I'm sorry, she glows.
Kek, now do Tom Cotton.
Link to web site? I want to see Tom Cotton.
Maxine Waters?
Insurance is why my husband can't retire and I had to start working full time again. Otherwise, he'd be able to retire right now and I could have kept my part time job which I loved. But it's not just the insurance, it's also the hospitals charging more when you have insurance.
Today is 2/26/25. Why are posts for Daily DOGE 2.25.25 and Unleashed 2.25.25 still pinned?
Come to my door. Knock and ask to speak. Tell me your story with your family by your side. Be respectful. Be humbled. Wait patiently for my response.
I totally get it.
Whoever they all are, I pray for these people and their families and friends and homes every night, because we know the evil they are going to against and they need every bit of spiritual strength we can give them hour by hour.
This is my biggest worry. Another president can come in and nullify everything our POTUS has done for us.
We need to start #SHUTITALLDOWN on X with every post there from now until March 14th!
Nobody I know knew wtf he was saying, never heard it before, and surely couldn't relate it to anything. If this was the objective, it was a fail.
Same here. I had to open a new account. Free speech here is a myth for many.
You're damn straight it is past time! I pray for people in Congress with less beggars and more balls. I pray for REAL ELECTIONS. I pray for justice for all. Real justice.
The only way we stop this is if we take over the msm and make transparency the ultimate objective. I can't share this with my sisters because we don't have the same apps. They won't watch a video because it's too long and they don't care. But, they have their heads in the daily news. They believe the propaganda. The msm is what we have to fight first.
I want my fucking money back!
He's dead sexy, baby! He's got the look... the look we've been waiting for, for decades.
I'm sure it's more complicated than this, but yeah, he's the boss. Love it.
I am convinced my step-dad had "covid" in Nov of 2019. He was in the hospital for over 2 weeks. His O2 levels were fine but he continued to say he couldn't breathe. It was awful.
I'm wondering if all the drones were comms.
Could be using transactions to track them. JS...
I understand your worries. Medicare, veterans benefits, retirement benefits all equal to security for many of us. I believe these issues have been made into fear issues by the left targeted toward the right for decades just to benefit their crusades. I have never seen a right- leaning candidate press for less Medicare or Social Security benefits yet, despite all the calls for outcry. Please just give this new admin a chance. We are headed into a new golden age. Have faith.
Dude is a tweaker. I wonder if he vacuums the brass off his lawn at night with a flashlight.