recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, understood, thought you were saying something else. I've seen several of his videos. I should see more.


recon_johnny 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, it’s pretty much all of the goyim, not just Catholics.

And they’ll say exactly this— make some reference to Christ or Christian values—to support whatever they’re doing.

recon_johnny 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's because this clown is jew apologist, or he's steadfastly a pro-zionist; which both means anti-White.

He knows, as does everyone who takes this position. They're trying to get you to ignore what's really going on, and believe in the "it's only the small fraction" nonsense.

There are literally thousands upon thousands of examples, but still they want to promote this bullshit.

recon_johnny 15 points ago +16 / -1

Your grandfather fought for the US or anyone but Russia? The concentration, yes. Death camp, no.

None were found by the US. Which is pretty interesting.

recon_johnny 5 points ago +6 / -1

Reading the comments, I can't imagine that those people who own twitter will let this happen for long.

Maybe, just maybe, this will be a point for real change, and the path the cabal wants us on (nuclear war, depopulation, controlled masses for them whims) will at least be slowed down.

recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. So as far a deterrent goes, this isn't. Even as a penalty.

For men, sure. We'll take your balls. Pretty strong. For women, we'll make sure you can't have kids. Ain't the same.

recon_johnny 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know, that's what I'm asking. So I went to go look at the law.

Convicted rapists will face following penalty: Men will be castrated, women will have a bilateral salpingectomy. If victim is under 14, then death.

recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know they didn't leave anything.

They're the same as they always was.

recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you surgically castrate a woman who rapes a young boy?

deleted 0 points ago +2 / -2
recon_johnny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, so does pfizer's, but not as you think it'll work and not as quickly.

recon_johnny 3 points ago +3 / -0

Calm the fuck down, Francis. You know Goddamn well that the pajeets shit the streets.

Why it's like calling Irish men drunk Mick fucks, or Scots stingy redheaded bastards.

It's because it's true.

recon_johnny 2 points ago +4 / -2

Have you hunted? I do. It’s a learned task. That’s all it is. What ground-breaking hunting process have they come up with that is so much better than modem technology and practices? You’re intentionally conflating this task with critical thinking, pattern recognition, deductive reasoning, and thought out intuitive understanding.

Those two things (IQ) and a task will never, ever, ever be the same, and you know it. Frankly I’m surprised you didn’t mention sport, where similar unique tasks can be achieved with hard work and innate ability. But the ability to throw a ball and finishing complex mathematical equations aren’t the same. As seen every day, you don’t have to be smart to be athletic.

So, your argument is invalid. IQ has been proven to be the basis for many, many successes. And lack of it, the basis for many, many failures. It is literally one of the requirements for a properly functioning society. Why White people (and Asian) developed higher IQ than other races is well documented, and I know you are aware of these things. The fact remains that IQ is extremely important. Cold and meat eating encouraged the cultivation of higher IQ. Delaying gratification also did.

Finally, because you went there, racism is a made up word. Calling someone a racist is no longer the insult you think it is. You implied that linking IQ to a higher life was racist. It’s not, it’s reality.

Yeah, you and I both know what arguments (those logical and the irrational ones) will happen next between you and I. I won’t respond, so type what you want. Just know that enough people see your “IQ is racist” trope, and not only understand what it is, but are tired of it. Crying “racist” doesn’t do what it used to anymore.

by BQnita
recon_johnny 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all need to admit we now live in a third world dictatorship

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