Turns out, the battle in the sky prediction DID come true eh?
Whatever they say it is, it ain't. End of story.
I find it comical that the phrase "Don't trust, verfiy" is bandied about, but people do not apply it to Q (whom cannot be verified at all)
I love David Martin. I point people in his direction every chance I can get. You probably have someone in your family or friend circle that can use his wake up call. Choose from any video below or all.
MUST WATCH! Dr David Martin's presentation during the International Covid https://www.bitchute.com/video/BJF6vz5onmQx
EXPOSING THE CRIMINALS (Dr. David Martin's Must See Presentation) https://www.bitchute.com/video/bwUN0EmouI7g
Dr. David Martin: Red Pill Expo Presentation Spring 2021 https://www.bitchute.com/video/InnFwpjxDJh3
If they really don't know, they better find the fuck out. If they do know (likely) then what the fuck are we paying you for. Treason. The Federal Government has one job. The Security of the United States.
And just wait until they call "solitary confinement" > "single person cell"
If they manage to get this, absolute doom will come from it.
Presto Manifesto
Evil conducts its business under the cover of darkness.
Apes out tonight
The interviewer is dead as well I believe. Just as Buttar said he would be soon, in the interview.
Terrible Idea. Maybe some you folks haven't been around long enough to know about the North American Union. Also, if they become states, the migrants will flow unimpeded.
Chaos. War by any means necessary. Instability. Because, Order out of Chaos.
Reports that his plane has gone off radar.
That's what you get for putting up with immigration
This is setting a very bad precedent. This gives the state incentive to overcharge and if it doesn't stick, just drop it last minute. No charges should be allowed dropped after the jury has started deliberating. The case is closed and in their hands.
It is also obvious, this is about getting a conviction, not in the interest of justice. The jury couldn't get to the latter charges unless they reached a unanimous decision on the first. They didn't. Dismissing that charge does not change the fact that they had not reached a unanimous decision and therefore should NOT even be deliberating anything after.
Why do they always have the crazy eyes?
The Left always Projects
Yes. There is a duplicate post covering the same here.
I stand corrected. Thank you. Its dogshit though.
"Legal Perspective: The Supreme Court has affirmed that the President can pardon someone before any formal legal process. This suggests that the pardon could apply to potential crimes not yet formally charged or even known to the public or legal authorities at the time of the pardon."
"Ethical and Political Considerations: While legally permissible, issuing pardons for crimes never formally alleged or charged could be seen as an abuse of power or an interference with justice by some observers. Critics might argue that it undermines the legal system's integrity by preemptively nullifying accountability for possible future revelations of wrongdoing."
"Practical Application: Presidents have used this power in various ways. For instance, President Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon for any offenses he might have committed during his presidency is a notable example of a preemptive pardon. This action was controversial but demonstrated the broad interpretation of presidential pardon power."
REPEAT AFTER ME - You cannot pardon a person for a crime they have neither been to have alleged to have committed, or indicted for, or convicted of.
Headlines that Write themselves for $1000 Alex
Broken hips can be death sentences for old people. One can only hope.