skidder1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope whatever it is there is a picture so we can put this "staged assassination" nonsense to bed. Maybe get a lawsuit going first though.

skidder1 4 points ago +4 / -0

When is the last time that firm only bought 12 contracts? Seems like a low number with the size of transactions they must normally make. If this is common for them, then perhaps, but I don't like coincidences, particularly with the players involved.

skidder1 10 points ago +11 / -1

When I first saw the video of those 3 women SS agents running around confused while they were loading Trump into the limo at the rally, I wondered if they weren't the "KEYSTONE" that Q was referencing? You know, as in Keystone Cops? LOL!

skidder1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Stupid should hurt. Sorry, this is what they started and we are going to end it.

skidder1 4 points ago +4 / -0

She's getting crushed on Manta with the reviews and write ups. Dozens and dozens, I just stopped reading them. I did leave one, just for effect.

skidder1 7 points ago +7 / -0

So does Cheatle lie under oath next week to Congress or tell them she "doesn't recall"? I guess the 1st question to ask her is whether she's been told by her superiors to not answer questions from Congress?

skidder1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dave also shows the SS perimeter. It looks like a pie with a slice taken out of it right where the shooter/building is. It's obvious that they did that intentionally to keep it on the outside of the perimeter and accessible to the shooter. The idiot SS head is trying to use the roof pitch as an excuse for why no one was up on it, but it's like a 2/12 pitch and almost flat, LOL. She's flailing around now.

skidder1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go check out Kinesis if you want an idea of a platform that works across the world. www.kinesis.money

You can hold, send, convert to crypto, different fiat currencies, redeem for physical gold/silver and utilize a debit card, all from the same platform. The ap can be used to purchase products using your phone. That's what is here already, can't wait to learn about X.

skidder1 1 point ago +1 / -0

www.ivermectin.com not sure if they are still up and running.

skidder1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything that speeds up the process of getting Joe out of office is bad for us. We just witnessed half the Demtard party calling Joe unfit for office. He's got ZERO chance of getting elected without the whole country/world realizing it was stolen. I hope he remains the candidate, it'll wake up the country to the deep state.

skidder1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately it's true. I just passed through Hanoi airport coming in from korea last week, Immigration for all passengers required both index fingers to be placed on a reader and in front of a camera. Then the picture is compared with your passport pic, not sure what happens with the finger prints but guessing they are correlated. In addition, going into Korea the same thing except it's the index finger on right hand put into a reader and you do the same when leaving the country. They are definitely moving to the next level on tracking you.

skidder1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd like to see RFK get a cabinet position where he can go after big pharma and the folks who pushed the death jab on us.

skidder1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tulsi isn't fit for being president, period. I hope he doesn't pick someone based on skin color or gender. Carson may be a good fit, I don't know anything about him. I just hope Trump doesn't all into the DEI trap.

skidder1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Assuming the WH's are in charge, the smart move is to have joe drop out after it's too late to print ballots with a name on them. It'll have to be a "write in" campaign. Dominion can't read write in ballots, therefore they'll all have to be hand counted AND don't forget signature verification becomes easier when there is both a signature and a candidate's name that has to be hand written. It would take too long to generate millions of them to begin with.

skidder1 21 points ago +21 / -0

I think everyone is missing the point here. A late candidate isn't going to have his/her name on the ballot regardless of legality. There just isn't time. Dominion can't recognize a write in candidate, which means PAPER BALLOTS on official paper. Get it? They will have to count by hand. This ringing a bell with anyone?

skidder1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why? Do you think they aren't in total control already? They can win decisively anytime they want. They are dragging this out for the precipice. It's a movie. They are in control of the Donbass and their people who live there. That's all they were ever trying to do.

skidder1 3 points ago +3 / -0

What if every time one of those other candidates steps up, the WH's release all the information they have through back channels? They would be publicly exposed/humiliated and then shuffled off the board. All the players get exposed and the party ends up with Joe anyway with the whole country realizing just how corrupt these people are.

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