Some were infected and die of covid in as little as 10 minutes after the shot.
More psychological war. Forget it.
An test was done see how long many drugs last past the expiration date, to save the govt. from buying frequently. The test showed many are good for 12 years or more, not just one for two.
The bomber got the Seth Rich treatment. It's safe to search now.
The background noise is being sent out now. The ufo thing is a huge investment in public mind for many years. Why waste that, especially now that other things are failing the deep state, like pandemic.
Twitter, tweets. Truth Social, truths. Catturd, tootsie rolls.
Fauci was captured?
I have heard that heavy amounts of ivermectin can help cancer. I have not researched that. Also chlorine dioxide is used by some people, IV I think.
Dr. Elizabeth Eads was interviewed on Watchdog USA by Greg Hunter. She has recommended Chlorine dioxide for some years for lyme. Also helps other autoimmune diseases.
Train dogs to smell the pure and impure.
I saw it on CitizensFreePress as a headline.
He has a fever of 103, first in 6 years.
Why all the effort? I just human, easy to kill, like them.
It's the dogs bark not the teeth that hurts and the bang not the bullet that does the damage. Men get pregnant and the checks in the mail.
Can we get up a bus charter and all of us newly self-proclaimed faggots ride to SF and get us a check for life?
Join Woodpec! It's like OPEC but cellulose, lignin powered. All you need to join is a chainsaw, a woodlot and a wood splitter. Run with the big dogs. Reject oil, gas, coal for heating. WOODPECers rule.
As sure as yeast causes rising bread.
I was pointed out to me that all bluegrass banjo players use the very same banjo to record. Just listen to the first three notes.
Get the money, then talk to the folks for Trump.
Linux (I'm using Mint version) It can be had for free. I sent $10 to get a loaded thumb drive. I'm over 75 and figured it out. There are tutorials online for individual installation jobs. Be rid of microsoft. Microsoft was aware through Gmail that I was switching and tried to discourage me from doing it. Ha.
I hope I get a minute to witness the vaporization of DC before the blast wave gets here.
Fulford is delusional at best.
A miligram scale like a Gem 20 can be had on Ebay. Very handy to taper off of addictive drugs like benzos. Thanks for the boron article, will look into it.
I've seen the Potomac river go dry when there is a steady good wind blowing water toward the bay. I once painted a boat bottom as the boat sat on the gravel. As I finished the water was coming up around me.
Real estate will take a hit after this. Locked garages are as good as bank vault. Intel angencies will move from Langley to suburban garages.