tstr 2 points ago +2 / -0

She nailed it 100% on the head. And yes, we need our country to go back to God. All of us have to ask God to come into our lives and to help us and to help us save our country.

tstr 7 points ago +7 / -0

The only retort I'll give is Alex Jones is a doorway to the great wakening. But you've got to get past him. He brings a lot of people in, but then they have to get red pilled enough to realize that he's, you know, a poison pill. And you got to be able to get past him.

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Separate teaching and testing. The teacher should not be the person doing the testing. The testing and eval of the teachers should be done by a panel. This would help in getting rid of the fraud.

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read once that after 9/11 they were doing a scan for nuclear signatures from a plane flying over Manhattan. When it flew over the Israeli Consulate it alerted and the scan was then shutdown.

I am not saying this is true, it is just something I read years ago after 9/11.

tstr 0 points ago +1 / -1

Right, some jewish people are converts, which is why my original statement is accurate. There is an actual bloodline/DNA line of ethnic jews that originate from the biblical Israelites. Then there are a bunch of converts who are in fact not jewish at all except that they follow the religion and they use the jewish religion as a shield for the things they do. This is much of modern day Israel. The Rothschilds, who were instrumental in the creation of the modern nation state of Israel, are converts. Their true lineage goes back to the Khazarian Empire.

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

"What is really going on is Leftists know (On some level) that they were duped by their masters. Now they are expressing their self loathing"

We could only hope that is what is happening. I believe they are so brainwashed that they act out in righteous indignation. They are so convinced they are right they believe they have the moral superiority and therefore their actions are justified.

This is so dangerous and is how civil wars happen.

tstr 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Are you trying to say that "modern day Jews" don't have any rights because they're not the same genetically as the original Israelites?"

No, if I was trying to say that I would have typed it. What I wrote is what I am saying.

Do jewish people consider themselves a religion or a race?

tstr 27 points ago +28 / -1

The biblical Israelites and the modern state of Israel are not the same. The people who actually come from what was know as the Kingdom of Khazaria are jewish converts and share no DNA with the actual Hebrews/Israelites.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're talking about taking away our purpose for even being here in the first place. And I'm 100% against it. What Elon is talking about in this video goes against God. It goes against every fundamental reason for our existence.

Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but that's that's my read on it.

tstr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been talking about this stuff for 20 years. My own family does not believe a word I say, but now that this article is coming out all the sudden. Oh my God, he was right.

I mean, I personally, I don't really give a s*** about any of that. It's just funny... All it took is you know somebody to write it all down and get it to zerohedge and there you go.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even science is finding out that consciousness is a field that exists that we tap into, so we are not actually ourselves. We are our spirits in our bodies. So exactly what you said is true. We are spirits having a third dimension experience or whatever.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like it and may adopt this. I have a rubber stamp I put beneath the "Authorized Signature" line on all checks I write that says "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308".

A guy actully won a court case because of this. It showed he was intentionally reserving his rights and thought about in advance so the judge sided with him. I believe what you are doing is the same thing. Separate the legal identities aforethought and stand on your rights. I love it!

tstr 18 points ago +18 / -0

God's most cherished creation are children. They are the most innocent the most beautiful. And so in order to hurt God the most, you injure his most cherished creation.

tstr 5 points ago +6 / -1

I am happy it explains the birth certificate and the strawman it creates. That's a big one people don't know about. Two different legal identities.

tstr 16 points ago +16 / -0

I think this is disclosure of what has been done to our country and to us.

tstr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Killing the chickens was the dumbest thing ever. It's bird flu not chicken flu.

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