recon_johnny 4 points ago +4 / -0

The senile pedophile will “die” in office

recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, if you think the “normal” GOP would indict Obama or Biden, or any of the rest…you are sadly mistaken

recon_johnny 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can appreciate all this...but getting them to "sort out" their positions is not a thing.

They don't have, nor are led by, morals or ethics.

They have goals and objectives.

They will quite easily countermand all your rhetorically intelligent (and dare I say effectively funny) arguments with a simple "Trump is a nazi and so are you".

And that's enough for them.

You need to forcefull say "No. Enough." And then plan on escalating, because they sure as fuck will. Irrational and sadly, threats of violent behavior, will be necessary.

recon_johnny 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe focus on every country that seeks to subvert America?

I have a few others that can be added to the list...

recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why that's....interesting. In the least.

recon_johnny 9 points ago +9 / -0

You know. The same ones VASTLY overrepresented in: Politics on either "side", College admission, "Entertainment" (including but not limited to theme parks, cinema, "music", sportsball team ownership, infrastucture at all levels), Media ownership (holy shit the media ownership, at every level).

The ones telling you that YOU need to import those invaders for "progress", but doing it to their home country is genocide.

Come on, Manny...you know.

recon_johnny 4 points ago +4 / -0

Taxation is theft, so unless you're saying you pay yourself, then I can't agree.

recon_johnny 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got it re: the Hep shot…but why?

Different letters, will need to read up on those.

recon_johnny 4 points ago +4 / -0

My dude, it was never about being right, nor your safety.

Can we move past "they're so incompetent"? All the horrible stuff they pushed, and the collateral damage caused, was by design.

We should all be concerned with how we will react the next time they decide to implement their plans to enslave us.

recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to believe, at this point, that those running the country, and their proxies, will do everything to subjugate you and me....at any cost. The technology to cause plane crashes is there, so is car crashes (see that actress speeding into the house just recently). The lack of cameras for epstein, the lack of tape for epstein island victims, the lack of anything remotely close to actual justice...

Like someone said below: When is enough, enough?

recon_johnny 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didn't watch, not any of it. I'm skimming titles but would rather not even watch a clip.

What's this about "basically being porn"? I figured it's all devil worship at this point, but have no idea of what was presented.

recon_johnny 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why don't you say what really happened?

A black thug maliciously and with intent to do severe bodily harm, beat a young, White female child with no provocation, causing serious physical and mental damage. And no other person did anything to stop it.

It was, and remains, a race-based hate crime that demonstrates the inability of black youth to successfully co-exist with the White society they've been born into.

And frankly, would you have heard of something like this 10 years ago?

Until this is addressed, it will continue to get worse. Since then, we've a litany of White 5 year-old boys being shot in the face by black men, in front of their sisters; White boys being jumped in public school bathrooms, beaten and given brain damage, women and little children being run over in a Christmas parade...there are so many more examples, but it hurts my heart to retell them. You know the cases, I don't have to list any more than those.

This only ends when we collectively say "enough".

recon_johnny 6 points ago +6 / -0

They can go fuck themselves, and I'll absolutely add a bit that says race plays about the only part in why.

This is because it's been allowed and promoted. Period. Remember the slippery slope? Just wait for about a year and a half.

recon_johnny 8 points ago +10 / -2

Like any of this is real.

Remember when average Americans held Gamestop to fuck over the hedge fund (insert three parentheses) billionaires--and were completely shut down?

I 'member.

All of this is manipulated, fake, and gay.

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