I think, to be grammatically and politically correct, it should be called "Gulf of the Americas".
Armaggedon and the end times are not "doom" for a christian believer, it is our promise.
We still dont need the possibility of a single power stung dictator makng decisions for our USA
I have been saying this sinxe obummer. The president is supposed to be CIC and head of the executive branch of our REPUBLIC. The president was never supposed to run the country. Each state was supposed to be its own "country" with the federal government only to provide defense of the REPUBLIC.
Spy vs. Spy.
The hat is very Spy vs Spy ish. love it
show him this https://x.com/the_jefferymead/status/1881514166936383809?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1881514166936383809%7Ctwgr%5E3f064846ab42c740fda1c4a7496650217851474c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgreatawakening.win%2Fp%2F19AKArjYCT%2Fjust-for-the-record-it-was-not-a%2Fc%2F , tell him to get married and get into one of those christian cults, not the lib cult.
only while they are in session.
Micheal was involved with that little paddle board "accident"
Looks like he got too close to the evil plastic surgeon. Have yall seen Madonna?
If the normies cant see it now, they are hopeless.
If you consider that the deepstate is the enemy of the USA, there is a bunch of folks going down. Time will tell
I heard there were so many they were gonna give him a stamp and pad so he doesnt wear out his hand on day one. LOL.
They are making it very easy to spot them
So after they cancelled everyones insurance because of the fire risk, now that there is nothing left to burn up they said they will offer new policies to help the folks out.
Its gonna get LIVE... LETS GOOOOOO...
Imagine of you had THAT in your body. What would my reaction be? Anger? fear? denial? hate? My unxaXXXed wife is even in denial, refuses to believe that any human could be that evil.
please, let it happen.
Will they still get backpay if they dont re-inlist? I think they should. And the mandaters, bottom to top, need to be punished severely. They swore to uphold the constitution, they failed
Yes, and it will negatively affect the entire country and world. Its not going to be all peachy and smoth sailing for awhile, but at least I think we are on the rigbt road.
2 issues here. 1= I believe the Kherspn region is a war zone, 2= Californians are overwhelming brainwashed sheep who have been fed Russia Bad, Russia Bad. Russia Bad.
looked loke she had a camera
not for long, I hope.
Oops, forgot to put the plug in...
Our delimma is not how to cure the gender confused, our delimma is how to stop the indoctrinations that caused the confusion.