redlotus69 6 points ago +6 / -0

We've got a bunch of ignorant people on here. I'd rather have a patriotic foreigner than a degenerate, antifa "American".

redlotus69 7 points ago +7 / -0

He's spot on about everything but number 6. The Chinese are just as bankrupt and incompetent as we are, they're just better at hiding it.

redlotus69 10 points ago +10 / -0

Curtis actually endorsed Trump in the past until he got bullied into backing down "because he was black" by that whore Chelsea Handler. Hope this time he sticks to his guns.

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is such obvious bullshit I have no fucking idea how it got stickied.

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

The real one is buried on Mount Nebo according to 2 Maccabees.

Nobody has ever seen the supposed Ark in Ethiopia. Sounds LARPy to me

redlotus69 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nikki is a delusional psychopath. I couldn't believe her 19% of the vote "victory" speech lol

redlotus69 29 points ago +29 / -0

Vivek endorsed Trump going forward

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Japan's birth rate is also in the toilet. Muh tribalism didn't do shit to preserve their bloodlines because they're too busy working in offices to raise families.

redlotus69 16 points ago +16 / -0

The Talmud is anti-God trash, written by depraved pharisees and intended to both reject Christ and promote satanic doctrines like genocide and pedophilia.

It is not unusual for rabbis to claim that Rebecca was three years old when Isaac married her! THREE (!) No wonder Muhammad plagiarized the Talmud for the Quran. Their ideas have a lot in common!

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is satirical. I tried to put a meme caption by it but it wouldn't let me

redlotus69 11 points ago +19 / -8

Jesus did not visit India. This is new age woo woo.

Jesus and Buddha have completely different worldviews. Buddha believes suffering comes from attachment, Jesus says it comes from sin.

There is no reincarnation. There is a resurrection.

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

So Jesus was fake and gay? If that's what you believe, whatever. But if you don't believe that, why?

If the Bible is bullshit then you cannot seriously claim to be a Christian based on what the Bible says about Jesus.

Your statements on the OT are ignorant. The people who wrote the OT were killed by the ruling class because they called out their hypocrisy. Read the prophets sometime (ahem Malachi) because you clearly never have. If you think the OT is pro-ruling class you never read the damn thing

Editing this comment to LMAO about "Saul muh false apostle" tell me when the shuttle lands champ. Getting lashed over 100 times, imprisoned and executed for bullshit. Sure.

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Jesus was not the god of the Old testament. I don't know how to best illustrate this without making you look utterly stupid"

Uh huh. Read John 1 sometime. Jesus is the WORD. The Word was WITH God and the Word WAS God. Trinity bee-otch. Can't get much clearer than that.

"Lord" is a rough translation of the tetragrammaton which is YHWH (Yahweh). I'm not the one who needs to study divinity lmao

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

So Jeremiah was talking out of his ass when he said that the pantheon of pagan gods shouldn't be worshiped? Moses was a fabrication created after the Babylonian Captivity?

The sheer number of new testament manuscripts are greater than any other document from antiquity. "Muh kaffiolikz and Jooz" doesn't fly in the face of the staggering manuscript evidence.

redlotus69 12 points ago +12 / -0

Comparing the false and satanic Talmud to the authentic scripture of the old testament is night and day. The Talmud blatantly glorifies horrible sins like pedophilia and murder.

redlotus69 29 points ago +30 / -1

The idea that the Lord demanded child sacrifice and this was covered up after the fact is insanity. How the hell did this get stickied?

The idea that "Yahweh" (the Lord) was one of many Gods and was only worshiped solely after the Babylonian Captivity is nonsensical and has no historical basis. The Biblical truth is that the Israelites worshiped pagan gods on the side in defiance of the Lord's commands.

Jesus Christ IS the God of the Old Testament. This is in made abundantly clear in John. Jesus would not demand human sacrifice.

redlotus69 9 points ago +9 / -0

No shit. We ignored their reporting on Ukraine. Why trust this?

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