Well that legal tender is the property of the Federal Reserve, a private bank with the vested interest in sinking our country into deeper and deeper debt. [They] don't benefit from adding any semblance of transparency to the voting process, kek.
1 Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”
2 Timothy 4:3-4, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
Really, who needs casters on their chairs?? Are you really going to out-sit the Chair Force?
I once saw him kill 3 guys with a pencil..with a f**king pencil!
"Panem et hockey" for the plebs. It's only when a populace gets angry that things get moving, and since Canadians are really nice it takes a bit longer still it seems lol. Just pretend it's a giant hockey rink, my canuck frens!
"That's because Americans aren't being oppressed, you fascist! Except for those in the LGBTQRS community who everyday fear for their lives!!!!"
And it'll be BILLIONS very soon. You know it, I know it, many many smart people know it too.
"Strident jackasses": as usual, elegantly and succinctly articulated. A role model for us all.
stunning and brave!
sounds like a real kunt(zman)
Seriously! I thought libtards considered Trump as the epitome of "Wall Street corporate greed", how ironic.
Seriously, $4.99/gal of premium today. It stung.
I think she fits in pretty well there, especially her side of the aisle.
Sad, sad news. Even if the vax wasn't involved, this isn't exactly an anomaly. Jets are the most dangerous platform in Naval Aviation.
what is that thing on the top picture?? Kek
Guns are not for hunting per se, they're to kill a target. Disarming the populace isn't to govern, it's to subjugate.
"Presidents do not control prices of gas." smh. Kudos, OP, for leading your friend to water like that. I would've lost patience ages ago.
I suppose presidents don't control how many illegal immigrants cross the border, they don't control how many US soldiers die overseas, they don't control how many Americans have jobs, etc, etc.
For what it's worth, the big boys came to the US under the provision of [those] guys. Same scum, different name.
I pray NCSWIC and that the best is yet to come ®
That stupid ass team should forgo any idea of having security posted at their facilities.
That's pretty much the online dating landscape nowadays, sigh.
"When they go high, we go low...waay low." -Michael Obama
"What difference does it make at this point?"
I never liked the hag but Benghazi was my red pill.
Was it a fully-loaded AR-BB-gun?
Agreed. 10 years (for example) is gut punch, but it looks quiiiite preferable when 50 years is hanging over your head should you decide that you're not gonna snitch. I wouldn't be surprised if there were wackos willing to give up 1-2 years just to rig an election, esp. if Soros is handing out checks.
"You think you stand a chance against the military?" "No, but I'll go down swinging." exactly right.
Also, our colonial American forefathers weren't exactly the odds on favorite compared to the "greatest army on Earth" that was Great Britain. Just saying...
"Sorry about the handcuffs, Dave, but we gotta sell this whole 'arrest' thing you know how it goes. Wife and kids still doing okay?" "Ah yeah, I gotta go pick her up from her boyfriends place after this." "Still good for bowling at 8?" "Yep"