rayw_wwg1wga 34 points ago +35 / -1

It's having a negative effect though. Some are thinking Trump is a puppet of them because of stuff like this.

rayw_wwg1wga 5 points ago +5 / -0

Feel bad for regular people on "both sides" caught up in the violence and conflicts.

Thousand years ago, people were kicked out of the land known currently as Israel. The DS orchestrated the Holocaust and blasted propaganda to justify forcing the UN to carve out that land, which already has people that has been living there since.

That obviously will create endless conflicts.

The people that the UN relocated to those areas, have nothing to do with the people from thousand years ago. And the people that were already living there also had nothing to do with it.

I'm not a fan of savage civilizations, but this is a clear case of manufacturered conflict, the Palestinians were for the most part minding their own business at this point. Until the DS forced them out of their homes and were told to hate the Jews (the new occupants).

If one day suddenly the "authorities" force you to open up half of your house and take in random people, would you be happy? Or worse, kick you out of your house completely . It may or may not be true, if their ancestors lived there thousands of years ago but that has nothing to do with you or him.

rayw_wwg1wga 4 points ago +4 / -0

Isn't that what Q team has also done?

The whole "great actors" thing getting their puppets to go along with the script using blackmail

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like how a disturbing amount of ordinary people think somehow Trump is the worst thing to happen to mankind...

They're brainwashed like hell.

rayw_wwg1wga 1 point ago +1 / -0

He should volunteer himself and the rest of his family to the front lines and "fight for Democracy(tm)" in Ukraine

rayw_wwg1wga 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the msm narrative.

What about saving people in the eastern regions?

What about Eliminating NWO biolabs in Ukraine?

rayw_wwg1wga 8 points ago +8 / -0

Because "they" are the "experts" and we are not. That's the main thing.

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could put Tulsi in that category as well. She was WEF Young Leaders and said the right things. But also endorsed the walking corpse LARPing as Resident.

Yet, she was chosen for an important position.

It's examples like this, that make it difficult.

rayw_wwg1wga 1 point ago +1 / -0

99% of cases are mental illness and need mental health treatment not HRT or surgery.

The 1% are birth defects (i.e. the Olympic boxing champions). But the "Y" means male body composition regardless.

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