And if Guardians is Epstein Island and Epstein Island is Mossad then with the War in Israel, Mossad is being noticed right now like never before. Normal people on Twitter are talking about Mossad when it used to only be the deep conspiracy theorists who talked about Mossad. With the whole Gaza movement on the left, Mossad is probably being talked about by the Marxist liberals too, which would be new.
Well, Fisagate is Spygate and Spygate is Obama (he’s at the top of the pyramid in the poster) and it was reported the other day by Jesse Waters that Obama was on the scene when his chef was found dead, and that there is security video as well.
So... the Hamas attack was planned for two years without either American or Israeli counter-terrorism intelligence catching a whiff of it, but at the same time, they also have these guys wire-tapped and they talk openly like this? Is that logical?
I noticed on Fox they’ve started saying “burned babies” not “beheaded babies”. Was there a memo? Are they going to memory hole the “beheaded babies” and go with “burned babies” instead?
“Coronavirus” also turned into “Covid-19” when people started posting medical journals that showed the definition of “coronavirus” was “the common cold”. They like to do these word shifts. “Coronavirus” sounded scarier for the initial hysteria, but “Covid-19” sounded more scientific and worked better for the long slow grind of the lockdowns.
President Trump already showed us that the way to deal with this stuff isn’t to start huge wars and drop hundreds of bombs on buildings, it’s to do single, targeted strikes on the leaders of the terrorist groups. Instead of indiscriminately killing civilians, it’s possible to simply kill the actual criminals. Less blowback, less destruction, more efficient, more successful.
Remember how the George Floyd scandal looked staged and how the people in it weren’t wearing masks, even though it was supposedly in the middle of Covid, almost like it had been shot months ago before the Covid narrative had been committed to by the cabal (I don’t believe they would have actually launched it if Impeachment had worked).
It seems strange to me that a few days before the attack in Israel it was announced that the writer’s strike that shut down Hollywood for a year was suddenly over. Could they have needed those Hollywood wizards to spend the past year writing and shootng all this WW3 footage for them to now roll out? Have all the pre-scripted fake news stories already been shot and that’s why they’re able to go back to making movies now? I’m not only talking about Israel, but the whole thing. Paragliders, flipflops, raves, hospitals, trucks.
There’s also a contradiction in the reporting. First they say there was a failure in counter-terrorism intelligence that allowed an attack being planned for two years to go unnoticed, then they turn around and tell us their counter-terrorism intelligence is so pinpoint advanced that they are able to bomb entire buildings without killing civilians.
This does not make sense.
When people asked about medical contradictions in the reporting during the Covid Years, they were similarly shamed and shut down. Worth noting the similarities here.
I was pretty pissed at him for his little meltdown but I think it was cognitive dissonance. That would explain why he slipped from rationality into pure emotion. He seems to have at least caught that about himself and has backed off on the certainty of his claims.
The “40 beheaded babies” should have names. The Israeli government should be able to identify them. The longer they go without doing that, the more suspect. If they faked the whole thing, or it was one reporter - this Ben Zion - shooting his mouth off, and now they’re quickly trying to cover for the lie, then it would be difficult for them to fake these names. How would they come up with names for 40 beheaded babies? Swiping kids from Haiti won’t work for that. AI photos won’t work for that.
They said 40 babies were beheaded. People asked for evidence. So Netenyahu released three images: two burnt things, possibly babies, and a baby in a crib, with its head. It’s like some kind of insanity. How is that evidence of the claim of “40 beheaded babies”? Why didn’t they say “two burned babies and a third baby in a crib that was dead”?
“40 beheaded babies” is a very, very specific claim to make. It’s also kind of weird that 10/07/23 adds up to 40, and that 10/07/23 is 33 years to the day of the previous fake baby story.
Remember when we were in the middle of the Covid Hoax and people kept asking for evidence of the “overflowing emergency rooms”?
Anyone remember a SINGLE photo of a hospital hallway full of patients dying from the Covid plague because doctors couldn’t get to them in time?
It’s easy to picture from all the Hollywood movies and TV shows we’ve seen, but anything from the Covid era that matches? Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket. Everyone likes to bitch online when service is slow. Everyone likes to post their victimization stories on social media. There should have been thousands, if not millions, of photos and videos of overflowing hospitals full of Covid patients.
What we did see was a few brave people storming the “overflowing hospitals” with a camera to expose what they really were: empty. Completely empty. So empty that nurses would have time to choreograph elaborate dance routines.
Does anyone else remember Covid? I know it’s been memory-holed.
Ben Shapiro is freaking out on Twitter because American men don’t want to go to war for him, and like Owen Benjamin pointed out, only a few decades ago, the Shapiros of the day could simply run a lotto ball draw on TV and force American men to fight their wars. It reveals how much power they’ve actually lost. They’ve told too many lies and the lies are catching up with them. The lies have also gotten increasingly absurd, and with the absurdity, they’ve had to increase the social shame of doubting them, or asking for evidence.
When Covid started, who thought it would eventually expose Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, Big Pharma, and the vaccine industry?
When Ukraine started, who thought it would eventually expose color revolutions, child trafficking tunnels, the Azov Battalion, bioweapon labs, Congressional money laundering, and ethnic genocide of Russians?
When this latest news cycle unravels, what will it reveal?
If President Trump knew he had to reveal Mossad’s role in 9/11, and that this would turn most of America against Israel, the way to avoid that would be to have (as part of the DECLAS narrative), a news cycle where Mossad does the same thing to Israel that they did to America. Now the American People and the Israeli People are bonded. Weave the CIA into that and it works even better on reducing hatred, because now America and Israel both know they have these rogue intelligence agencies working against them. The blame goes to the agencies, not the people.
Seems like Trump might have been hinting at something similar with his recent reveal that Netenyahu backed out of the Solemeini strike at the last second. Was it cold feet, or was it because he was an “enemy” they weren’t actually supposed to defeat? Hamas could be the same. Does anyone think Hamas will actually be “wiped out”? If they are, wouldn’t that vaccum need to be filled with a new boogeyman of some kind. This isn’t isolated to Israel either. We’ve seen how countries always need a boogeyman to unite their people and forgive corruption.
To me it looks like that Executive Order Trump signed to confiscate the assets of anyone involved in child sexual trafficking might have bankrupted their coffers and so they need to keep doing these money laundering scams to continue funding their moves. This would explain how Covid morphed into Ukraine morphed into Hamas. As soon as one funding stream dried up, a new one started immediately. It’s as if they’re just barely outrunning their own bankruptcy.
Apparently Israeli politics are quite divided like America is. There’s apparently an establishment regime that’s been steadily losing power and then a more nationalist, grassroots, common sense party that keeps gaining ground. Netanyahu is apparently surrounded by corruption and constantly on the verge of going to jail.
It might be around the same time he said, “China thinks I’m playing a trick on them. They think Biden isn’t really the President and I’m playing a trick on them.”