rabernet 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the first page I come to for my news. I keep a tab open with PW - but rarely check it - more just to see opinions over there, then come back here.

I rarely post, but always read. I migrated here from Voat, and migrated there from Reddit The Donald - I followed a few of the Voat sites focusing on Q.

I love the great minds here!

rabernet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks - I was happy to see they fixed Third Twitter Files in the Thread Reader app. It had been showing the last post was the one with Huckabee's photo because Taibbi had replied to that post for the rest of his posts. I had bookmarked the entire Tweet thread as a back up if Thread Reader continued to about 1/2 of the tweets captured.

rabernet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Voting today - the local news already "prepared" us that results probably won't be completed tonight. Suuuuure they won't. Not the real ones anyway.

rabernet 5 points ago +5 / -0

And you know what else? This serves another purpose. The normies are going to also start to question "trusted media" when they see for themselves that bombshell news like this is being suppressed.

The MSM won't comment until they come up with their mockingbird crafted response - but the normies will now start to question the narrative MSM pushes - they saw it with their own eyes.

This not only exposes deep state, but it exposes and destroys the MSM's credibility to the normies as well.

I'm praying for Elon's safety.

rabernet 1 point ago +1 / -0

My folks are visiting from out of state for a few days. We went to see it yesterday at a Movie Tavern (nice recliner seats with lots of walking room between rows). Turned out the theater has $6 plus free popcorn for anyone over 60 on Fridays before 5 pm. We had picked the 11:45 matinee.

Several senior living vans when we arrived. I sat down on a bench after the movie waiting on my folks when they went to the restroom. A veteran sat down next to me and said "this movie brought back a lot of memories". We chatted a bit, he was Air Force in Vietnam.Thanked him for his service. I love our veterans!

The movie was so good - my boyfriend and my parents all said we'd happily see it again, it was that good (there aren't many movies that "I" feel I want to see a second time).

I was the only one not 60 or over (56 years young here) in our group. Dad purchased the tickets, I think he decided I was 60 for the day because I somehow got free popcorn too, LOL.

rabernet 2 points ago +2 / -0

No - I've been doing OMAD (One Meal a Day) since November and I feel better than ever, better mental clarity, more energy - I also low carb with my OMAD.

by Qanaut
rabernet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm currently lurking there (much as I do here), but here is my account: https://truthsocial.com/@rabernet

rabernet 1 point ago +1 / -0

My mortgage is $800 a month less than what my last apartment now rents for (a 2 bedroom).

I watch that spread grow every year (and the mortgage was less than the rent at the time I purchased my home in 2017).

I'm in metro Atlanta. You can find a 500 sq ft apartments now starting at $1600 these days (and my mortgage payment is still less than that).

rabernet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great article - I like Cuban's hypothesizing too.

rabernet 2 points ago +2 / -0

I seem to recall that he was a crisis actor and was at another shooting in California a year or two earlier, but I don't remember the details, but I remember seeing the photos of him being interviewed there as well. This came up after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting.

I very clearly remember that the theory was that his connection to his dad was the reason why he was a crisis actor.

Does anyone else remember this?

rabernet 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of my co-workers, I had to stop talking politics with. In 2016 he was all on the Trump train. His wife and her brother changed him over to their side by the 2020 election. When Covid19 was first being talked about he was shocked when I told him that I didn't trust the WHO.

I want so badly to ask him what HE thinks about WHO now - but I've left it alone "for now". He's one that you can lead to water... one who has to figure things out on his own - he knows I don't blindly trust what's being fed to us and knows if he REALLY wants to research, he can come to me - and that's enough for now.

rabernet 4 points ago +4 / -0

We are back in the office for 2 days a week. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor listening to my left leaning co-workers talking shit about the Biden administration and wishing for the Trump days today. I never thought I'd see the day. Today all the talk was Biden's ridiculous "Putin's Inflation".

I've got a based boss (only four of us under him) - he never got the vaccine, ex military and just retired from National Guard. I think he had Covid in the early days in January 2020 - he had a respiratory thing he could not shake for several weeks.

Counting my boss - there are three of us who have always been awake and using alternate media sources and two who were firmly left leaning. Thankfully - the only one with young children is in the former group and refuses to have his child vaccinated.

Another guy was always left leaning and when we returned to work was like "something isn't right with Ukraine - they're talking about buildings being bombed and I'm watching live feeds at the same time there's breaking news and the live feeds don't jive with what the media is telling us". Oh grasshopper - if you only knew! Thankfully HE hasn't had his child vaccinated either - he started waking up early enough and is now actively asking me to share information with him.

rabernet 2 points ago +2 / -0

My boyfriend was watching the news the other day when they announced that a 4th jab is likely going to be needed. I literally saw the lightbulb go off in his brain. He turned and looked at me and said - "oh HELL no! What the hell are they doing? When does this end???"

He's the type of person that I can plant seeds, but he digs into his beliefs and he has to come to his own conclusions, though much slower than I prefer. He got the J&J, but has not been boosted, but seriously considered it. We're both taking D3, Zinc, Quercitine, Vit C and Magnesium since March 2020.

I just looked at him and smiled - and pointed out to him that neither one of us has even had a cold since we started this protocol. We haven't even experienced seasonal allergies that we used to either.

That booster #2 that they mentioned on the news sealed the deal - he's now decided NOT to get boosted - praise God!

We were headed to the grocery store yesterday and he asked me how I learned what we should be taking on the protocol and I told him about America's Frontline Doctors. He said "why doesn't the news tell us this?". I simply said - I've been trying to tell you why, but you weren't ready to hear it, you weren't ready to believe that the media is lying to you.

I knew he would come around eventually - I just didn't expect it to take this long, and it's ironic that it's the very media he trusted that red pilled him when they mentioned jab #4 coming.

rabernet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen that one too. I want to get the same shirt that I got for my boyfriend's son named Brandon - and also a conservative.

rabernet 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got my Ben Garrison shirt yesterday and wore it today. Had to run out at lunch for a few errands. At the grocery store, the young lady bagging my groceries said "I LOVE your shirt!!!". She was probably 19 or 20. Was so happy to see she hadn't been indoctrinated. She said she was looking for a shirt that said "I'm the elephant in the room".

rabernet 2 points ago +2 / -0

My favoritd line in that article: Yeah, it’s a weird thing to find alignment with vulgarity, but when your life and liberty is on the line… well, you fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark – and you appreciate anyone that stands beside you.

rabernet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Someone below mentioned how nice it is to see faces again - which reminded me of my recent visit to Publix to pick up our weekly deli meats for sandwiches. The employee who sliced my meat for me said "it sure is nice to see friendly faces again!"

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