The population number is FAKE. China for example....check the population prior to the one child policy, then check the population of China when the policy ended. The population increased. No way. Each 2 person couple having 1 child would DEFINITELY DECREASE the number. That's just one example. Just thinking logically, abortions increased every year in America alone for a long time and many married couples are choosing to not have children or only having 1 when couples use to have big families. My aunt had 13 children. My spouse has 5 siblings..
\\The "only people dropping dead" are NOT just on tv though. I know 8 people who have died from the shot. 2 were clients who were found dead in bed. 2 were co-workers, 1 found dead in bed and one found dead in her car. 1 was a family member, 23 years old fast acting cancer dead in weeks after the shot. 1 family member who turned black under the armpits and in private area and died. A friend of mine found her brother laying in his yard dead. A guy we went to school with was found dead the day after Christmas. And finally, a girl at a store I go to, told of her friend early twenties that was found dead in bed. 2 others we know have injuries like blisters through their mouth and throat that won't go away since the shot and are now being checked for cancer. For a while I was thinking/hoping that that the deaths were just part of the 'movie'. But, unfortunately, the shots are really killing people.
Where? just looked through it, didn't see his name.
I agree with everything you said except the shooting in NZ mosque was a hoax.
Absolutely right! The German people were the ones incinerated/cremated.... in their streets and homes.
Thank you for posting this! It is my new FAVORITE video. Q said, 'God woke you up for a reason' which is my favorite post. I have gone all the way up that ladder, unless there's another step I haven't seen yet. If there is another step, I will go there too and I see you have as well. A few of us here have. The first step is hard for people but once they take it, the next few are pretty easy, but then people get stuck half way up the ladder, where they can't turn around and come back down because you can't unknow what you know. But they refuse to take the next step up. Maybe because those steps involve breaking the brainwashing that has been done to us since we were little children. Things like WWII, Hitler, the Holocaust. A lie on such a massive scale. If people would just think, Why so many movies about Hitler? Where are the movies about Stalin? Mao? Why are children in school taught that they made lampshades out of the skin of the Jews? Isn't that mental abuse? Plus, it was already proven a lie. The highest area of the ladder, that they have built and taught a HUGE lie about the Earth, gravity, moon, sun stars etc to hide God from humanity. I don't understand why people still blindly trust 'science' when it's been shown that 'science' has an agenda and a price tag. Viruses are a lie. Evolution is ridiculous on so many levels and dinosaurs are a big lie too for the most part. The 'elites' believe in and worship satan. Which shows that with all their hidden knowledge they KNOW satan is real which means they KNOW God is real. We are NOT insignificant specks on an insignificant speck of dirt flying through space in an ever expanding universe! So many people CANNOT or WILL NOT (because they do not have the WILL) take the deep dive down that rabbit hole. I think it's because they don't like the idea of judgement and accountability. They'd rather believe this is all there is and we rot in a hole when we are done . I soooo wish more people would keep going up the ladder...
Hmm.... keep us posted..
I am going through being sick right now. I am unvaxxed. I felt weak for a couple of days and had headaches. Sunday evening, it hit hard and fast. My lungs and sinuses were completely full. Could hardly breath. When I would cough, my chest and throat felt like it was on fire! I would get cold /chills then hot, back and forth for days now. Last night my nose ran all night and I had a fever. Then my fever broke. I feel better today, not 100 percent, maybe 70%. All I took was vit. C, zinc , and Quercetin. Had some diareaha but I think it's because I took too much vit. C. It's the flu which now I understand is your body detoxing. No viruses.
Done. Seen clips of him before. Very funny. Thanks. When he used the term, 'placeholder', I figured he was at least a Q follower. Cool that he's on here.
Where are you getting the number of 75 million dead from the covid vax?
Where did you get the number of 75 million dead?
The name Crowder comes from the name Krauter, a German Ashkenazi jew name. BOTH AJ and Crowder are now (especially now) exposing themselves. Anyone who watched the interview would see that Alex is lying and Crowder has him on to support the lie. Disgusting! THIS is what they do when people try to expose what is really going on! Gavin Mc Ginness too! He did an iinterview with Kanye and showed like 47 min of a supposed 5 hour session, then did a quick commentary afterward from his car where he said ...." I tried to do an intervention on Kanye but it didn't work"
RONALD REAGAN . It makes me sick when people say he was a great President. Between giving Big Pharma protection and the Franklin cover up .................. and people like Cathy O'brian saying he was one of the people who raped her......................... people, even here have a lot more waking up to do.
I totally agree with you that viruses are not real. But what if NATURAL viruses aren't real but they have created man-made one. The idea of a virus is that it's something that invades a cell and takes over. What if a biological one doesn't exist but a mechanical/technological one does.?
How can I get Panacur in Canada? my dog has cancer.
The TRUE Nazis were and are the AshkeNAZI Jews. People are still not getting this! It's right in the name for pete sake! Even the Nazis in Ukraine are jewish. People need to WAKE UP.
Did you (or many others on here) even watch the show with Alex and Kanye? It's an exaggeration to say he PRAISED Nazis and Hitler. He just said that there's some good in everyone and to say that Hitler did NOTHING good for his country is false. I agree wih Kanye. Besides, ALL the ones who ran the camps were German JEWS. People seem to miss this. And even IF all they say about Hitler is true, Mao and Stalin were worse by far.
When I read this, I laughed soooo hard! I use to have a client who would ask people if they were Chinese. He was obsessed with it! Actually Elon DOES look part Chinese so he's not wrong. Obama may be since there was that cult his mother was involved with and the leader who was Asian my be his daddy. The stuff about Elon being a hybrid is so freaking funny!
Thanks for making me laugh! Is this you? If so, how long did you bake it for and at what temp? I've never made it before either and I love it.(except the nuts)
AshkeNAZI jew. It's IN THE NAME!!
Yes true, again, brain damage. But when it can be seen in adults and children who haven't had a stroke.. Also, it's more like one eye doesn't open as much as the other and sometimes it's when they are looking in a certain direction, one eye is slightly off from that direction.
I saw a video a while back of a guy, can't remember if he was a doctor or scientist or what, who was saying that vaccine damage to the brain and nervous system can always be seen in the eyes. One eye will appear slightly smaller than the other or the eyes won't line up right. One is always slightly off from center. He showed many examples and evidence. It's with ALL vaccines, although these jabs are the worst. I sooooo wish I could find the video !!
Most boys had pickups with shotguns and too..(Canada) . Candy and gum were not allowed in the classroom. We didn't have cell phones. If we would have had them, they certainly would not have been allowed either. There was a smoking section outside for those that smoked. If anyone, teacher or student was gay, no one knew about it. One girl was pregnant and she had to leave and come back after she had the baby.
Started school in 1974. Kids got the strap from the Principal if they disrupted the class or were disrespectful to the teacher. Kids played rough and fought often. Teachers were strict in the classroom and demanded attention and learning. Had one teacher, old lady, that would hit kids in the head with a yard stick at times. She hit me across my lower back with it one day for whispering. My kidneys let go, had to walk home at lunch time and put on clean pants. I loved learning though and it was a break from things going on at home. I was 'different' than the other kids, quiet. and eager to learn. Had very few friends. Graduated High School in 86. After working for a year, I went to University. Graduated in 1992. There was no woke ideology. Had one teacher that was an obvious alcoholic. (High School) Had it in his coffee cup at all times, everyone knew. They could smell it. Years later, I found out my female English teacher was having sex with some of the boys who were getting bad grades and didn't want to fail. (Always wondered how they ended up passing the grade, now I know). These two teachers married each other shortly after I graduated. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Parker, (grade9). She had a wooden arm and she'd hit the boys with it if they acted out. Loved her.
Or movie about genetically altered killing machines.