sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

He’s keeping the attention on himself and it undermines everyone else’s campaigns. It’s also important that Trump be on mainstream TV and not just Internet shows.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

They also deleted the footage of election night off the Internet, even though you can go back and watch live broadcast archives of elections from the ‘80s.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember Baier being skeptical, confused, questioning when the flip happened and the count was “paused” in six different states at the same time, as was his co-host, then Fox went to commercial break and when they came back, Baier and the co-host were on board with the steal.

I don’t think they were told ahead of time what was going to happen, started to doubt it live on air, then were threatened during commercial. Probably don’t even need to have blackmail on this one. Simply tell them they will be fired, sued, and never work in television again. I think that would be enough to get most people to obey, and especially the types of people who had the drive to be a talking head on TV in the first place.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is aware of pacing and leading. He does explain that it is persuasion technique to pretend to hold a particular viewpoint to pace with the viewer before redirecting them down a new path (leading). I think he uses that technique to talk about race for example. He pretty obviously is more aware of racial statistics than he lets on, but it makes sense to play dumb about all that as a way to pace the mainstream view before he challenges it.

sun_wolf 8 points ago +8 / -0

It’s like if a cabal of referees were caught rigging a sport, and then when asked if the team who won the rigged game will give back their trophy, they say it’s important to respect the rules of the sport and the authority of the refs. Uh yeah, exactly, that’s why rigging the games is a problem.

It’s like they skip over the whole problem of the corruption and answer the question as if the scandal wasn’t exposed.

They did this with the 2020 Election too. We were trying to overturn the fraud and they kept saying we were trying to overturn “the election”. No, the election was already overturned by them, when they froze the count, sent the poll watchers home, and pulled out fake hidden ballots from under the tables. We were trying to preserve the election by overturning their fraud.

sun_wolf 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’ve heard rumours that Michelle Obama can’t stand Barack and that’s one of the reasons she was always off on vacation to get away from him.

I’ve also heard the Deep State wants her to run for President but she refuses. I suspect she doesn’t actually want the workload. Even for a puppet, the Presidency seems like an exhausting amount of work.

I’m not defending her or anything because she obviously hates America and appears to despise white people, but I think the Deep State has given up on her. It seems like they’ve even stopped hyping her like they were a few years ago.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Perhaps we need a law/regulation that requires all doctors to notify patients of any financial kickbacks they receive when prescribing a pharmaceutical. They would still be able to prescribe, for example, this Vitamin K injection, but they would have to inform every mother that they will receive x amount of hundreds of dollars for it.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

This shows that the idea that DeSantis could avoid the “Trump baggage” is wrong. If Trump was out of the race, they would turn DeSantis into the new Hitler/KKK Grand Wizard/rapist/racist/anti-Semetic/homophobic/Russian colluding traitor and DDS would replace TDS. Republicans wouldn’t have avoided any “baggage” at all, and would probably be worse off, since DeSantis isn’t as vetted, and the burnout on TDS would be reinvigorated with a new face for Democrats to hate.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you edit your comments because I’m not really seeing a reason for hostility either. Probably people thought you were defending the WEF, I don’t know.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Y-y-y-you’re t-t-t-trying to hurt meeeee.”

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

June is Groomer Awareness Month.

The rainbow flag is a reminder never to leave a child alone with a homosexual.

sun_wolf 6 points ago +6 / -0

His holy book the Talmud gives him permission to have sex with children as long as they are goyim so I would lean towards guilty until proven innocent on this one. His religion literally permits him to have sex with kids! Why would we think he doesn’t abide by that?

sun_wolf 5 points ago +5 / -0

He has photos of himself on the first expedition of the Rainbow Warrior with the small team that founded Greenpeace.

He left in the ‘80s when he was the only remaining scientist on the board. The rest had all been replaced with activists. They told him they were making a move to ban all use of chlorine around the world. He tried to explain to them that one drop of chlorine in a tank of water could make that water drinkable for an entire impoverished village in the middle of a drought. The activists told him chlorine is a chemical and chemicals are bad and they were moving to ban it. He told them if they did that, it would kill millions. They told him chlorine is a chemical and chemicals are bad and they were banning it. That’s when he tapped out.

They then slandered him, erased his photo from their documentation, and denied he was ever part of the organization. They also started claiming he was not a scientist either.

sun_wolf 9 points ago +9 / -0

Give it a few years and these same people will start rewriting history to say Da Vinci was trans.

Gullible people fall for this bullshit all the time.

The TV is lying to you, everyone. Just because some History Channel documentary said xyz, it does not mean xyz ever happened, or even existed.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nonsense spit into the culture by the tribe who killed Christ.

The earliest known portrait of Christ was carved into emerald and looks exactly like Christians imagine. This was long before Da Vinci.

That stupid CGI image of the fat, dopey Arab the Christ killers released in the ‘90s to undermine Christians was a lie you either fell for, or pushed alongside them.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

What I am seeing here is once again a bunch of people getting sucked into the latest hoax. We’ve already gone through this with Russian Collusion, and Mueller, and Fine People, and Impeachment, and Jussie Smollett, and Covid, and HCQ, and Horse Paste, and Drink Bleach, and Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and the Epsurrection, and blah blah blah.

Is the pattern not obvious yet? Why does anyone not see the idiotic loop they have us in? Yeah after a few months go by the hoax is exposed, but the point is to start seeing through the latest hoax as it is happening, not after.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, they are all Mormons but don’t notice that. Simply repeat the mantra: Mormons are genetically superior to all non-Mormons. To not repeat this mantra would be a hate crime against Mormons. This all makes perfect sense and you are not being gaslit at all.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

“The aliens have come to warn us about climate change. They say they want AOC for President. Also in their world transgenders are the height of civilization so all children should be put on puberty blockers. The aliens also say Trump called neo-Nazis ‘fine people’ and - what’s that Gorgoth? - yes, Gorgoth says that is very, very ‘not cool’. No, you cannot meet Gorgoth. But he is speaking to me through this wireless receiver. Trust the Science. Trust the Gorgoth. Don’t be an alien denier.”

sun_wolf 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am thinking about starting a seminar series where I patiently explain to CEOs that associating your company with pedophilia is a BAD business move. It’s a one-week course and it costs a million dollars, but it saves them billions.

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