Recall he’s the lawyer for JonBenet Ramsey’s parents...he probably had knowledge of this kind of thing for a really long time but not really evidence ????.
Well i just watched. Trump supporter with a popular YouTube explain her intel comes from her "guides". People are still keeping one foot In The dark side. Maybe we all get through the red sea, bit who is gonna get to see the promised land??
In general, we are at a disadvantage when it comes to sources when our institutions no longer exist to expose the truth.
To a certain extent, you are forced to hear second or third hand research, and line that up with how you see the world for yourself.
Nobody has to believe the deepest explanations that are out there for what's going on with the elites, the crimes surrounding them, and their reasons for it.
All you need to decide is whether or not you trust those elite, and what side you want to be on when conflict occurs.
That's always been the duty of any average citizen - your trust is your most valuable asset to give to any governing body.
If we win that fight and get our institutions back, then we will get to find out what 'really' is happening.
Honestly most of them are what I would like to call "Cuckservatives", you know, the George Bush neocon FOX news watching conservatives, just the other side of the same coin. It took most so called conservatives all the way until November 3rd 2020 to figure out Fox was controlled opposition when we been trying to tell them for YEARS but was dismissed as a trust the plan tick tocking qtard.
Hey, even I held out hope for normalcy - that the infection was only skin deep. I never took Q too seriously as something to focus on for the political reality prior to November 3rd, because it didn't exactly apply at that point.
You could still unite under dumbed down, but common allying principles of patriotism, sovereignty, masculinity, etc. There was no need to talk about how deep the deep state went, because the hope was that the will of the people would be so strong that it wouldn't matter.
Then November 3rd happened, and the litany of insane events that followed. And when you needed the Republican party to stand up to this nonsense the most, you saw them cower in a way that made no rational sense. The evidence of impropriety is overwhelming, and any other time period, this wouldnt have gone beyond November 4th without some real investigation occurring.
It was a reality shifting moment that made it impossible for you to NOT see things like PizzaGate, the constant stream of missing children, the constant lines of dead bodies that show up around it, and the fact that both parties were always 'implicated' around it - complete with a common threat of the occult, always there...
Because that was the why that no one wanted to think about. It was the reality breaking reason that no one could relate to - partially because we had slowly been divorced from the institutions that used to keep us wary of such realities (we called it religion, replaced by Science that has these people as the very masters of the new pulpit).
I hope our leaders keep fighting. We need to keep fighting in our own lives, because eventually everyone will not be able to look away from the insanity that has lied behind the order of our world throughout the prior 2000 year age.
There won't be a vaunted Age of Aquarius if we don't.
He's practically the premier defamation lawyer in this Country. He knows not to put this out there if he can't back it up. I fear for his life as this drags out. Although he has contingencies in place, he is willing to die for this revelation
This is the 4th. It is the same number that was labelled above the first movie poster of 3 Q posted a while back. That poster was labelled Guardians of the Pedophiles.
Please dear God let it be so. In the name of Christ Jesus, bring this evil into the light for all to see. We have been complacent for too long. Comfortable behind our facades of material wealth. Content to ignore the suffering around us. Please, Lord, guide us into a new era of human compassion and connection. Give us a GREAT AWAKENING!
God bless him for revealing the truth. Things make a lot more sense now, I couldn’t imagine how there were so many pedophiles in the world, but the idea that they are forced at gunpoint... it makes a lot more sense now.
So what do you guys think should happen to someone who is forced to be a pedophile at gunpoint? Are they really a pedophile then? Not really a Q guy myself, just much more curious about the hardship going on since all this covid-19 madness began.
Yep, same here. Getting “500 Internal Server Error.” That’s not from an overload of traffic, that means they actually changed something that caused the error.
Think about the children that came over illegally and those born into it without records recorded when they go missing...make me sick.
Me too, there's reservation mixed in there too for me.
All the insane rabbit holes -- I believe them for the most part, but part of me hopes they are not true. Sounds crazy and immature, huh... and I'm old.
They’ll have “experts” claim to have reviewed the videos and concluded that they are deep fakes. These people have corrupt people everywhere that do their bidding.
2nd term should not have the same difficulties as the first.
And I read somewhere that the same software that creates deepfakes can be used to prove deepfake as well. Video forensics should be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.
These fucking people are serial killers. All must be destroyed. Noone can walk away. The only considerations should be the method of death. Quick bullet for those who come clean. Rope for those who do not.
People are not forced to do any of this at gunpoint, that is a canard. This happens after they make a deal (with the devil) for money, power and fame. This is an initiation into the power elite. It is a first step of an agreement that has been entered into knowingly and willingly. The gun is not pointed at them, it is for them to use in sealing the deal. They rape and kill for assurances of personal gain, and when they get a position of authority they do what they are told.
I bet they only approach the ones that they already know are weirdos. They're are good people out there who would NEVER harm a child no matter what. Those people probably met with an accident or shot in a "robbery". I also am wondering if this is why Voat went down. Q did say to look to Voat for information. Maybe too many Boats in one location, disperse the herd to have a lesser effect when the info comes out.
There was a story that was on or referenced by crazy days and nights about 2 yrs ago. They get decent people in a less aggressive manner although very similar. You have an up and coming actor, congressman, whomever , they get invited to gatherings and parties. As the invites progress, slowly things are introduced at the parties that tend to push the envelope, previously mentioned newcomer is either pushed to drink something they shouldn't, take some sort of drug, etc, or slipped a mickey so to speak. The newcomer in their stoned/intoxicated state is manipulated into doing something terrible, it is all recorded, now they own them for the rest of their lives or until their usefulness has run out. The playboy mansion was the next level of this kind of thing, though from recall people with fewer scruples were caught up in that, same thing though, they were recorded. Then there were the types that wanted to climb the ladder, be part of the inner circle that simply jumped in feet first.
The blackmail described in the tweets only works for the psychos that are into that sort of twisted, evil shit. It obviously would not work on normal people...
If the movie posters from the Q post are a “schedule of events”, which I believe they are, then today’s “Guardians of the Pedophiles” drops are going to create tomorrow’s “Panic in DC”.
Trump's playing this perfectly. We're all going to show up to DC in a couple of days and see all these pedos with our own two eyes. They won't be able to walk the streets without losing their limbs.
He laid it out, talked about his deadman switch. Said "I am not suicidal and dont own a red scarf"
He named big names and was dead a month later.
Lin Wood is not saying anything a lot of people did not already know. Just didnt have the hard proof. Clearly he does - or else he is going to jail for these kinds of claims. Or end up dead.
Mel Gibson called it out in a roundablout way - and his career ended for a decade. Stanley Kubrick had a 'heart attack' before Eyes Wide Shiut came out, and the movie was edited and chopped up before release. As per Nicole Kidman - his next movie was going to be about Hollywood and Kids. Then he died.
Watch Out of the Shadows.
Anyone attacking Lin Wood is either missing the point, brainwashed (innocent explanation) or in on the evil. *cough cough Robert Barnes cough cough
The man is risking his life to reveal truths and half the people out there are spewing petty bullshit and worrying about optics. MILLIONS of children go 'missing' a year worldwide. And what is done is horrific beyond any movie.
No moral human person stands aside or makes excuses in the face of this kind of evil. Period.
I am concerned that he may have jumped the gun on this. Significantly so. He has established a controversial reputation - “distrust” surrounds normies when hearing his name. We can’t really break through a social bridgehead with anything attached to him - if it were Sidney Powell or General Flynn saying all this, it would be far easier to advance.
I suspect he knows such big info he can’t take it anymore - but I do not believe it’s “part of the plan.”
You do not launch anything until ordered. I fear he may have launched a torpedo against the captain’s wishes.
Maybe. From a tactical standpoint I get it - and this whole thing has felt like an uphill battle anyway.
I’ve trusted Wood seamlessly till this one. He’s passionate, and a little too passionate, and passion gets sloppy. He’s recanting info from his Aileen Fuchs tweet - I’m concerned about that, which makes me think “negligent discharge” is a possibility with him at times.
I’m assuming (and hoping) the info is legitimate and he just couldn’t wait any longer.
Sidney is one of the few attorneys in the US that can prosecute treason, and she served as a military attorney and federal prosecutor.
General Flynn was not only a top Military intel leader, he was a military hero and U.S. Army Special Operator "Ranger." He has that tab - that means he's willing to sacrifice himself for this country.
L. Lin Wood is a great attorney - he's saying some BIG things. Until the latter start openly backing him, I will have some reservations as I would with any source that I'm not entirely sure about.
Dropping it through someone who is "a little crazy" gives them enough comfort to continue living in the matrix. They can believe that the mass incarceration of our "elected officials" is because of election fraud.
Does anybody believe Trump would come out publicly and release this stuff? It has to come from the fringe.
He did say he gave the key to someone, didnt he? Maybe that other person will be the one to release the info, and his job was to initiate the declas. Who the hell knows, we're all just taking shots in the dark here.
It has to be the truth. There is no way you would say this shit unless you have the evidence.
like, if he didnt have the shit to back this up, this would be career suicide.
Recall he’s the lawyer for JonBenet Ramsey’s parents...he probably had knowledge of this kind of thing for a really long time but not really evidence ????.
Yes, I wondered about this when he sent the tweet about her brother's lawsuit against CBS?? the other day being wrapped up with a settlement.
And yet on the main sub, they are doing everything they can to bury the head under the sand...
reddit shills and the same shills from voat
Their gas lighting is identical to what the MSM is doing to POTUS and Patriots regarding the Big Steal.
Yup paid by the same DS puppet master
Yeah i noticed that too
But POTUS only engages as we engage.
The reality is the child trafficking that happens is unfathomable as a concept to a normie.
There is no fundamental understanding as to why anyone would do that - other than for a 'sick' and 'twisted' desire for children.
But never a wonder as to why that can happen - and never a wonder as to why there is always a connection to occult practices around it.
And for those that abandoned spirituality and the religion that exists to conceptualize that very concept, they can never know.
Angels and Demons exist. They aren't metaphorical concepts for your psyche.
And Demons have a great deal of use for the blood of children.
Well i just watched. Trump supporter with a popular YouTube explain her intel comes from her "guides". People are still keeping one foot In The dark side. Maybe we all get through the red sea, bit who is gonna get to see the promised land??
In general, we are at a disadvantage when it comes to sources when our institutions no longer exist to expose the truth.
To a certain extent, you are forced to hear second or third hand research, and line that up with how you see the world for yourself.
Nobody has to believe the deepest explanations that are out there for what's going on with the elites, the crimes surrounding them, and their reasons for it.
All you need to decide is whether or not you trust those elite, and what side you want to be on when conflict occurs.
That's always been the duty of any average citizen - your trust is your most valuable asset to give to any governing body.
If we win that fight and get our institutions back, then we will get to find out what 'really' is happening.
Honestly most of them are what I would like to call "Cuckservatives", you know, the George Bush neocon FOX news watching conservatives, just the other side of the same coin. It took most so called conservatives all the way until November 3rd 2020 to figure out Fox was controlled opposition when we been trying to tell them for YEARS but was dismissed as a trust the plan tick tocking qtard.
Hey, even I held out hope for normalcy - that the infection was only skin deep. I never took Q too seriously as something to focus on for the political reality prior to November 3rd, because it didn't exactly apply at that point.
You could still unite under dumbed down, but common allying principles of patriotism, sovereignty, masculinity, etc. There was no need to talk about how deep the deep state went, because the hope was that the will of the people would be so strong that it wouldn't matter.
Then November 3rd happened, and the litany of insane events that followed. And when you needed the Republican party to stand up to this nonsense the most, you saw them cower in a way that made no rational sense. The evidence of impropriety is overwhelming, and any other time period, this wouldnt have gone beyond November 4th without some real investigation occurring.
It was a reality shifting moment that made it impossible for you to NOT see things like PizzaGate, the constant stream of missing children, the constant lines of dead bodies that show up around it, and the fact that both parties were always 'implicated' around it - complete with a common threat of the occult, always there...
Because that was the why that no one wanted to think about. It was the reality breaking reason that no one could relate to - partially because we had slowly been divorced from the institutions that used to keep us wary of such realities (we called it religion, replaced by Science that has these people as the very masters of the new pulpit).
I hope our leaders keep fighting. We need to keep fighting in our own lives, because eventually everyone will not be able to look away from the insanity that has lied behind the order of our world throughout the prior 2000 year age.
There won't be a vaunted Age of Aquarius if we don't.
He's practically the premier defamation lawyer in this Country. He knows not to put this out there if he can't back it up. I fear for his life as this drags out. Although he has contingencies in place, he is willing to die for this revelation
We have all been saying it for 4 years. They had it all.
17 tweets.
I did not check Woods page to confirm he posted 17. But i trust OP.
This is the 4th. It is the same number that was labelled above the first movie poster of 3 Q posted a while back. That poster was labelled Guardians of the Pedophiles.
It's Happening!
Please dear God let it be so. In the name of Christ Jesus, bring this evil into the light for all to see. We have been complacent for too long. Comfortable behind our facades of material wealth. Content to ignore the suffering around us. Please, Lord, guide us into a new era of human compassion and connection. Give us a GREAT AWAKENING!
The picture is on the top left corner of this site for all to see. I was gonna try and get you a copy but got delayed by some other things.
God bless him for revealing the truth. Things make a lot more sense now, I couldn’t imagine how there were so many pedophiles in the world, but the idea that they are forced at gunpoint... it makes a lot more sense now.
Some truly satanic shit going on in this world.
That’s just for the public figures though. There are millions of “everyday” people who are into that for their own self interest.
So what do you guys think should happen to someone who is forced to be a pedophile at gunpoint? Are they really a pedophile then? Not really a Q guy myself, just much more curious about the hardship going on since all this covid-19 madness began.
It’s not certain they were all coerced. I’ve heard different views. Time will tell...
I was cop for 12 years. Not once did I hear those kind of nu.bers Nd they convince you its usually custodial or runaways.
Yep, same here. Getting “500 Internal Server Error.” That’s not from an overload of traffic, that means they actually changed something that caused the error.
Think about the children that came over illegally and those born into it without records recorded when they go missing...make me sick.
My gut is screaming at me telling me something is about to happen that everyone will remember for the rest of their lives.
Mine too. I’m simultaneously in a state of peace and a state of readiness. There’s something on the breeze...
Me too, there's reservation mixed in there too for me.
All the insane rabbit holes -- I believe them for the most part, but part of me hopes they are not true. Sounds crazy and immature, huh... and I'm old.
Not me, I'm tired of disappointment.
Why are you even here then?
God bless us all, we're going to need it.
Now is the time to be sure that our foundation is built on God... because everything else is starting to feel unstable.
On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.
What if they’re all deemed Russian disinformation deep fakes and therefore they cannot be proven guilty in any court because the videos could be fake?
They’ll have “experts” claim to have reviewed the videos and concluded that they are deep fakes. These people have corrupt people everywhere that do their bidding.
Not in a military tribunal they won‘t. Game theory has taken every option into account.
The investigation should catch heads of media.
Mockingbird media should die.
2nd term should not have the same difficulties as the first.
And I read somewhere that the same software that creates deepfakes can be used to prove deepfake as well. Video forensics should be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Q told us the end wouldn't be for everyone. I don't know what end, did they mean executions broadcast live or video of some hideous act.
Is that like the "Assange might suicide over there, so no justice for you, one year"?
That's a good point. In the age of deep fakes the videos are not extremely convincing proof, but suicides would be.
Anyone feel like that’s what was in the envelopes at Bush Funeral? Maybe still shots?
Yeah Jeb’s expression happens too quickly for reading text.
That would make sense and also explain some of the quick reactions some had to seeing them.
Wrap this man and his family in prayer.
I followed Kappy, and have been waiting for this to come to light.
They won't be able to walk down the street, pray they cannot.
Get 'em cleaned and loaded, kids...
These fucking people are serial killers. All must be destroyed. Noone can walk away. The only considerations should be the method of death. Quick bullet for those who come clean. Rope for those who do not.
Electric chair is my choice for these sick fs.
People are not forced to do any of this at gunpoint, that is a canard. This happens after they make a deal (with the devil) for money, power and fame. This is an initiation into the power elite. It is a first step of an agreement that has been entered into knowingly and willingly. The gun is not pointed at them, it is for them to use in sealing the deal. They rape and kill for assurances of personal gain, and when they get a position of authority they do what they are told.
He didnt say it was at gun point he said the bring them a gun
I see Lizard Squad is trending in twitter.
Relief is washing over me today. Love and respect to Lin Wood, his bravery is inspirational.
How does one, at gunpoint, muster up a boner with which to rape a child?
I bet they only approach the ones that they already know are weirdos. They're are good people out there who would NEVER harm a child no matter what. Those people probably met with an accident or shot in a "robbery". I also am wondering if this is why Voat went down. Q did say to look to Voat for information. Maybe too many Boats in one location, disperse the herd to have a lesser effect when the info comes out.
There was a story that was on or referenced by crazy days and nights about 2 yrs ago. They get decent people in a less aggressive manner although very similar. You have an up and coming actor, congressman, whomever , they get invited to gatherings and parties. As the invites progress, slowly things are introduced at the parties that tend to push the envelope, previously mentioned newcomer is either pushed to drink something they shouldn't, take some sort of drug, etc, or slipped a mickey so to speak. The newcomer in their stoned/intoxicated state is manipulated into doing something terrible, it is all recorded, now they own them for the rest of their lives or until their usefulness has run out. The playboy mansion was the next level of this kind of thing, though from recall people with fewer scruples were caught up in that, same thing though, they were recorded. Then there were the types that wanted to climb the ladder, be part of the inner circle that simply jumped in feet first.
Yes, called either a brownstone operation or a honeypot that happened at the playboy mansion.
The blackmail described in the tweets only works for the psychos that are into that sort of twisted, evil shit. It obviously would not work on normal people...
That’s our government™️ ????
How much time has to pass before you start to doubt this exists?
Thank you!
If the movie posters from the Q post are a “schedule of events”, which I believe they are, then today’s “Guardians of the Pedophiles” drops are going to create tomorrow’s “Panic in DC”.
He said this is what they call themselves
who'da thunk it Linwood leads the cavalry charge.
Trump's playing this perfectly. We're all going to show up to DC in a couple of days and see all these pedos with our own two eyes. They won't be able to walk the streets without losing their limbs.
Maybe he's doing it so the people that would vote to certify don't show up on Wednesday LOL.
Took me entirely too long to figure out that I need to read the posts in reverse order.
Issac Kappy Lost Tapes.
He laid it out, talked about his deadman switch. Said "I am not suicidal and dont own a red scarf"
He named big names and was dead a month later.
Lin Wood is not saying anything a lot of people did not already know. Just didnt have the hard proof. Clearly he does - or else he is going to jail for these kinds of claims. Or end up dead.
Mel Gibson called it out in a roundablout way - and his career ended for a decade. Stanley Kubrick had a 'heart attack' before Eyes Wide Shiut came out, and the movie was edited and chopped up before release. As per Nicole Kidman - his next movie was going to be about Hollywood and Kids. Then he died. Watch Out of the Shadows.
Anyone attacking Lin Wood is either missing the point, brainwashed (innocent explanation) or in on the evil. *cough cough Robert Barnes cough cough
The man is risking his life to reveal truths and half the people out there are spewing petty bullshit and worrying about optics. MILLIONS of children go 'missing' a year worldwide. And what is done is horrific beyond any movie.
No moral human person stands aside or makes excuses in the face of this kind of evil. Period.
I am concerned that he may have jumped the gun on this. Significantly so. He has established a controversial reputation - “distrust” surrounds normies when hearing his name. We can’t really break through a social bridgehead with anything attached to him - if it were Sidney Powell or General Flynn saying all this, it would be far easier to advance.
I suspect he knows such big info he can’t take it anymore - but I do not believe it’s “part of the plan.”
You do not launch anything until ordered. I fear he may have launched a torpedo against the captain’s wishes.
Maybe. From a tactical standpoint I get it - and this whole thing has felt like an uphill battle anyway.
I’ve trusted Wood seamlessly till this one. He’s passionate, and a little too passionate, and passion gets sloppy. He’s recanting info from his Aileen Fuchs tweet - I’m concerned about that, which makes me think “negligent discharge” is a possibility with him at times.
I’m assuming (and hoping) the info is legitimate and he just couldn’t wait any longer.
Would you question it if coming from Sidney Powell or General Flynn? They both have connections with LLin, js, at least that's my thought.
Let's rephrase that.
Would I question a former U.S. Army Ranger?
The answer to that is no.
Would I question a Military Attorney and former Federal Prosecutor?
The answer to that is no.
Would I question a brilliant attorney who I'm not entirely sure about? Yes.
I live by a policy of Trust but Verify - until you no longer need to trust or verify.
Sidney is one of the few attorneys in the US that can prosecute treason, and she served as a military attorney and federal prosecutor.
General Flynn was not only a top Military intel leader, he was a military hero and U.S. Army Special Operator "Ranger." He has that tab - that means he's willing to sacrifice himself for this country.
L. Lin Wood is a great attorney - he's saying some BIG things. Until the latter start openly backing him, I will have some reservations as I would with any source that I'm not entirely sure about.
I'll go deeper
Most people dont want to believe this stuff.
Dropping it through someone who is "a little crazy" gives them enough comfort to continue living in the matrix. They can believe that the mass incarceration of our "elected officials" is because of election fraud.
Does anybody believe Trump would come out publicly and release this stuff? It has to come from the fringe.
He did say he gave the key to someone, didnt he? Maybe that other person will be the one to release the info, and his job was to initiate the declas. Who the hell knows, we're all just taking shots in the dark here.
I like the gestalt lesson from the movie, "Suckerpunch" -- we're all playing support roles, for each other.
He is the second coming of Christ, according to him.