas encapsulated in a few words or pictures which can spread as if they were a virus taking an iconoclastic idea with them and propagating it.

Memes are cheap way for a distributed group to make something which can challenge million-pound focus-grouped propaganda designed to befuddle people which can be cut through like a sword with the cognitive dissonance generated by a well placed meme. The most successful memes propagate the best. It's a little part of the information war.

The word "kek" references the humour in the information war. It's our slang.

propertyofUniverse 24 points ago +24 / -0

I wanted to add that most people here are Christians and Americans, but not everyone is.

I am not Christian for example, or American.

We have anons from all over the world and lots of different nationalities and backgrounds.

It helps actually. When something interesting happens in Japan, or South Africa, France or Finland for example We have someone local to help us interpret what's happening. The same goes for different communities and ethnic groups within the US. We have anons here from everywhere.

propertyofUniverse 22 points ago +22 / -0

This is one of the places to go for more sophisticated analysis and comms decodes of geopolitics.

We start from the point of view that there is a longstanding international criminal cabal which has insinuated itself into the banking, religious, military, government, health sectors of society and that they have malicious intent due to their belief system. For example, most anons here believe that most major wars are planned out (approximately) in advance and the cabal will make money no matter what the outcome. The same with monetary crashes and famines.

The cabal has been here since antiquity thousands and thousands of years and pre-dates current main religions.

We are a part of the resistance to this cabal and part of what we do is analyse geopolitics including but not limited to the Q military intelligence backchannel from a section of the US military intelligence. This section is recognisably also part of this resistance.

We also believe in a general awakening of mankind where we being to understand ourselves and our history, which has been obscured from us deliberately by the cabal.

This general waking up of the populus involves everyone seeing that wars and money system and propaganda have been used against us for millenia. This isn't limited to this particular community at all, but distributed throughout the alternative media and the truth movement, we just have our own specialisation.

Having said that, I think we have perhaps 5K active users and 10-100 times more lurkers who aren't active users or don't have an account.

You find some analysis here turns up in other places as ideas get cycled round the various anon groups with their different specialisations, in the same way, you'll see that we discuss many other people's contributions from other areas of the alternative media, for example, Badlands media.

propertyofUniverse 22 points ago +22 / -0

Everyone is welcome here if they are respectful.

Your mother was a top contributor here and was well loved so you will find lasting support here if you would like it.

What we'd say here is: "Where we go one, we go all"

One way of looking at that is that we leave nobody behind - just like your mum's attitude.

propertyofUniverse 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yes, this is what I think every time I hear of an anon passing. They got to see the war, but not the victory and the better times afterwards.

propertyofUniverse [M] 189 points ago +189 / -0

We have heard from Undine53's daughter via an anon here that she passed away unexpectedly in bed while reading her Bible four days ago;

Her daughter doesn't know what happened yet but it appeared to be very sudden.

Her daughter said: "She spoke fondly about this forum and the friends she made on here. Thank you for being part of my mum's life."

Undine53 produced hundreds of thought provoking posts and comments here at GAW and was a much loved contributor. She was not shy to explore controversial subjects and discuss them robustly with everyone while remaining polite and respectful throughout.

u/undine53 was truly the best of us.

She looked just like I imagined she would!

propertyofUniverse 9 points ago +9 / -0


I live in the midlands not far from your mum, and I was on first name terms with her. We used to communicate via DM here on GAW.

We meant to meet up one day, maybe in a pretty town (L) which lies between where we live, but we never did.

I am very sorry for your loss indeed.

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