sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

The best evidence of more than one shooter is the audio signature that is consistent across multiple different recordings from multiple different locations.

First there were three muffled shots fired from Gun A and Location A, followed by about five unmuffled shots fired in a burst from Gun B at Location B, then a third gunshot fired from Gun C and Location C.

After that about ten seconds go by, and then there is a fourth shot, which appears to be the sniper counter-shot that killed Crooks.

The difference between Gun A and Gun B is very distinct (muffled/unmuffled, different pitch) and the different timing in the echo suggests different locations.

The first three muffled shots all appear to have been at Trump, and the second burst appear to have been more in his general direction, hitting the crowd.

The body on the roof (probably Crooks) only had one gun beside it so it doesn’t seem likely that he could have fired two different guns.

I know they say there were eight shell casings near Crooks, but I believe that is a lie. First because Cheatle refused to commit to an initial number, and second because when they did first answer, they used vague language: the area, the vicinity.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s interesting. Perhaps the third “mystery shot” was the one that took out Crooks and the sniper shot that took him out ten seconds later is a decoy.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

The location of the event seems perfectly designed for an ambush like this. Who chose that location? Was there a different location originally and then it was moved there?

sun_wolf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe because in that timeline nobody knows about the attempt and the assassins are able to regroup and try again and MAGA doesn’t go into high alert and the Mayorkas/Cheatle fake Secret Service detail stays in effect. And the TDS hysteria never gets shocked out of the American people.

sun_wolf 24 points ago +24 / -0

If she is smart she has flipped on the criminals above her who plotted the assassination and is willing to testify against them.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think they wanted every single blood droplet frozen in time and space to rub in the face of Trump supporters for maximum humiliation and demoralization.

Instead they got the bullet whizzing by. And probably the most iconic and heroic photo of any President ever. TOTAL BACKFIRE.

They must be seething.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would like to know if he was photographing Trump’s previous three to five rallies, or conveniently just this one, at a ridiculously high shutter speed.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

They keep talking about assassination protection but also say Pence was Deep State. How could it be both? If Pence was Deep State, why didn’t they take out Trump? Did Trump have assassination protection from 2016 - 2020 or not?

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Flynn isn’t a media master. He can get tripped up and put his foot in his mouth. So can Carson to some extent. So far Vance is smooth like Pence was.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many people were telling Trump to fire Mueller now now NOW!

Everyone was sure Mueller was going to come back and say COLLUSION.

Instead he said NO COLLUSION then bumbled his way through a hearing on TV and totally discredited himself.

Firing him would have been the trap.

Trump avoided that trap.

Trump was even the “you’re fired!” guy so the Deep State must have thought it was a layup.

Instead Trump zigged when everyone was telling him to zag and said to Mueller, “Show your work.”

And he had no work to show.

If Trump had fired Mueller, it would have “proven” Russian Collusion without the need of proof. Trump played it perfectly and everyone who thought they knew better was (purses lips) wrong.

sun_wolf 10 points ago +10 / -0

Before the CNN debate, doomers were screaming that it was an unforced error, he was walking into a trap, CNN was going to screw him, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

Then after the debate, they disappear until their next hysteria. They don’t even stop and go, “Well. That didn’t turn out as awful as I predicted.”

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven’t seen this one but The Red Menace is fantastic.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well we know from the DNC Leaks that Chelsea Clinton was not initially in on the Clinton crime grift. They put her in charge of some division of the Clinton Foundation and she started looking at the books and saw that things didn’t add up. She then e-mails, I believe, HRC and is like, “I think someone in the organization is committing a financial fraud here!” Then... nothing. We suspect this is when she was let in on the grift.

It would make sense that corrupt parents would not initially tell their kids they are criminals. It’s like in The Sopranos when Tony tells Meadow he works in sanitation. It’s not until she’s older and figures it out for herself that he basically admits it, and even then, does he actually admit it? Or just stop pushing the ruse on her?

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hats begging for money? No way! They are so viiiiiiiiiiiiiiictimized! Pay up cattle!

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Great Reset was the globalist’s attempt to copy The Great Awakening.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think it would be interesting if Christians were allowed to have one nation somewhere on Earth. Even if it was just a small island that’s currently empty. Just to see how well it does.

But it’s not allowed. Other religions, fine. Have a nation. Have an ethnostate. But for Christianity, it’s forbidden and for white people, it’s forbidden. All the authorities of Earth would rise up against a Christian ethnostate and bomb it out of existence.

Why that is is up to everyone to speculate for themselves. My own hunch is that it would have to be destroyed because it would be too good. They don’t want the idea expanding and direct evidence of success would go a long way towards that.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

The “suckers and losers” hoax is one of the trickier ones to debunk because there’s no tape or anything. Trump is pointing out the absurdity of it, and that’s good, but maybe too defensive.

What if instead he went more on the offense and said, “The only loser is the loser who made up this story and the only sucker is you, the sucker who fell for it.”

I like the idea of using the same two words as our own attack instead of trying to run away from them.

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