smartbaum -4 points ago +2 / -6

I predict he won't. He's been a true believer. That's why he's in favor of broadening the mRNA tech to the cancer realm.

smartbaum 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is unfortunate, cruel, and the high cost of deferred compliance.

By the same token, there are many non-liberal, particularly elderly, MAGA are also dying off earlier than otherwise after ingesting Trump's Warp Speed messaging, making decisions based on that. If you think just from personal experience that demographic doesn't exist, or is a miniscule amount of "collateral damage", that's more of a cope than understanding the varying kinds of compliant obedience that has been out there.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hidden puppet master? Soros has been front and center public enemy target for decades ... across the globe. That's his role, to take the heat.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong wrong, my joo-anon. Marx was anti Semitic by proxy in his specific anti capitalist rants in context of that era. Tikhistory's YT channel has plenty of detailed proof of that.

And full fledged Communism? Well that was a Brit psy op to blame on the Jews. Churchill was involved. Richard Poe's new book documents that make-groyper-big-mad history quite thoroughly.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or ideally, just aggressively excise (exorcise) all the globalist BS permeating the UN. The original UN charter is not a bad thing, it recognizes and honors national sovereignty in the course of pursuing sensible, common sense strategies for international conflict resolution. That can work without all the Fabians / eugenicists / globalists treating the org as their psychotic playground running rough shod over any national protections.

smartbaum 4 points ago +4 / -0

A great ice breaker with fellow travelers while waiting in TSA lines is to ask:

"So, are you choosing radiation or molestation?"

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

AI by nature is a collectivization and centralization of what is traditionally dispersed, individualistic, and in alignment with natural rights.

The ordinary citizen has no epistemic basis to distinguish between "good actors" vs "bad actors" deploying and managing AI initiatives. OF COURSE they will all, no matter their motives and ultimate goals, position themselves as harmless, benevolent technological optimists seeking to improve everyone's quality of life.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the exact predictions (biometric collection and management in the name of pubic health advancements) why I did not vote for DJT this time. Expect more of this, the Technocrat-occultists are, clearly, deeply embedded in this admin. Including MAHA players.

smartbaum -8 points ago +7 / -15

maybe. or is it kissing the ring. how can you tell the difference. he could stuff it in their asses from a distance if he wanted to. He's done that to plenty of other figures/entities.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty cult like these days with this Technocrat. Elon (and MTG) can't help themselves simping and cybertruck advertising in the midst of commenting on a domestic terrorist attack.

This is a big clue for what's more to come. The domestic sleeper cell with battlefield ready IED narrative (ok so it was just Coleman fuel cans and fireworks) -> proving we need to further all kinds A.I. enabled security tech wrapping around the entire society, and society will gladly embrace it, because ISIS in the U.S. Never let a source of fear and panic go by without advancing a new order.

Wait until, I predict some day, Neuralink will provide pre-crime security for all of us helpless victims to the next bogeymen.

smartbaum 2 points ago +7 / -5

Anyone attacking Elon or Flynn is DS imo.

Lol. Faith in Elon will not end well. If you can't see that by now, not sure what to say.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

mingling truth with some lies is how the adversary tricks us.

That's also what Ariel says about some of those he calls out.

So who to "believe" ? ; )

smartbaum 2 points ago +5 / -3

"be ready, general"

That can be taken in more than one way.

smartbaum 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ver gets props for being big on Bitcoin very early on, but at the same time he's so smooth brained he didn't understand Bitcoin and still doesn't. Of course then Tucker gets these kinds of guys on, Tucker's been on a disinfo roll all year ("But we're just having conversations!" lol)

The biggest tell is Ver's claim Bitcoin has been "hijacked". This is nonsense since the hijacking concept literally requires there being some existing centralized controlling entity, which is then forcibly or unexpectedly replaced by some other entity. Only an attention seeking moron would claim something like that.

smartbaum 7 points ago +7 / -0

Dovetailing with this concern, are the dubious claims in the OP that the Q movement is "citizen driven" and "bottom up". It certainly conveys those characteristics, but I don't think anyone is convinced otherwise than that whatever entity Q is, Q is not mere citizenry, and Q is and has been the oracle-hub of the movement. So there is still a third-party trust/oracle problem that must be navigated, this is not completely decentralized.

A psy op intended to placate and effectively domesticate resistance can certainly use the resources and strategic planning to inject all the characteristics of a non-establishment, bottom up movement, without it actually being so.

Personally I will continue to keep my eyes open, follow this narrative with what I try to maintain as healthy skepticism instead of radical skepticism; that includes whether yellow or red flags start popping up that indicate folks are being shepherded towards another Jan 6 style trap.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

What unreleased Epstein client list is everyone talking about? Ryan Dawson has made an extensive list (including the token salacious celeb and politician names) available for a few years now, putting it together by doing simple old school journalism. You can find it if you actually care enough.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thundercat also grew up watching Thundercats. And Dragonball Z apparently...


smartbaum 6 points ago +6 / -0

Listing everything except the biggest factor: Toxic light environments.

Most of the population are now effectively shift workers w/ broken circadian mechanisms and the associated risks (including obesity, diabetes, various cancers, AI conditions, mental health).

But screen addictions are now a pillar of the tech economy.

Blue lit LEDs are pushed for exclusive future market share.

There is no MAHA with the blue light mafia still running the show.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awareness, not fear. Hegseth is influenced by Wilson's writings, thus his philosophy of power, authority, and spirituality (Hegseth cites Wilson as a pastoral influence).

Wilson has been thoroughly documented defending, redefining, covering up, and gaslighting spiritual and sexual abuse as a consistent pattern.

The brotherhood CN jive ties directly into their dialectic Patriarchy model as the only alternative to their notion of current gyniarchy woke leftism.

The problem that matters with a CN operating in the national interests of defense and geopolitics are their assumptions about spiritual prerogatives underlying right to power. This is incompatible with the limiting powers of the Constitution, and yes Wilson misrepresented Christian Nationalism on Tucker because their stated end goal is a post-liberal post-Constitutional political reality of the Carl Schmitt Unbound Executive order, a strongman Christian prince setting things right, morally spiritually and otherwise.

I understand all this doesn't go over well with the Wilson fans and CN advocates. This is all a caveat emptor to the rest of MAGA, who don't know the Christian Nationalism project eventually requires the abdication of certain constitutional liberties to be justified by the current cultural crisis.

Moscow, ID is their current test lab. And thus it is prudent to investigate all the testimonies and stories that have come out of that wraparound "dominionist" culture.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't hold your breath waiting. RFK won't be unleashed. No public talk of justice for the vax injured during the campaign. Trump won't go there. JD Vance, Vivek and Musk are deeply invested in biotech, including biotech "health" products like mRNA vaccines, which Trump supported last time via Op Warp Speed and has yet to issue a public apology for his Covid-era policies.

Now do a deep dive on his WH Chief of Staff pick. Holy Pfizer WEF connections Batman!

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah but pharma WEF-compatible shill Susie Wiles will sure as hell make sure RFK is on a short leash or inconsequential position. That's why she's the one who made sure the Means siblings got pushed the front of MAHA with their asinine Froot Loops psy op misdirection.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually UV-A light in the mid to late morning hits aromatic amino acids in the retina, which are building blocks of melatonin and dopamine. Melatonin is then released at night, presuming one gets a couple of hours of darkness before sleep. Blue light especially at night will suppress that release, and regenerative sleep will be evasive.

So essentially, unfiltered morning sunlight along with no blue light at night is the best strategy for improving sleep, and thus lowering all kinds of mortality risk factors. It's like we're designed to live by natural environments and cycles ; )

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