Welcome to the Great Awakening!
As Victor Lazlo says to Rick Blaine in 'Casablanca',
"Welcome to the fight! This time I know our side will win!"
Ours, too!
It has the best cast, all of my favorite character actors! Best scripts...so many wonderful lines! The best lighting which is an art in a black & white film. Best music!
And...BEST director, Michael Curtiz, who directed my favorite musical, White Christmas!
Could any two movies be more different and yet wonderful!?! He was very talented. Can't wait until hollyweird becomes Hollywood again!
Which one was that? We got burned when w posted a photo of the AF1 prez desk with lamp mirrored, and shills were able to find that image from Obama's pics, made us look foolish, saying only a could have taken that pic
I thought Q info is only dropped as “Q” and not “Qanon” or “Q anything else”? And also only comes from the 8kun?
Just trying to get it straight for myself.
I started with FBI anon and Kek and the power of Memes and numbers on 4chan. Watch it happen. Watch the sword ceremony while the Vegas shooter took place. . Then to 8 Chan and Q. Always been a believer but have lost faith many times. God is good. That is all that I need to remind myself.
All you had to do to know Q was not a LARP was to see how quickly the media insisted people stopped talking about Q and called you a "conspiracy theorist" for doing so.
But it does feel like something happened along the way, I assume a hidden scorched earth weapon the DS/Commies/Leftists/One-Worlders would use because they cannot just go away gracefully.
I was so sure Trump was gonna have a Tony Stark moment “I am Q+“ ... but it never happened.
To many photos from inside AF1 and zero deltas with POTUS for it to be a “LARP” ... the dumbest, laziest phrase ever to describe Q. 4500 hundred posts and counting over three years ... it’s the longest, most dedicated LARP in history man
They started to watch and listen but GOD hardened their hearts and minds. feel compassion for these lost but show no mercy. They will show none to you.
I've never been up on Q but I always refused to insult Q folks when I would see others calling yall qtards... When you get treated like that for no good reason or competent objection, it gives me reason to believe you're onto something
I think one of the biggest decays of our ability to communicate in the past two decades has been the requirement that you are right, you know best and your inability to step into the other person's shoes.
I don't know where it came from, but for some reason everyone truly is scared of being wrong
Public education. Both parents working. Mass media;music, tv, and my favorite: video games. pre internet [arcades] were the building blocks of anti social behavior. No, not crazy sociopathic shit, I mean like staring at a screen and not looking people in the eye and speaking openly and freely without reservation. And for the record, I love video games. It took me having kids to see wtf was actually happening. Tell-lie-vision. It's so blatant and in your face, but that dont mean shit to a 10yr old with an n64. Broadband really fucked us, But here we are! Pickin up bread crumbs and learning to discern. /end rant.
We welcome everyone. We want everyone to see the light. I can't tell you how many testimonials I've seen over the last 6 months from leftists who hated Trump and then all of a sudden they had an epiphany and became hardened vocal supporters. That's God's work right there.
I think as a country, generally, we support the underdog. Look at the popularity of Rocky in the 70s. When we drop the personal bias we can be fair. There are many on neither the right or left that want to see fairness. Being banned only elevates the feelings by some Americans that this is not fair to the President of the United States. Hence, they'll take his side even though they may not be supporters.
I never thought Q was a LARP but i will say that i dove in not knowing what to expect, digging thru theGreatAwakening sub when a coworker showed me a few things... i hated politics. I am patriot and a veteran but i knew the gov’t was fucked and there was nothing i could do about it. When I saw the “tippy top” Q proof I knew that it was 100% legit.
I never thought Q was a LARP but also never fully jumped in. Cannot think offhand why I agreed or disagreed with Q posts, but would see some 'Q brought me here' tags and that took me down some interesting paths. Always kept me thinking.
That being said ........ past few days has been a kick in th nuts. Hello, got my attention.
Lately I have felt like I am the only one around that still has hope. That feeling when you walk into a room and realize, "these are my kind"? Well here I am. I love all y'all, even th' haters!
I never heard about Q till just before that tv interview in Florida with TRUMP. Was not in America so that explains it. Reporter says Qanon is a conspiracy theory and he said just cuz you say so doesn’t make it so.
So I don’t even look into q posts till 2 days ago. Seems legit to me.
My question is I go to two different great awakening sites and read all these 5th dimensional stuff and sun solar flashes is this part of Q too or that’s like an offshoot. A primer is kinda needed.
There are many offshoots from the Q drops. In addition to the stuff you mentioned, there are Qanon groups that subdcribe to the idea of JFK jr being alive. There are others who talk endlessly about NESARA/GESARA. The thing you have to understand is that a lot of the Q drops are cryptic and others contain disinfo aimed at the black hats. So, you are fortunate to come at a time when the movie is reaching its denouement and avoid the waiting that earlier followers had to endure for 3+ years. All I would advise is just sit back and enjoy the show. You can peruse through Q drops starting from the earliest to the latest. There are some gems of information lying therein.
Ok for now that great awakening pyramid I’ll just believe to the 3rd bottom level. I know members of E LumNaughty and I know for a fact one is as evil as they come and one who isn’t corrupt at all. Why do I even bring this up? Just simply pointing out that it’s the individuals themselves who have sold their soul to the devil.
At that level these people are highly intellectually and philosophical but I believe no matter what level of transcendence they assert they’ve attained it doesn’t give them inherent superiority in dictating human behavior or forced compliance to achieve their agenda.
To me I feel like I’m walking between two worlds. At the end of the day I wanna know what makes people tick on a daily basis and their ulterior motives. It’s fascinating this thing we cal life. Thanks so much for your response.
I've been on board since Nov 2017 but have not seen any talk about solar flashes or 5th dimension stuff other than project looking glass. There was a q&a with Q and the question are there aliens came up. Q said we live in a big universe. That's as close as we came to space stuff that I remember.
Perfect perhaps those sites that have those great awakening maps try to deter anyone from hopping on board to Q. I’ll dismiss them for now. Concentrate just on the next 2 months then revisit that stuff.
It’s so comfy here frens!! Thanks for sharing the hopium, I need it.
I’ve kept my eye on Q since the start but I never understood the chans and was afraid I would fall for a LARP because I believe so many conspiracy theories (probably bc they are true).
Ummm but I’m catching up, soooo blackout coming? I’m trying to catch up on my own as fast as I can, I’m afraid I’m going to lose access to stuff before I fully understand, is it an entire internet blackout or do we not know?
If youve never doubted Q then there is prob something wrong with you. The whole phenomenon is so wildly unfathomable, incomprehensible, and unbelievable on the surface. It only clicks when you really dig into it and know the codes
I've only been coming here since the election and I am learning so much every day. I thought you guys were crazy but I've been exploring that rabbit hole a little more every day and have to say, it makes a lot of sense. I even have my 75 year old mom on board!
I never believed a thing about Q until Wednesday and then I spent all night here because I couldn't sleep. Way too many things happening at once to simply be coincidence.
I did not know of this silent war between Q believers and people on The Donald.
I guess it's because I'm coming from The Donald.
If I've called any of you a LARP I'm sorry, but I usually reserve that for people who are on the surface total nobodies claiming to have all the answers.
I'm also from TheDonald. Back in 2017 I was a Q supporter, but stopped reading after some time. I never called them LARPERS as I don't know if Q is real or not. I guess soon we will know.
Yes ^^ this is a great question. I can only assume big tech will continue their assault on WrongThink and continue to ban/remove anything associated with DJT. Easy steps are to remove content on platforms they already have control over. Next step is to take down domain hosting, server providers, and payment processors to not accept payments from WrongThink websites.
Are the TD.W alt domains in play for GA.W as well? u/catsfive
I’ve been playing tourist here the past week or so, just dropping by when things got too intense or doomer-ish at TheDonald. Thank you for your hospitality!
Feels like a placid zen garden in here, with you beautiful Q people reading the tea leaves and fortune cookies, you’re awesome
It's wonderful to know the peripheral plan and exciting to see it unfolding after 3 years. We've been expecting it for a long time. Honestly there's been disappointment along the way thinking something was imminent then it wasn't. It was hard to keep the faith but we knew there was a plan and we couldn't turn away after being this awake.
I took Q with a grain of salt - until the mass banning all over the internet. That proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Q is not only real, but an imminent threat to the deep state globalists.
I always knew - always, but I also knew that it was all so fucked up that if I put on my glasses and looked closely I would think I was crazy and seek psych help from the scope of it. 39% of my life military service, another 25% of it in DoD/Aerospace projects - still couldn't face it even though I was ass-deep in the big middle of it, especially that second job with the spooks. 2015 I went full-on Trump and knew from then he was our guy here to unfuck the whole mess, yet it took 11/3 and beyond for me to finally unsuppress my hesitation to get with Q for real. I'm sorry that I was so complacent.
What first did it for me was Epstein's arrest. That was huge. Then Flynn's confirmation of Q really sealed the deal. I watched so many Q proofs live, but it is still easy to doubt. Now I simply have to review the facts, and it is undeniable.
Been around since the DNC/pizzagate days when reddit took the subreddit down. I’ve been tossed around to so many different websites I lurked here and didn’t make an account until just now. I love how much it’s picked up.
Somehow I didn't get involved with this whole thing even though I was involved in the rabbit hole of Pizzagate. Staying up late reading through everything on Voat after Reddit banned everything relating to it should have caused me to be interested in Q before now
I've been out for 5 years and had almost zero connections and definitely no ones besides few friends and family, when I actually looked into q it lit something up in me that I haven't had since I wore the uniform, I'm just hesitant to reach further because I barely know how to use these types of things or whatever, but I have very intelligent kid and teaching me how to navigate the web with little to no tangles
Most of the people I spoke with about Q over the past three years have contacted me over the past couple days. They want to know what I know and what’s next. It’s adorable.
I never thought it was a larp. I thought there was a legit Q but anyone could pretend to be Q. Now I believe it's verified that Q comes from one source so now I'm looking into it more.
The sticky with the Biden/China, election theft, 2nd impeachment predictions, and then the Trump Twitter ban might have me on board.
Late as fuck but I might just have “come to”
yes it is something else to have a blueprint for the chaos, so we can start to point at the map and say "You are here"
Welcome to the Patriot Party
Ross Perot would be proud.
Mr. Perot, we are finally gonna let you finish.
That's what she said.
Welcome to the Great Awakening! @shitpostingChamp As Victor Lazlo says to Rick Blaine in 'Casablanca', "Welcome to the fight! This time I know our side will win!"
Great one! ? I'm SHOCKED, SHOCKED to find corruption going on here! Take care fren...The Best Is Yet to Come! ???
Such a joy to watch the best of the classics!
Ours, too! It has the best cast, all of my favorite character actors! Best scripts...so many wonderful lines! The best lighting which is an art in a black & white film. Best music! And...BEST director, Michael Curtiz, who directed my favorite musical, White Christmas! Could any two movies be more different and yet wonderful!?! He was very talented. Can't wait until hollyweird becomes Hollywood again!
Ohhhhh nooooooo you're going to be full Qtarded soon! Ahhhh!
I always thought Q was a dumb waste of time until I watched a Q Proofs video
I hear this a lot about this video. I’ve been on the Q train since the week of his first posts in 2017, but I’m going to check this video out
Haha shit I've been following since first post and I've never seen this vid.
When Q posted a picture of the President exiting an aircraft, and the picture was taken from inside the aircraft, I figured the team was legit.
Which one was that? We got burned when w posted a photo of the AF1 prez desk with lamp mirrored, and shills were able to find that image from Obama's pics, made us look foolish, saying only a could have taken that pic
The DEFCON[1] posts 6 days before the Hawaii bogus nuke alert 12jan18 was quite an interesting "coincidence" too.
Great reasoning and well articulated! Gonna have to send it to a few people who still don't get it. Thanks!
I agree, the math proves it, and scary just how many people aren't able to see it.
It’s pretty compelling
I thought Q info is only dropped as “Q” and not “Qanon” or “Q anything else”? And also only comes from the 8kun? Just trying to get it straight for myself.
Q provides the info, anons are us. Q-anon not Qanon
Thank you
I started with FBI anon and Kek and the power of Memes and numbers on 4chan. Watch it happen. Watch the sword ceremony while the Vegas shooter took place. . Then to 8 Chan and Q. Always been a believer but have lost faith many times. God is good. That is all that I need to remind myself.
Same bro
Thanks for sharing!! @try4again It shows how Q is not only facts but real!
All you had to do to know Q was not a LARP was to see how quickly the media insisted people stopped talking about Q and called you a "conspiracy theorist" for doing so.
But it does feel like something happened along the way, I assume a hidden scorched earth weapon the DS/Commies/Leftists/One-Worlders would use because they cannot just go away gracefully.
I was so sure Trump was gonna have a Tony Stark moment “I am Q+“ ... but it never happened.
To many photos from inside AF1 and zero deltas with POTUS for it to be a “LARP” ... the dumbest, laziest phrase ever to describe Q. 4500 hundred posts and counting over three years ... it’s the longest, most dedicated LARP in history man
They started to watch and listen but GOD hardened their hearts and minds. feel compassion for these lost but show no mercy. They will show none to you.
When POTUS never came out and said there's someone posting about being part of my team and/or connected to me, I knew. POTUS ain't one to mince words.
I've never been up on Q but I always refused to insult Q folks when I would see others calling yall qtards... When you get treated like that for no good reason or competent objection, it gives me reason to believe you're onto something
I wear Qtard proudly just like "Deplorable"
Welcome. Plenty of reasons to go around. Definitely into something here. Watch and enjoy!
yeah same,open to new ideas all the time. people have a desperate need to be right, to be in correct all the time.
It's ok to say, "I don't know, im not sure"
I think one of the biggest decays of our ability to communicate in the past two decades has been the requirement that you are right, you know best and your inability to step into the other person's shoes.
I don't know where it came from, but for some reason everyone truly is scared of being wrong
Public education. Both parents working. Mass media;music, tv, and my favorite: video games. pre internet [arcades] were the building blocks of anti social behavior. No, not crazy sociopathic shit, I mean like staring at a screen and not looking people in the eye and speaking openly and freely without reservation. And for the record, I love video games. It took me having kids to see wtf was actually happening. Tell-lie-vision. It's so blatant and in your face, but that dont mean shit to a 10yr old with an n64. Broadband really fucked us, But here we are! Pickin up bread crumbs and learning to discern. /end rant.
Yes. Social media too. Same direction of degredation.
We welcome everyone. We want everyone to see the light. I can't tell you how many testimonials I've seen over the last 6 months from leftists who hated Trump and then all of a sudden they had an epiphany and became hardened vocal supporters. That's God's work right there.
I think as a country, generally, we support the underdog. Look at the popularity of Rocky in the 70s. When we drop the personal bias we can be fair. There are many on neither the right or left that want to see fairness. Being banned only elevates the feelings by some Americans that this is not fair to the President of the United States. Hence, they'll take his side even though they may not be supporters.
I hear his approval rating is rising!!
I never thought Q was a LARP but i will say that i dove in not knowing what to expect, digging thru theGreatAwakening sub when a coworker showed me a few things... i hated politics. I am patriot and a veteran but i knew the gov’t was fucked and there was nothing i could do about it. When I saw the “tippy top” Q proof I knew that it was 100% legit.
i can’t believe we are finally here.
same. tippy top was too coincidence to be coincidence for me.
Wasn’t it the very next day where Trump used “tippy top” in his speech? And he continued to say it till this day.
I was already on board but that was funny as shit. People were virtually high fiving after that.
I never thought Q was a LARP but also never fully jumped in. Cannot think offhand why I agreed or disagreed with Q posts, but would see some 'Q brought me here' tags and that took me down some interesting paths. Always kept me thinking.
That being said ........ past few days has been a kick in th nuts. Hello, got my attention.
Lately I have felt like I am the only one around that still has hope. That feeling when you walk into a room and realize, "these are my kind"? Well here I am. I love all y'all, even th' haters!
I never heard about Q till just before that tv interview in Florida with TRUMP. Was not in America so that explains it. Reporter says Qanon is a conspiracy theory and he said just cuz you say so doesn’t make it so.
So I don’t even look into q posts till 2 days ago. Seems legit to me.
My question is I go to two different great awakening sites and read all these 5th dimensional stuff and sun solar flashes is this part of Q too or that’s like an offshoot. A primer is kinda needed.
There are many offshoots from the Q drops. In addition to the stuff you mentioned, there are Qanon groups that subdcribe to the idea of JFK jr being alive. There are others who talk endlessly about NESARA/GESARA. The thing you have to understand is that a lot of the Q drops are cryptic and others contain disinfo aimed at the black hats. So, you are fortunate to come at a time when the movie is reaching its denouement and avoid the waiting that earlier followers had to endure for 3+ years. All I would advise is just sit back and enjoy the show. You can peruse through Q drops starting from the earliest to the latest. There are some gems of information lying therein.
Ok for now that great awakening pyramid I’ll just believe to the 3rd bottom level. I know members of E LumNaughty and I know for a fact one is as evil as they come and one who isn’t corrupt at all. Why do I even bring this up? Just simply pointing out that it’s the individuals themselves who have sold their soul to the devil.
At that level these people are highly intellectually and philosophical but I believe no matter what level of transcendence they assert they’ve attained it doesn’t give them inherent superiority in dictating human behavior or forced compliance to achieve their agenda.
To me I feel like I’m walking between two worlds. At the end of the day I wanna know what makes people tick on a daily basis and their ulterior motives. It’s fascinating this thing we cal life. Thanks so much for your response.
I've been on board since Nov 2017 but have not seen any talk about solar flashes or 5th dimension stuff other than project looking glass. There was a q&a with Q and the question are there aliens came up. Q said we live in a big universe. That's as close as we came to space stuff that I remember.
Perfect perhaps those sites that have those great awakening maps try to deter anyone from hopping on board to Q. I’ll dismiss them for now. Concentrate just on the next 2 months then revisit that stuff.
It’s so comfy here frens!! Thanks for sharing the hopium, I need it.
I’ve kept my eye on Q since the start but I never understood the chans and was afraid I would fall for a LARP because I believe so many conspiracy theories (probably bc they are true).
Ummm but I’m catching up, soooo blackout coming? I’m trying to catch up on my own as fast as I can, I’m afraid I’m going to lose access to stuff before I fully understand, is it an entire internet blackout or do we not know?
Someone please answer this. I want to know too.
I'm not expecting a total blackout, just ALOT of the major companies going down.
I’d be ok if it’s a chance to catch up on some reading and spend a little more time with the kids... ?
For some reason santa brought a pile of board games this year.
If youve never doubted Q then there is prob something wrong with you. The whole phenomenon is so wildly unfathomable, incomprehensible, and unbelievable on the surface. It only clicks when you really dig into it and know the codes
Ah, yes, the CODES! #%>* ME!
haha yes, that's why some posters need to chill on the anti-tdwin narrative.
To your average person this is all incredibly far fetched. However when all the "coincidences" are taken into account...
It becomes mathmatically impossible!
Look after pizzagate, anything, imo, is possible. That was my redpill. That's why I had no problem following along when I discovered it in Nov 2017.
I’m here for the gangbang
Kamala is not here though bro
I've only been coming here since the election and I am learning so much every day. I thought you guys were crazy but I've been exploring that rabbit hole a little more every day and have to say, it makes a lot of sense. I even have my 75 year old mom on board!
I never believed a thing about Q until Wednesday and then I spent all night here because I couldn't sleep. Way too many things happening at once to simply be coincidence.
When there are like 500000 coincidences and your raw doom turns into adrenaline that makes you shakier than usual you start to pay attention for sure
flicks on zippo in air vent “Come on out to the internet. We’ll post a few memes have a few laughs.”
Yippee ki-yay Motherfucker.
I'd probably fall back to 8kun.
/qrb is pretty quiet these days. Probably a good place to go if this place goes TU.
I'm inquiring. As y'all know, TDW has its backups (.space, xyz, etc.) but I don't know if we are included on that.
You are not but I’m sure the mods of TDW would be happy to help you make one.
if this place goes down and td.backups are up, fuck their anti Q narrative, we'll flood the boards.
I did not know of this silent war between Q believers and people on The Donald.
I guess it's because I'm coming from The Donald.
If I've called any of you a LARP I'm sorry, but I usually reserve that for people who are on the surface total nobodies claiming to have all the answers.
I'm also from TheDonald. Back in 2017 I was a Q supporter, but stopped reading after some time. I never called them LARPERS as I don't know if Q is real or not. I guess soon we will know.
It's already happening. The voat migration was perfectly timed.
I know we have had some disagreements, but I trust you to do your very best on this front. WRWY
Yes ^^ this is a great question. I can only assume big tech will continue their assault on WrongThink and continue to ban/remove anything associated with DJT. Easy steps are to remove content on platforms they already have control over. Next step is to take down domain hosting, server providers, and payment processors to not accept payments from WrongThink websites.
Are the TD.W alt domains in play for GA.W as well? u/catsfive
Until they nuke the net.
Right now, no place id rather be. Feeling stressed and disconnected
I’ve been playing tourist here the past week or so, just dropping by when things got too intense or doomer-ish at TheDonald. Thank you for your hospitality!
Feels like a placid zen garden in here, with you beautiful Q people reading the tea leaves and fortune cookies, you’re awesome
It's wonderful to know the peripheral plan and exciting to see it unfolding after 3 years. We've been expecting it for a long time. Honestly there's been disappointment along the way thinking something was imminent then it wasn't. It was hard to keep the faith but we knew there was a plan and we couldn't turn away after being this awake.
New here just now saying hello and looking for hope/info on what to do
Enjoy the show.
I took Q with a grain of salt - until the mass banning all over the internet. That proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Q is not only real, but an imminent threat to the deep state globalists.
I always knew - always, but I also knew that it was all so fucked up that if I put on my glasses and looked closely I would think I was crazy and seek psych help from the scope of it. 39% of my life military service, another 25% of it in DoD/Aerospace projects - still couldn't face it even though I was ass-deep in the big middle of it, especially that second job with the spooks. 2015 I went full-on Trump and knew from then he was our guy here to unfuck the whole mess, yet it took 11/3 and beyond for me to finally unsuppress my hesitation to get with Q for real. I'm sorry that I was so complacent.
What first did it for me was Epstein's arrest. That was huge. Then Flynn's confirmation of Q really sealed the deal. I watched so many Q proofs live, but it is still easy to doubt. Now I simply have to review the facts, and it is undeniable.
I broke my up vote cherry here on greatawakening on this post - thanks for the awesome welcome!
Been around since the DNC/pizzagate days when reddit took the subreddit down. I’ve been tossed around to so many different websites I lurked here and didn’t make an account until just now. I love how much it’s picked up.
Somehow I didn't get involved with this whole thing even though I was involved in the rabbit hole of Pizzagate. Staying up late reading through everything on Voat after Reddit banned everything relating to it should have caused me to be interested in Q before now
I've been out for 5 years and had almost zero connections and definitely no ones besides few friends and family, when I actually looked into q it lit something up in me that I haven't had since I wore the uniform, I'm just hesitant to reach further because I barely know how to use these types of things or whatever, but I have very intelligent kid and teaching me how to navigate the web with little to no tangles
Most of the people I spoke with about Q over the past three years have contacted me over the past couple days. They want to know what I know and what’s next. It’s adorable.
Wow! I feel like I just walked through the mirror. I think I’m gonna like it here.
God I love that movie so fucking much, I watch it every Christmas
I didn’t click on this ... til I did. Then I laughed. Thanks Bro.
I never thought it was a larp. I thought there was a legit Q but anyone could pretend to be Q. Now I believe it's verified that Q comes from one source so now I'm looking into it more.