truthsearch 10 points ago +10 / -0

To be honest, I saw that as well and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Then I had to think about doing business in general. If I had a business, would I do business with a WEF partner that could potentially put real value in my possession? If I had a shop, I would sell a cup of coffee to a liberal... or anyone walking in for that matter who wanted to buy a cup of coffee. I would treat everyone the same, with kindness and respect. Now, that is what I would do. I don't claim to know the intentions of Ripple, but it would make sense, if they were normies and they saw an opportunity to go to, and partner with an event that was crawling with the supposed power brokers and banksters of the world, that they would take that business opportunity. Business is business. I don't have to like the people I do business with. Free-market capitalism provides a method to exchange goods and services in a mutually beneficial way irrespective of personal beliefs.

The one thing that did give me hope about Ripple was the fact that the SEC was coming after them... You have to ask yourself, in a sea of crypto... why Ripple? Others have said it already but it is a revolutionary crypto that has a better-than-good chance of disrupting the old guard system with a mask that claims to be on their side.

The fact is, the petrol dollar is on its way out. What is going to fill that void? I don't see banks going away completely, and if there are banks, whatever fills that void (the accepted currency of the locality) will need bank-to-bank and cross-border transactions to go from the local medium to the foreign medium. The SWIFT system is on its way out as well. They can't keep up with cross-border transactions that all but eliminate nostro accounts and take 3 to 5 seconds to clear. Maybe the lords of SWIFT are coming up with something better... who knows. I read somewhere FedNow was a clunky failure so far.

So as of right now, Ripple's XRPL with XRP as the medium, is sitting pretty as a shiny new mechanism for banks to free up billions parked in accounts around the world allocated for clearing transactions (nostro accounts). If things accelerate (as they seem to be) banks will need solutions that Ripple has already solved.

I don't really look at this, being a medium of exchange, as a black or white, good vs evil issue. It's a medium of exchange. Ripple, the company, is like Visa or MasterCard and XRP is what they use instead of dollars. Side note, XRP can transact as fast as those processors as well. I don't really like Visa because of the stances they have taken in the past, but my small, local, and responsible (I checked) bank uses Visa. Visa provides value to its users and unfortunately in our world, we need the value that Visa provides its users. If I didn't want to participate in anything these money magicians (the FED and world banksters) did, I would have to refuse to use fiat and barter for everything or find something people will accept as payment besides dollars, which is not very realistic in today's world. I do think we are getting to that point, but as of right now, we are still in the system.

To exit the system, there will still need to be consensus, at least at a local level, and more realistically at a national level, of a medium of exchange. Gold, silver, and cryptos can fill those voids with more adoption. Gold and silver, however, are not as easy to carry around as crypto. We are just not there yet... but we are getting close. (Sheetz Gas Stations Will Accept Crypto) Down with the FED. Down with the IRS, SEC, and most if not all the ABC agencies in our GOV! God wins.

truthsearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reason they don't want decentralized crypto markets to pop up is because it is the equivalent of a trade market that is unregulated. It is the same thing as a fruit market that pops up on the side of the street except it is dealing in crypto. The way to think about it is in the way of trading metals or literally anything else that can be traded and/or used as a utility of trade. They can't control it unless they cut electricity off. They (the Treasury Department) want control. I agree that a nation needs to have control over ITS OWN currency. The problem is when you start to say you can't trade other things including crypto it impedes on your liberty to trade. I think many people don't want crypto and think it is dangerous because they don't understand it. It really should be thought of not as the currency of a nation or the world but more like a stock or (Forex) currency that is traded in an unregulated fashion.... But I am a libertarian and want freedom to trade anything I want... so i digress.

truthsearch 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is really insulting is how the official story with the cameras is that "no one was monitoring them."... so they are saying the cameras are ONLY being actively monitored and not RECORDED! There is no way that the capital police who were "watching" the cameras were not also recording the feeds. There is absolutely no way they set it up like that unless they were told not to record the feeds. You would not set cameras up without some sort of storage for the feeds... no way. They think we are stupid.

truthsearch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why? because NachosLibres said, "it just helps with the divisive narrative that “all white people bad”. And I’m OVER hearing that" or was it "I did go to college. It was one of the stupidest wastes of money/time and most indoctrinating thing I’ve ever experienced"? That to me sounds like the antithesis of "snowflake bullshit". Please someone correct me if I am wrong but, I think Nachos was saying it is important to not play into the racial or sexist nature of ideas. Lets leave that to the left. I agree that this thread is playing in that arena. We need to move above racial / sex, and speak to ideas that will not alienate groups of people because of the things a person can't change (race / sex), but influence them to awaken to ideas that can change our society for the better. GA is for the awakening of the masses. How best can we communicate TRUTH to the masses?

truthsearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think someones sex or skin color has anything to do with being deranged. When it comes to college, the propagation of derangement is heavily influenced by the "professors" who usually have a more intelligent way to explain their derangement to influential children (who's brains have not fully developed yet) who have not thought enough on the subject or have done their own research. Usually the masses in college latch on to an idea that sounds more intelligent in order to have a more intelligent sounding idea than they originally had without actually thinking critically to accept or develop that intelligent idea. A good college will teach a student how to trust a professor by thinking critically about the information given by the professor. Trust but verify. I say all that to say, it's the system of influence that elevates the deranged professors that in turn influence the deranged students that eventually move into a society that is more willing to "accept what they hear from trusted sources". The system was purposely designed this way to make a more complaint society. The derangement is much deeper than white women.

truthsearch 6 points ago +6 / -0

The problem I have with the "King James is the only bible that should be read" crowd is that it is divisive.

Matthew 12:25-26 And knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and no city or house divided against itself will stand. 26 And if Satan is casting out Satan, he has become divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

The other problem is If you want to really know the text, it is imperative to learn ancient Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek... and... because a text out of context is a pretext... you must also learn and understand the ancient cultures of the old testament... in the different areas it all took place, understand the culture in the time of Christ and the early church after the resurrection (new testament), read the thousands of manuscripts yourself (papyri , uncials, minuscules , and lectionaries) and compile a full picture of what it all means and put it all together... in your own language. Luckily, there is a rich, documented history of this tedious work already being done with the ultimate goal of spreading the good news.

But for those who need more... The King James bible writers didn't have the number of manuscripts we have today. We have a better picture of the text now than the King James translators.

The most important manuscripts of the new testament are probably the uncial codices that date from around the fourth century. Notably, A, B, C, and Aleph being the most important. These were not available to the King James translators. The best Greek uncial manuscript available in 1611 was D, and it was barely used in the preparation of the King James Version. Based on that fact alone, the King James version needed to be, at the very least, revised because of the earlier better manuscripts.

The bible is not God and to treat a translation as such misses the point. I am a proponent of accurate translations that communicate what the author was actually saying. This is why translations are important, and if one needs to be corrected because of better copies and evidence of the authors intent, then that version needs to be corrected and revised. We can only go off of the evidence we have in front of us.

I do believe the bible is special, but here is what is special about it... it tells us a story of the redemptive grace our God has for His people through the gift of the King. We are the ones who have fallen, and our God has given us a gift to stand, be protected, and thrive in the Light of life. From dark to Light.

Anyway... Why is was post about the KJV stickied?

truthsearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Exactly this. Open Source = transparent code... for all to audit, change / fix any problems they see in the code, and then compile themselves if they so choose. Could not have said it better.

truthsearch 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes! Decentralization is totally the key to combat corruption. That was the brilliance of the founders of the United States. We as states united formed a decentralized government.

When it comes to voting, I believe open source is the key along with checks all along the way to the voting machine. We could go back to paper ballots but it also can be done digitally with checks.

If it is to be done digitally, we must demand congress:

  1. Make all voting machine code that is to be used be open source.
  2. Have a process to transparently audit the compiling and installation process for the machines.
  3. Use a transparent immutable ledger... blockchain.

Love your post.

P.S. I hate Microsoft and not a fan of Apple.

P.P.S Learn Linux.

truthsearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's also think of all the white hats that have fallen behind the scenes, and pray for the ones still fighting. May the Living God bless them and their efforts.

truthsearch 6 points ago +6 / -0

This really just highlights the hypocrisy of Joe Biden and the left or anyone who want to increase taxes on anyone else all the while trying to reduce taxes for themselves... It also highlights the hypocrisy of the media going after Trump for the very same thing and not talking about anything creepy sleepy Uncle Joe does. I believe this is a part of a larger strategy to confuse the masses, namely accusing someone of the very thing you are doing so as to confuse and devalidate the talking point. With a little digging you can see it being done over and over again.

truthsearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the 720p version i downloaded from Vimeo before they took it down... link will expire in a day... will look for other ways to get it up here.Mike Lindell - The Full Documentary - Absolute Truth - ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED! 720p