seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks. We all know the vaxx is a genocidal Gates fantasy and that it kills and mutilates its victims, but the scariest thing is that even unvaxxed young and middle-aged people are getting cancer. That's the reason I posted this link.

We were meant to be active and eat naturally. Modernity is not conducive to life.

seagoatz 19 points ago +19 / -0

While there's no mention of the vaxx specifically, I think it goes without saying (for those of us with a brain) that we can put it squarely in the immunity category AND toxins category of this doctor's list. TLDR: Our bodies were never meant to live this modern, corrupted lifestyle.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

"You know, I knew a guy back in Scranton who died back in 1796. He was a rough dude. I'm not joking. See ya, kid."

seagoatz 34 points ago +34 / -0

That brought tears to my eyes, especially when POTUS told him he loves him. Trump is no politician. He's an actual human being. I pray the best for the man in the video.

seagoatz 10 points ago +11 / -1

The most hopeful part of my soul believes that we will see Earth restored to its original intended state of harmony for all humankind and the animal kingdom. A return to Eden.

But I suppose I'll just be happy if the cabal falls. A lot of good will come just from that.

However, to me, the word "biblical" means something beyond our comprehension and magnificent in scope. So I'm keeping my hopes up for something grand.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

God bless your daughter and her child. May their guardian angels stay especially close at this time.

seagoatz 5 points ago +5 / -0

Please don't invite any more outsiders to NC. Not that any LA scum would want to do real work.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely disgusting and tragic. His poor mother. These demons target the disabled as much as they target children. They want to harm and destroy anything innocent or defenseless, not just in Ukraine, but in the cultural war. They're sending intellectually disabled kids to drag queen camps, too.

God bless this poor man and the people who cared about him.

seagoatz 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm a teacher and I pray for the opportunity to teach in a classical school. Unfortunately, we don't have any in my area and the public schools are a mess.

seagoatz 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree. Geese can be aggressive and for it to just lie there is unusual. Someone should remove this goose from the THING'S possession and relocate it to a humane animal sanctuary. It's been through enough!

seagoatz 38 points ago +38 / -0

The only thing that makes me sicker than the freak torturing that animal is the parents in the crowd who are allowing their children to watch such an act. Anyone who harms a child and/or an animal should be dealt with most severely.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hideous. All of them.

Jill always looks so uncomfortable, but who wouldn't when they spend all day with Joe and a bunch of demonic trannies?

seagoatz 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'll pray for you to find a good solution to your problem and a good new home for you and your family. Nice to see a fren in Germany. I love our German frens.

seagoatz 6 points ago +6 / -0

His eyes say it all when he says, "You'll never know, folks." Not to mention all that stammering. I'm sure he knows more than we do about it.

seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's amazing what people will do to turn back the clock or attempt to look sexier. She's over 70 and needs to accept it.

People are reporting permanent damage to their digestive systems with this drug, not to mention the cancer warnings. People should run from this stuff. It's no miracle cure for anything.

seagoatz 17 points ago +17 / -0

The woman in this video is the epitome of what's wrong in this country, even if she was just an audience plant. Entitled liberal white women who don't understand how reality works have helped to wreck this country for fifty years. It was nice to see Steve put her in her place and give a shout-out to Trump, though. I hope he's on our team.

seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

My local Food Lion has an entire shelf for Goya, separate but next to all other Mexican brands. I skip all the other shelves and head right to Goya. I don't know who owns Food Lion, but they've never struck me as woke at all, and I try to shop there whenever possible and buy my Goya there. The last time I looked for Goya at Walmart, they only had a few cans of beans and nothing else. Food Lion FTW.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I buy Goya products every week. Luckily my local grocery store has an entire shelf dedicated to Goya in their "international" aisle. I make tacos on Friday nights with Goya beans and rice. Their sofrito is also delicious. I have never forgotten how they stood up for Trump, and this news makes me even happier to support them.

seagoatz 37 points ago +37 / -0

Please, God, let it happen.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it will be a combination of events. The fall of the cabal as well as some massive world-changing event, possibly solar, that everyone will witness together, finally ending with the grand finale of God making his presence fully known to everyone, including those who doubt or hate Him. When I hear the word "biblical," that's what I imagine. It'll be the greatest ending to an apocalyptic movie we've ever seen.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tim Tebow seems to be the real deal, the Jim Caviezel of professional sports. I always respected him for holding events for special needs kids. One of my students got to attend something he put together a few years ago. He treated all those kids like celebrities for an evening.

seagoatz 23 points ago +23 / -0

I don't care what anyone says. I love RFK Jr. The man's own family is speaking out against him, and he's still walking strong in the truth. He's not afraid. Sounds a lot like someone else we know and love...

I see good things coming in November 2024 and/or January 2025, no matter how much hell we have to go through to get them.

seagoatz 8 points ago +8 / -0

She's caked in makeup, including on her eyebrows. Women always look strange when you get up close and see the reality.

In this picture, she actually looks like her husband, which is the weirdest part.

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