trumper1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aren't 2nd generation natural born Americans esp if they assimilate and adopt American values which many do?

trumper1776 18 points ago +20 / -2

I am an occasional doomer, occasional hopium addict. I will try my best to answer.

I tend to believe Q, but sometimes doubt it. When I doubt, I don't think it's a CIA psyop designed to pacify us, but I do sometimes wonder if the storm and the Q are our collective fantasies of a justice that isn't coming.

I'm very doubtful of a shadow government, patriots are in control, biden being fake president, devolution theory. in the past year alone millions of americans have gotten the death jab, millions of children even. Real lives have already been lost. Inflation is out of control. Millions of illegals are coming into the country. Ketanji brown jackson is part of the SC. What kind of a plan would allow any of this?

Your belief in Q is not thwarting anything. I think Q gives hope and meaning to a lot of us, I am not here to take that away from anyone. But if I'm 100% being honest, it does feel that white hats aren't in control and the good guys will prevail at the end. That we just keep hoping that the white hats will play the trump card, play 4d chess, and create plot twist for this movie we're watching. But maybe life isn't a movie, and the elites will continue to subjugate us peasants as they have done since the beginning of history and all of us will die long before we see any justice or radical change.

trumper1776 2 points ago +3 / -1

Eh I am pessimistic. Will musk allow questioning how many people really died in WWII? I doubt it

trumper1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

military will set us free!!

trumper1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not even truth social would allow that

Nor here

trumper1776 0 points ago +1 / -1

according to snopes or polifacts maybe

trumper1776 16 points ago +18 / -2

"Yes 100%. They’re all pedophiles."


"They’ve all probably been arrested"

This is just wistful thinking.

trumper1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've read plenty of devolution material. I know how evil the deep state is. The question isn't WHY it has to happen. Every Patriot knows that already. The question is IS devolution happening.

Ignore the body double then. Explain why the white hats are allowing millions of Americans to be injected with deathjab, why millions of immigrants are coming in, why Jackson is in supreme court. If all your explanation is "it's part of the bigger plan" then why even pay attention to news and timeline? You can justify every shitty that happens as part of the deeper Devolution and claim it's secretly the white hats who wants to expose. Libs could start jailing Patriots and taking away their guns tomorrow and you could justify it as it's part of Devolution. Hell you already justify vaccinating children as whitehats plans

If it continues for 2, 5, 10 more years will you continue to tell yourself devolution must be happening because the evil deep state runs too big?

trumper1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe people look different from older pictures because people age/change? Why is the first go to be clones or actors/body doubles.

Why do you think white hats are in charge? Every bad action that happens, like Kentanji Jackson being confirmed for Supreme Court, people can do mental gymnastics to say, ha! Devolution is happening. This is part of the deeper plan. Show weakness when strong - Sun Tzu etc etc

This HAD to happen, the white hats are secretly in charge, not the UNIparty and rinos voting against our interest.

trumper1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

People here are desperate to believe what they want. All the whining about Big Tech and government, but you guys think THIS bigtech guy is somehow a Patriot? Why? Because he's edgy? Did he do anything to combat theft of our country?

trumper1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

Tesla is the biggest benefactor of anti oil agenda and electric car subsidies from deep state and green initiatives. Musk is just edgy and you want him to be on your side. What has he done with his massive platform and wealth? If he were a white hat did he say anything about election being stolen?

trumper1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

America is still the greatest economic engine and our output today is far greater than the 50s or 60s. American companies make technological breakthroughs in every field today.

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