rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I might have to buy myself one on Budk today. Damn those mail catalogs. https://www.budk.com/SearchPage/Index?search=samurai

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does Q even mention Taiwan? I can't seem to find a Q post with the word Taiwan in it. I searched the posts swearing that I had seen some before, but can't seem to find one.

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love most of CAKE's music but they are a bunch of liberal ass holes

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reading the responses from the crazy left sickens me.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

So Q post 2803 states to look to PatriotsFight for updates on placeholders. Was/is there a running list of confirmed placeholders?


rupedoggydawg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Funny how alcohol has not inflated tremendously. Keeps you asleep.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's getting scary fast. I'm in transportation manufacturing and the cost of some items have tripled, in some cases, over the past 3 years. These increases will have to start hitting the grocery stores soon. We are all feeling it at the grocery store. I don't think your going to see $1.50 increases on grocery goods; I think it's going to be substantial like $10.00 increases. Yellow Trucking going out of business is going to make freight cost sky rocket as well, which will trickle down to the consumer. The precipice is getting closer.

rupedoggydawg 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a Bearcat alum and fan, I can confirm this. He's a piece of shit. His brother is more down to earth. Travis was suspended multiple times at UC. A huge douchebag that will go down as one of the best tight ends ever. Greatness is achieved through hard work, or through selling your soul. I believe he got to where he is through the latter.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wear something that is obviously a farce. I bought the see through masks from Fake Mask last time. https://fakemaskworldwide.com/

rupedoggydawg 11 points ago +11 / -0

As I struggle in my life right now this hits home. My son tonight sits broken and in pain in a suicide prevention center. Maniputed by a girl who looks, dresses, and acts like a demon. I used to think he was protected by my ideals, values, and my strength. I checked and monitored all his devices, but they find a way. I was wrong, I have failed him by failing to protect him. The Internet and smart devices have enabled our children to be manipulated and destroyed. Please pray for my family.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +4 / -1

So I know a lot poo poo on the Gematrix. But there is obviously some type of code or meaning when you look at Trump's tweets/truths, which got me to thinking. All the words strangely capitalized have to mean something. So I took every capital letter in the post and put it in the Gematria and the value came out as 3486. Q post 3486 is u/#q3486

I'm just spitballing here but there has to be a reason he tweeted and truths the way he does besides time stamps.

by panamax
rupedoggydawg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Until we control MSM it means nothing. All these stories are quickly shot down until a CNN or MSNBC reports on it.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't remember this happening to any of the shit head leftists that threatened Trump.

rupedoggydawg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wonder how long before a professional team is named after one of the bullshit genders? The Washington They Thems. The Cleveland Trannies, The New York Non Binaries. At this rate it's coming soon.

rupedoggydawg 13 points ago +13 / -0

My departed wife's grand father was Cherokee. He apparently was a big Washington Redskins fan.

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