It is a very sad thing with how pathetic part of society is now days. People have been given the gift of vast knowledge for free and available on mobile phones but instead of being productive, these dipshit clowns are on trash apps like tiktok instead of improving themselves.
I like how if there's something I haven't repaired before that I can find many youtube videos on how to do it myself. Some people just waste hours watching useless videos. A lot of these people have very limited knowledge on most things including the constitution.
They watch reality TV shows, sitting on their couches, stuffing their faces with junk food getting fatter and lazier. It is true though that people are addicted to their nearly unlimited entertainment options available now days.
Maybe the Canadian truckers would load up their trailers full of the liberals and give them a free one way ride to Canada.
Yup. There is a significant difference between a woman and a modern woman.
Data will not always be accurate as it can only use information that is available but it's still a good indicator. The MSM reminds me of the modern woman that plays on emotion instead of facts and/or data.
MSM is very good as making things appear differently than they actually are. One example being is that the transgender population makes up around 1/2 of 1 percent yet is heavily promoted as if the percentage is more like 30% when it obviously is not. The same is likely done with states where it looks as if certain states are heavily liberal when we already know there has been voter fraud for decades.
There have been times where government has use of technology because the general public so my guess would be Q has access to something that makes posting down to the exact second years later possible. The odds of posting down to the second are so low though so it must be some sort of technology that exceeds what we currently use.
If you post online from your home computer or your phone, you'll be on a website or an app and that will be connected to the internet but then the website Q posted on needs to also be perfectly reliable too. This requires multiple things to be perfect every time and that's rare.
I've always lived an active life but even at 43, I still walk at least 5 to 10 miles 5 or more times each week. I gave up most junk food years ago. I eat healthy, enjoy V8 juice and similar drinks. My one problem would be drinking coke daily still but I doubt I'll ever be willing to ditch that soda lol. I drink sweet tea still and lots of water also.
I recently finished up a pretty big remodel on my home so I know how to build a lot of things. I know how to build a home from the ground up since I've built large sheds which are not vastly different from building a home. I do 90% of my own mechanic work, etc. I don't think I'll have to deal with riots though since I live in FL.
I do things I do because I enjoy fixing things but also prefer doing things myself. I don't stick to any type of strict diet but I do eat mostly healthy. I live a healthy life because I want to be in good shape still when I'm in my 70s or 80s. Someone that lives an active and healthy life will not be able to do all those things the same way when they're 75 or 80 but because of living an active and healthy life, a person can be able to still live a full life at an old age.
People that live unhealthy and lazy lives will have far less mobility and energy once they get old.
Publix was started in FL originally so it's not a big surprise that they have some morals left.
There's an extreme end to each side of things. The thing is though, if a person is not causing physical or mental harm to someone else then they should be allowed to do whatever they want to do with their life. Too many people seem to take things to the extreme and don't want to acknowledge that not everyone thinks the same way and not everyone will ever agree on everything.
Us humans are a unique thing on this planet as we have self awareness of many things. Our purpose in life isn't simply to mate with the opposite gender, our purpose isn't to just hunt and grow food. We've evolved well beyond that as a species to where we seek many things for entertainment, enjoyment, pleasure, etc.
If two gay men want to get married then I think they should be allowed to because they're not hurting anyone. The only possible harm they could be doing is to each other's buttholes. Liberals do seem to be far more aggressive, unhinged, and generally unreasonable though. I'm able to look at things from a clear perspective in life because I don't judge people.
Saying someone is unhinged is merely an observation. I will say though that people that are religious typically cause far less trouble to others. I think most people really just want to live their lives and enjoy the life they have but the small minority gets amplified by the MSM to make it appear as if there are more of them than there really are.
As of 2022, there's nearly 335 million people in America, 1.6 million identify as transgender. That comes out to around 1/2 of 1 percent of the population, just 1/2 of 1 percent but yet the MSM makes it out like it's 30% or even 40%. It's so rare for someone to be transgender that many of us may never even encounter a transgender person in our entire lives.
Most people aren't bothered by it and just keep on living life but that allows the MSM to make it appear as if the LGBTQ or whatever it is called now days, is a much larger movement than it is. Here's one for perspective, as of April 2022, there's around 2.1 million people in prisons around America so there are more people in prison than there are transgender people which further speaks to how few of them there are.
Yup. There are definitely instances where churches are used for purposes other than their original purpose. I know not all are bad but too many I've heard the stories about, wanting to make money off of church members. Sometimes people go to church because they think that's all they need to do. I don't believe in god but if I did, I would not feel that a church was needed.
Everything I've ever heard about religion and god makes it seem that it's more or a personal thing which means it's something for each individual person which does not require a church and a preacher influencing the way someone thinks. I believe it is not normal to be a drag queen or transgender as I believe it's caused by mental illness but that is just my belief and my opinion.
I will never judge someone for choosing a lifestyle that I disagree with, I just won't have that person as part of my life. If god is real and if people will be judged for their actions then it really is not our place to attempt to place judgement on those that live lives that we disagree with.
If someone does me wrong, I'm the type of let it go and ignore them because I've seen it happen so many times where karma comes back to wreck their lives. A lot more good than bad happens in my life and I believe it's because I live a good life without any hate towards anyone. I never lie to anyone, I never betray anyone.
I'm one of those people that are loyal in many aspects. If a store treats me good then I'll drive out of my way to shop at that store. The problem I have with people mostly is those that are two faced liars that lie behind your back, will back stab you if it benefits them, and those that try to force their beliefs and opinions onto others.
If someone wants to go to church then that's good if that makes them happy. I could also say if someone wants to pretend to be a woman and get fucked up the ass regularly then if it makes them happy then so be it. I think the big difference there is going to church is harmless to others but gay sex increases the chance of diseases and infections in those taking part in it which could be spread to future partners which can potentially cause harm.
There are some religious people that try to preach to everyone but they're harmless. Then we have the mentally unstable liberals trying to force their beliefs and opinions onto others but they can get crazy and violent when they don't get their way. It's like a lot of liberals are functioning at a child like mentality. Whatever happens in the future, many of us will either be ready for it or will be able to adjust to it but a lot of liberals might really struggle to adjust to any major changes in this world.
Everyone needs to keep in mind that drag queens normally were something found in gay clubs where they would perform on the weekends for fun and go back to their normal life afterwards. Normal drag queens used to not try to live life as that, they did it for a weekend gig, for fun, etc. It's like saying all gay men or all lesbians are only democrat.
People have to remove religion from conversations because that can skew your perspective. Being religious and believing in god is not a requirement for being a good person in life. In my experiences in life, religious people have been far more deceptive, far more prone to lying and back stabbing but I don't hold that against all religious people.
The worst betrayals in my life came at the hands of people that were very religious, people that went to church 2 or more times a week and read their bibles daily. I've never personally been betrayed by a liberal but I don't agree with 95% of things liberals say still. The problem is that liberals want to force their opinions on others far more than conservatives do.
Conservatives are more likely to let people live their lives as they choose to whereas liberals are so brainwashed that they believe other opinions are impossible. We've had drag queens for thousands of years but it was more of a hidden thing because society used to be far more evil towards differing opinions.
Keep in mind that Trump posts things with his phone and phones have auto correct which makes it difficult to misspell a word. Sometimes auto correct will try to change the word to a word you don't want but it never misspells anything. Anytime a word is misspelled like that, it means he would have had to intentionally delete letters once or twice to get around the auto correct.
Most misspellings are from those of us posting things from a computer without auto correct. Things like a misspelling but also in all caps is very intentional. When Trump was president, he would sometimes put on an act to make the liberal media believe he was a bit stupid or unable to post in correct grammar but it was always done intentionally.
It's always so strange to me reading things online about masks. It can make me feel like a portion of this country is foreign or something. Here in FL, it's very rare that I ever see anyone with a mask on. If OP is talking about Disneyland then that must be CA so it'd make sense if people are being weird over there.
If people walk with bags of groceries then maybe I just never noticed before but I've always had a car and worked since I was 16 so I've never had to do any walking aside from 5+ miles I regularly walk for exercise. I also live about 15 miles from the nearest city but I did live in a big city for a couple of years unfortunately.
Only people that wants to keep a new car will pay upward of $800 per month to have a car. I learned a lot regarding auto mechanics going back to when I was a kid and I prefer buying vehicles in cash without payments. Sometimes I like a project vehicle to fix up as a hobby. The last one of those I had was a 1969 truck which I regret getting rid of but at the time, I didn't have time to work on it so instead of letting it sit and rot away I got rid of it.
I can't speak for anything in Europe though, I've never cared to travel over there. I prefer to do at least a full month's worth of grocery shopping at a time so there's no way I could do it without a vehicle. Surely though, anyone on this website would know that cities designed to be walkable or good for public transportation are going to be liberal shit holes in most cases which don't appeal to me personally but to each their own.
I wish something would happen though already, good or bad because then at least more people would know what they're dealing with.
These things matter because government, globalists, all of them, want people to be dependent on public transportation and dependent on government. If you can walk everywhere you need to go, that doesn't take into account groceries. No one is going to carry a gallon of milk, maybe a 24pk of soda, bulky packages of toilet paper, etc all while walking.
Globalists don't want you to be able to go to the supermarket and spend $100 or $200 on groceries while freely driving yourself there and back home. Being able to drive means you have the freedom to live outside of the city and once you live outside of the city limits then a lot of rules, regulations, laws no longer apply to you. The counties don't have the same stranglehold of control on people like the cities do.
If everyone was in big cities then everyone would be far more manageable by government and that's what they want. They don't like Americans that are able to live 15 miles outside of the city that also own lots of land, lots of guns, etc. These cities that are advertised as being friendly in regards to transportation are a major manipulation.
They want you in the cities where you either have no parking for your car or limited parking that limits you to 1 or 2 cars per household. They can then have parking garages that can be controlled with the potential of stopping someone from being able to get in their car and leave the parking garage. I know that never happens but it can happen as it's likely by design.
Out here we have 1 home on 5 acres and another home on 1/2 acre, 8 tractors, 3 trucks, 4 cars, lots of guns and lots of a lot of things. Most neighbors have similar things around here as well. None of the people around here are rich but more so just people that worked hard and lived smart lives. Government doesn't like that but there's nothing government can do about it yet.
High gas prices are not only part of a plan to further attempt to force people to switch to electric cars but also force people to consider selling everything they own to move into the city to be able to afford the cost of transportation. That falls into the great reset plan of owning nothing.
My nephew is going to trade school to become an electrician but it requires him driving about 75 miles each way to his classes. He has a truck with a V8 engine so he drives one of his mother's small cars that gets very good gas mileage. The great reset would rather him lose his truck and be forced to move 75 miles away into the bigger city and ride a city bus to where he needs to go.
I imagine all of the scum fucks that are wanting the great reset might hate people like me that grew up with an uncle that is a master mechanic and learned how to do all of my own mechanic work to my vehicles. I learned how to do my own repairs to most things, including plumbing, home repairs. I'm just finishing a pretty big remodel on the home I'm in now.
I know how to repair lawn mowers, weed eaters, and more. I'd definitely be in the category of those government, cabal, etc are against. I don't need government for anything and never liked government anyways. I like visiting big cities but definitely wouldn't want to live in a bigger city again, 2 years in Tampa FL was enough of that bullshit for me.
All of it boils down to government wanting more control over everyone's lives. If you are in a big city and have to settle for renting instead of owning then because of the massive increase in prices you pay renting vs owning, some people end up having to choose between their home and their car and typically will choose their home.
Then people could end up being dependent on public transportation to get to and from work. During the covid bullshit, I saw enough articles to know that public transportation forced people to wear masks so people were forced to risk damage to themselves to be allowed to earn money to buy food with to survive. What if government made use of things like this to force people to do other things in order to be able to earn money to live off of?
It's all about control and when we are free to drive where we want to and to work where we want to then we are free to live our lives the way we want to and government cannot hold anything over us. During the entire covid bullshit, I never once wore a mask, I never was tested for covid. I'm 43 and to my knowledge I've only been sick once in my life.
I believe it was the flu, it was nearly 20 years ago. I didn't see a doctor, I just went to work and dealt with it and as our immune system does, it fixed it all on its own in under a week. When I need to go places, it's typically 15 miles or more to the nearest city but aside from that I walk at least 5 miles per day, often well over 10 miles per day as the exercise feels good to me.
The push to make us dependent on government for transportation and food is not a new thing. This push has simply gotten much bigger in recent years to the point that more people are able to notice it.
We don't have absolute right to our own property even in America. If government wants a piece of the land you own, it can seize that piece of land for a number of reasons and there is nothing to be done about it. Keeping that private property already comes at the cost of property taxes on land you own forever.
The only thing we own that might be safe from government would be our underwear since nobody would want someone else's crusty ass underwear.
Sure seems like working for the Clintons comes with a shorter life expectancy
When monkeypox fails, I wonder what they'll try next. It would not surprise me at this point if they create a zombie virus aimed at their depopulation goals.
The different is that in one instance it's taxpayer month being used on things we do not approve of. In the other instance it's a man's personal money being spent which he can do with as he pleases.
I think some people equate college degrees with intelligence. There is intelligence required though to learn everything to obtain a college degree though. I think it's mainly what people refer to as unhinged lefties that believe college degrees automatically make them more intelligent and it becomes amusing when they randomly add in their degrees to conversations entirely unrelated.
Anyone with a good college degree should be proud of their accomplishment but I guess leftist lunatics believe they have to advertise accomplishments when in reality most people don't care about someone else's accomplishments. I think some of them are just seeking attention and gratification for things they did. The sad part is that in many cases, it's parents that failed them by not allowing them to fail in life and realize that nobody cares if they went to college or not.
A lot of people are guilty of believing that everyone else cares but most people don't. These comments were from a post of a person advertising they had a PhD but still fail to recognize if someone is male or female when a PhD or any degree has nothing to do with the person assuming someone was a man based on their male avatar which would be the usual assumption.
The person corrected it saying they were female then the other person responded about still getting things wrong with having a PhD as if that had anything to do with their messages. My comment was targeted at everyone that believes they're automatically more intelligent than anyone without a degree but from what I've seen over the years, it really seems like it's mostly left leaning people that wants everyone to know their accomplishments while all the normal people simply use those accomplishments to have a better life without caring who knows about it.
The joke is on them because a college degree is not and never has been a sign of intelligence. Anyone with a functional memory can sit in college classes learning and remembering things. Those that feel the need to advertise their college accomplishments are often the ones lacking the most and seeking to advertise things in attempt to feel more important than they are.
You could take a construction worker with a GED and someone with 8 years of college and often the construction worker would be more intelligent. There was a time when employers preferred someone with actual experience and knowledge of a job vs someone who sat in classrooms memorizing things.
I'm one of those that can understand how something works, figure it out, repair it or replace it, all without having to read books and pretend to know things. I know how to properly rebuild an engine but I'm not a mechanic. I know about 90% of everything involved in building a house, even correctly wiring it for plumbing and electricity but I'm not an electrician nor a plumber.
People with their college degrees believe they're smarter but that's rarely the case. Many of them don't even know or understand basic things in life. They find a way to earn a good paycheck and pay others to do everything they're not smart enough to learn to do themselves then just say they pay other people because they can.
If some sort of major apocalyptic event ever happened where cell phones no longer worked, power grid was gone, no more stores and restaurants, we would then see those that pretend to be intelligent on the internet be those begging for help because they were completely useless in life and society. I know it won't happen but if there ever were an apocalypse, I'd like it to be zombies although I know that's not going to happen.
I believe Musk is more in the middle and doesn't particularly care about either side but more so about science and technology. It just so happens that what benefits him and his companies also benefit us. I believe if it would benefit Musk to go against us that he would. It's that old saying about the enemy of my enemy is my friend or something along those lines.
I'm pretty much of the thinking that if his goals benefit our side more than the cabal's side then might as well accept it. People should never be under the illusion that Musk is on Trump's side though. Musk is on Musk's side and to achieve his goals, he needs capitalism to thrive which goes against what democrats seem to want.
Big pharma still has enough money to control governments and governments control us because we never seem to be able to get enough people to stand up against these types of things together. It's the age old thing, I can't remember the wording offhand of it but government doesn't fear us because there are never enough of us actually getting along and definitely never enough of us standing together to ever be able to make true change in society.
Whether or not medbeds are real or not doesn't really matter because it would just be among the seemingly endless amount of things that government and the elites have controlled throughout history. Covid would have been nothing more than a new strain of the flu if enough people had stood together against it across the world, same with masks and covid restrictions.
If you have a store that says wear a mask and everyone in the store is not wearing a mask then the store would have to stop playing their mask games but if there are 50 people in the store and only 2 or 3 choose not to wear a mask then in the liberal areas, those 2 or 3 people would be told to leave and even risk arrest.
Way back on Jan6 if every Trump voter, all 80 million plus went to DC, obviously there wouldn't be enough space but the optics of it would have forced government to stop with the election theft. The same can be said in Canada. When we don't have the numbers then we simply don't have the power. Most people choose to just keep living their life as if nothing ever changes and as long as people choose to do that then it's unlikely any true change will ever happen.
Trump showed that it takes more than 1 person or a million people to make any actual lasting changes. People have to wake up to the real world we live in and they have to actually want change and that is why we're still in this mess we're all in because this is something that never happens. A large enough number of people never seem to fully unite for something and because of that, government maintains control over our lives.
I guess I'm among those the elites dislike since I make use of my time, I don't do drugs, very rarely drink alcohol now days. I don't use social media unless forums like this count as social media now days.