Any trusted brands or sources for fendbendazole?
I'm sorry, I'm having trouble following your posts. Are you saying taking Fenbendozole makes it harder for chemo to do it's job?? If my chemo treatments are every two weeks, I'm thinking of supplementing the "off" weeks with ivermectin and/or fenbendazole. (stage 4 colon cancer in the liver)
"Anything less than total vindication for the plaintiffs suing United would be a serious blow to freedom of conscience and personal sovereignty...Every American should be rooting for the plaintiffs suing United Airlines for violating the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act." You can find out more...AE4HF
This was not just about religion. After UAL dictated a vaccine mandate, employees went to UAL and asked for an exemption to the mandate based on EITHER religious reasons OR medical reasons The legal foundation is in Title VII and the ADA. The employees actually did cite bodily autonomy, but had to cite case law to do that.
This is the LARGEST ever lawsuit against a private employer in our history. The VAX debacle seems like a long time ago, but this lawsuit has been gaining great momentum. We ALL have a vested interest in the sucess of the UAL employees fighting back! You can read more here, including the actual court filing:
It will be the MOST watched interview in history...stay tuned.
Realtors are usually connected to estate sale people who you can off load things you don't want to bring. Our recent UHaul adventure including hiring 2 movers- list provided from Uhaul, who packed us up for an 8 hour drive. They were wonderful, as nothing slipped around during transit. If your parents are connected to a church, sometimes they can help with packing. On such short notice, I'm sure your mind is swimming. Best of Luck and I pray everything goes smoothly!
I understand the frustration, but Chicago is a great city with amazing people. You can't place blame on the voters when the system is rigged. We must fix our elections!!!
I wish for the white hat and faked death theory. The video is too odd. He's talking to a smallish crowd, as he faces the sidewalk and building. The street behind him is wide open and unprotected. There are pedestrians across the street casually walking by. What kind of Secret Service protection area is this??
Hardly anyone reacts or flinches to the first "puff of smoke". Abe keeps on talking. The Second puff is when you see him wince and fall to the ground one knee at a time.
The weapon is a "home made" double barrell. You'd have to get pretty damn close for it to be lethal. Was the secret service not watching for someone approaching with an unidentified object two feet long in their hand???
The assassin is already photographed standing around with his "satchel". YGTBSM.
Prayers that Abe is the good guy I think he is and he is ok, with his family.
Proud of AE4HF: Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom representing!
I'm still trying to verify. Some more links:
Chop News?
Many other links are just a repost of the original article from Real Raw News
OMG, coffee through the nose again!! I needed that morning laugh!
Pompeo was in Taiwan recently, maybe negotiated biolab shutdown?
They are NOT on strike. They are informational picketing that their contract renewal is long overdue. Airlines are notorious for delaying contract talks well past ammendable dates. Due to the Railway Labor Act, workers don't have a lot of recourse to fight back. They can NOT go on strike unless released to do so by the National Mediation Board.
"Crisis" actors. Very funny!
We may have a winner!!
Nancy Drew on Telegram Truth and Freedom Videos on youtube
Six out of Nine results leading the searcher towards results implying censorship is a positive thing.
Superb Owl is a reference that has been going around for a while...I did not "coin the phrase". Example on this GAW thread with pics
You win...I had to go on my work website and it was on the front page :(
Don't ask, don't tell :)
what are some sources for purchasing Fenben?