serious grasping here with this one - here you have a man comfortable enough with his own sexuality to have fun at a Halloween party probably dressed like this with friends and such. This is all they have? weak and lame - but I'm sure I'll hear about it from all of my libtard pals... smh. NCSWIC!
ya... "Do you realize that EVERY person in the united states prison system will be brought back out" ain't happening - who would call for this? reform, sure, but re-try cases - never going to happen. Regardless, NCSWIC!
This looks like a tail-wagging-the-dog situation MSN has going on - like when some shill posts ass crap on here, MSM takes a screenshot and claims thats what the nutters over there think before seeing the mod hammer be dropped. I also only hold so much weight to hashtags (I still read # as "pound" and it really adds some good personal humor to some tags). Regardless, NCSWIC!
I had friends way back years ago, out of college already though, "into" satinic stuff. Grown adults that drew things to go along with say a band name and such - more than just Halloween level, but if they had a picture of themselves in a full satanic suit like Elon you bet they'd have it as their profile picture somewhere. Elon has always struck me as this kind of satinic - the ooo-that-looks-cool kind with zero invested into odd trips to odd places actually participating in the occult like the Clintons and others in what we know to be the deep state. Regardless - NCSWIC!
Fake and ghey! This same article headline comes around every so many years. Problem is the sheeple believe the media's lies and when they tell the sheeple that this fake and ghey story is believed by MAGA they'll believe that too. Sheeple gonna sheep. NCSWIC!
unfortunately people sometimes hide their TDS. Some are just clinging to the "I don't trust him" as being all they need to vote for someone else. Track record of just what he's been untrustworthy about missing they still cling to this. Brainwashing on orange-man-bad was very complete on some. I used to have to watch for some libtards to bring up some obviously false statement by the MSM but now its basically every talking point they have... and they don't care when those talking points don't pan out as there are many BS media lies queued up right behind to fill that small gap in time you might be able to reach them. I'm sick of it and just don't engage the few really lost ones I know. Actually heard "are you sure it was a bullet that hit him" right alongside "muh 34 felonies" last night even. SMH - NCSWIC!
I appreciate the song's message, but this dudes rap skillz are on the low end. A couple of times its almost like you can feel the micro-second hesitation before regurgitating the next low-impact-but-rhymes lyric. I'm sure he'll get better and look back and laugh at this... I hope. Regardless, NCSWIC!
Ya, I had an account rarely used if ever, but had it for like 10 years and the last 3 or 4 been on to read linked to posts and such. Then all of a sudden, bam, my accounts suspended and they won't talk to me. Started up a new one, same crap within days, now been on a third for about a year... Who knows - I shit post and heckle lefties ruthlessly so I probably had someone claim some who knows what about my account. And at times its just buggy feeling a bit lately.
Not a chance - that is one fine piece-o liberal wool right there. Sure, its hard to get past her views to get hung up on her looks or anything, but she reminds me of Bonnie from Knight Rider... just not all smart. She's no AOC hot and lacks those amazing tiddies, but she's up there as far as politically active lefties go hotness wise. :)