Trump approves emergency declaration in DC
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Hot damn. Is this standard for inaugurations? Has it happened before?
That reads very differently, never making any mention of "...emergency conditions...", "...disaster relief efforts...", or "...suffering caused by the emergency on the population..." like the current order we are talking about now.
For reference, that older one reads...
The President's action makes Federal funding available to the District of Columbia.
Specifically, assistance is available to the District for emergency protective measures that are undertaken to save lives and protect public health and safety. Direct Federal assistance, at 100 percent Federal funding will be provided during the period of January 17-21, 2009, and reimbursement of emergency protective measures (Category B), under the Public Assistance program, at 100 percent Federal funding for work performed on January 20, 2009. FEMA will reimburse for eligible emergency protective measures performed on January 20, 2009, only if the District has expended on the Presidential Inauguration during the period of January 17-21, 2009, the $15 million appropriated to it for "Emergency Planning and Security Costs" by the Continuing Appropriations Resolution 2009, P.L. 110-329.
R. David Paulison, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Donald L. Keldsen as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected area.
Standard maybe for actual inaugurations, but this one is supposed to be a virtual one, right?
Yes, makes sense.
So it's normally for a couple of days. I guess this is how they handle the large crowds, portable restrooms and the like.
Maybe it's being done for the whole week to similarly support the large number of troops on the ground?
CSET FEMA? Chortle chortle
Thanks for finding this!
The dates are more normal for that, this one covers the 11th-24th, which is odd.
China offering to send 250k troops to DC to ‘protect’ Joe during and immediately after the inaugeration KEK.
Guys - I think this is to just release funding to pay for the Natl Guard. Not actually put more boots on the ground. Its a formality.
Just 'you think'?
you all ever watch the xfiles movie (1st one)? they talk about fema alot (also vaccines and viruses), something of note that stands out is how they say in the movie "the president will declare a state of emergency and activate FEMA to temporarily suspend constitutional rights". what if this is the pretext to activate FEMA in all 50 states? look at Sec. 706. PEWPEW Policies (42 U.S.C. 5207) talks about temporarily taking firearms as long as they give them back at the end of the operation. sound familiar? hurricane k?
2 ways this could go, either as a pretext to activate FEMA in all states to do a mass pew pew confiscation, part of the great reset....
if this is the good guys plan all along, it somehow all fits into place as a pretext to activate the guard/mil in all states to prevent chaos.
its scary how much this is playing out, almost like we are in some kind of movie...
speaking of x files, they seem to pretty accurately depict the deep state, and 3 letter agency corruption, among other things...
the truth is out there (chris carter confirmed?)
The x22 report talked about this very possibility on today's report (the first scenario related to the xfiles). He said do not believe the narrative that there are going to be Patriot protests at every major capital city in the United States. Something like this could be another set up - DS wants rioting to happen so they can confiscate your weapons through some emergency act. I am praying for your scenario number 2.
Ah, x22. I won’t miss his 60second-long introductions.
I don't disagree and he still ties things back to Q.
If you trust in Trump at all you trust that it isn't for gun confiscations
Trust but verify everyone, including Trump. I’m at DEFCON 3 now and will trust no one moving forward. You should all be thinking the same. The thing about plans that seem to be too good to be true..........
If we are going by DEFCON tiers I'm at like a two. I am anxious and I am also wary.
But not so much worried about Trump doing something to fuck us personally. If something like that happens it confirms some things that they have said. Pray for his health.
I want to believe
I always thought Chris Carter might have friends in high places giving him little pieces of the truth that he then fabricated into interesting stories.
President Donald J. Trump Approves District of Columbia Emergency Declaration
Issued Jan. 11, 2021
Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the District of Columbia and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the District’s response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from the 59th Presidential Inauguration from January 11 to January 24, 2021.
The President’s action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, and to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the District of Columbia.
Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency. Emergency protective measures, limited to direct Federal assistance, will be provided at 100 percent Federal funding.
Pete Gaynor, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Thomas J. Fargione as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected area.
Either there is some legal reason why Trump would declare a state of emergency for DC that has to do with using the military which I don't know about (because I'm not a lawyer), or this is just grand-standing by the deep state to try and suggest the staged event on the 6th at the capitol building was a "disaster".
Wasn't there an EO not too long ago about FEMA being allowed funds in certain situations or something
The STORM act...
Why not both? It would play right into our hands, and would be a very Trumpian move.
"emergency conditions resulting from the 59th Presidential Inauguration from January 11 to January 24, 2021." This sounds like the inauguration has already occurred. Odd choice of words. Or is it?
If you count halfway between the 11th and the 24th, counting both the 11th and 24th you get both the 17th and 18th. Q and Q+1.
If you count halfway between my nuts and my anus, you get my taint.
Who... What... What kind of monster would down vote this?
Lmfao this is fucking hilarious
Is it happening? Doomers on the Donald says it means nothing.
TD has absolutely changed for the worse since the 6th. Noticeably and measurably. I’ve lurked here since it’s creation on .win (and before that, when it was on Reddit - I skipped voat, because, well, yeah) and now this place is much more like TD was a week ago than TD is now.
As someone who would spend alot of time on tdwin pre 6th, this is absolutely true. I get that same feeling of being behind on the news when I scroll through now. I love the patriots there but I feel my brain cells dying when i go through it now.
No they’re not, tons of people taking hopium over there now, and hoping it’s a step towards insurrection act. will always say that no matter what
Great way to talk about hosts who humor your theories. I dont care either way. But you certainly should have more respect to the
It's called "goating", seeded cultural demarcation that later grows into a self policing community, who run out and limit normalization of newcomers. The cabal successfully goated voat, for example.
Be full of grace!
As a full-time member of TDW, and a mere lurker (until now) on this site, thank you.
See, I was a full time member of TDW.
But the dooming became too much and the content became really stagnant, boring and almost entirely memes.
That's fine... But I would rather see some hope and positivity right now.
There’s entirely too many memes over there. It’s ridiculous and achieves nothing.
It was great for 2016, but this is a different fight now. This is an actual war. Memes are just out of place now. This is too serious.
Memes are a weapon. Never under estimate their power. An idea can be a 1000 times more dangerous than the most elite of military assets.
Its a meme page, celebrating the Geotus. You don't read TDW for news or data exchange. I like the page, but I had to leave due to the number of FBI shills, insurgents, and doomers on that page trying to cause a ruckus.
Luckily, there a lot of based folks there, and they shut down that nonsense quickly.
It's more like an ongoing war. The doomers have not won, they just have more control on some days than others.
Not saying it's not bad, it is. But there's plenty of fair minded people over there, and I'm not only seeing more Q/plan related comments, but occasionally they get more upvotes than our front page posts do.
O' frate!
I've got a tough one I'd like some thoughts on:
Bill Gates is attached to virtually every aspect of this scamdemic.
He's even now the #1 funder of the W.H.O.
Fauci is Gates' partner in crime in the scamdemic.
Everyone who has done even minimal truth research knows Fauci is as corrupt as they come.
It's really not possible for the 5-D Trump team to be unaware of this.
Gates and Fauci are invested in the experimental mRNA injection being produced & pushed by Moderna, a relatively new company that has produced virtually nothing, with exception to high-production marketing videos.
Why did Trump praise Moderna (along with J&J) as highly trustworthy and then proceed to tell people to 'get the shot' via Twitter?
This here is the one thing I have always been confused on myself. It is the one thing I have questioned Trump's motives on.
From another thread on this I posted on:
Don't get too carried away with this. Bush did the same thing for Obama. Yes this is only the 2nd time it's been done according to the FEMA website going back to the 1980s, but it looks like it's just to allocate federal resources/monies to supplement local agencies, since this will be a large scale event.
For a lot of LE agencies, a 'state of emergency' has to be declared to be repaid for any OT accrued during whatever the 'emergency' is. At least that's how my agency is.
I really wouldn't read too much into this or take it as a sign of 'Happening'.
The puzzling part is the Biden team said they were doing the inauguration 'virtual' because of 'muh covid' yet there's all of the standard 'inauguration' stuff in DC like jersey walls, generators, etc. Could be, given the 'magically sudden' change in narrative, see NY Gov, about 'muh covid' they may have changed their minds about virtual?
Really only time will tell, but having a history of these being done for inaugurations in the past, and knowing how 'states of emergency' relate to federal funding for debts incurred by local government agencies during 'events/disasters', I wouldn't read too much into this, and just chalk it up as standard procedure, given the events of the 6th.
I'm completely on board for their being a plan and a move in the 11th hour, but really, I think with this one, people are simply just reaching.
I could be wrong, I really could be, but to me, this just all looks standard so that the Fed Government can give money to Capitol Police, DCMP, DCFD, etc, for OT they sustain from having to work this event.
This happens literally all of the time with LE/Fire & EMS/Local Government Agencies when SOE's get declared. They have to submit some paperwork off and then get reimbursed from the FED GOV for their costs during things like this or natural disasters so that these types of things don't blow their fiscal budget away.
I'm sure other people here who work in public safety/service can attest to this.
And I know what people are going to say.
As a matter of fact yes. This happens all over the country especially in places prone to disasters. (See west coast - wild fires, midwest/tornado alley (self explanatory), gulf coast states - Hurricanes, etc.)
That's actually outlined here:
For those who don't want to read, here's an article that literally tells you a 100% reimbursement for the inauguration of Obama in 09.
I'll even SS it for you:
This is fake news actually. No where does it say that an SOE is needed for an IA, anywhere it's written. It DOES say that a proclamation to disperse is needed. Some people argue that Trump's video was good enough, but unfortunately I think they're looking for something a bit more official like EO level official in terms of a proclamation.
Prep for the 1/21 Reparations march?
That's funny.
If I recall, wasn't there some big pro 2A event happening this weekend in DC? I know the Mayor just revoked permits for a bunch of pro trump stuff.
Honestly I think this is just a knee jerk to the 6th, and as I explained, aid for the local public safety/service agencies of DC for the inauguration.
17th I believe but it sure as hell isn't trump supporters. Blatant Antifa op trying to get armed trump supporters to all state capitols so they can infiltrate and start some shit like they did on the 6th.
But did Bush declare an emergency?
For Obama's inaguration in 09, yes he did.
You can see that here, and read it here. Almost identical wording.
See it:
Read it:
This is the only other time it's been done since the 1980, and that's because FEMA was created in 1979, thus that's when recording began.
ungoing riots after?
aka a nonsurrection
Fire the guy that was against you at the last second. Put in the guy who has your back at the very very last second. Crazy like a fox
When is Trump scheduled to speak at 3pm, tomorrow Tues or Wed?
Archive of dailymail -
Pete Gaynor will take Chad Wolf’s position on 1/13/21. Pete was appointed by President Trump in 2019. He was a 26 year retired Marine responsible for security at “Camp David” during 9-11!!!!
Why is that significant to warrant exclamation marks?
It was in the tweet I copied. A woman wrote it, you know how they are with their exclamation marks.
A-ttack Helicopter
Pffffff! Good one
Alrighty I resemble that remark. We do get a little excited about these things?
Can confirm!!
Hey now watch it there we just get a little excited like Q!!!!!!!!!!!!(remember all the exclamation points) Did anyone decode those?
Not that I'm aware - perhaps (likely) specific comms to White Hat players. Interesting though "The Tweet" has a seven period ellipse ....... It read, "Look to Twitter, exactly these words," but not specifically Trump's Twitter.
Just after Trump was suspended on the 6th, @John_F_Kennnedy posted "The Tweet" complete with the 7 period ellipse.
I felt it in my Soul when I got that notification from thr Jfk Jr that this WAS "The Tweet" and we are now within The Storm proper, as of Jan 6th. "Remember this Day!"
I know Q has said Jr is not alive, but just like Q, anyone who really investigates this knows Jr is indeed very much alive and Trump has signalled throughout His Administration that they are working together. look up National Notables on Rumble. Then watch video, "Part III" - then watch "Part ii..." Then Watch "JFK JR exposes Pizzagate and Bill Gates agenda."
The evidence is undeniable. Jfk Jr spoke after POTUS' speech on Independence Day '20, and was foto'd atop Rushmore just as signalled in George Magazine "Survival Guide to the Future 2020."
Also, look up GeorgeNews on Gab and YouTube - same "not just politics as usual" - watch their "Bloodlines: the Black Pope" and "History of the Deep State" series'. Those were early redpill vids. Now GeorgeNews hosts White House livestreams and articles that, when one really looks, demonstrates their exclusive access to Military intel and Operations.
My theory is NSA aided John Jr to escape murder by Clinton & Bush, and helped Admiral Rogers, General Flynn, Trump and others to Build The Plan.
Sorry for the long reply, but John Jr is the one "nutty conspiracy theory" that I went into this laughing at it like "omg these Q people are so GULLIBLE why would they think John Jr faked His own Death??!" and I came out 100% SOLID to WWG1WGA +++
Also, don't forget what Kappy said, and don't forget what Liz Crokin said about John Jr.
Also take a look at GeorgeNews' webstore - it is all Q related - some really cool stuff. God Bless.
such great info man thank you so much for compiling this.
Have you read into the Dark to Light theory with Lin Wood and Johnheretohelp? John being a boy who died of AIDS related pneumonia in 1990. Trump and Michael Jackson visit his family home when John passes, and theres some USMC hints as well...
Looks like another fake death story with the subject in question retiring to a military group to help work on the plan...its all incredible
I will say that I have believed all along that JFK JR is very much alive. After hearing Simon Parkes this morning, I am more confident than ever.
Me, too! Felt this deep within my soul for a very long time. Can't think of any other explanation for these messages. Praying we are correct. ?
boom boom boom boom boomboom boom
Is that how you tell it’s a woman? Huh, never knew.
Ya give 'em one exclamation mark and next thing ya know...
Really? Have you done much digging into 9/11? Worth a look.
Building 7 didn't kill itself?
Something something freefall speed.
Fuckin' thermite buddy. Jet fuel ain't burn that hot.
Nano-thermite or something. Something far stronger than even traditional thermite, mate.
Jumped from the top floor of itself.
Jan 13th huh....
Is this the checkmate?
Also homeland bought millions of rounds of ammo. I want trump to surplus it to us. Se.d me 10k rounds for safe keeping. Save warehouse fee.
When you say millions you mean billions. That was back on Hussein's watch.
Yep, 1.6 billion rounds of ammo.
Disarm the public via staged mass shootings.
Arm the government goon squads to the teeth with military grade gear & billions of rounds of ammo.
Nothing fishy about that.
Ammo sure is hard to come by right now.
Can I please get some more sir? ??
They already knows who owns all of what caliber anyways.
Apple or BBQ?
BBQ ALL DAY. Thanks for the link, appendices!
Why? Second wave?
I was gonna say child trafficking victims but yours makes sense too.
So if they send us to the camps for not taking The Vaccine, it's a good thing?!
Considering the circumstances, I'd be shocked if Trump appointed a deep state rat to what seems like such an important position.
In retrospect, his SCOTUS and VP picks made perfect sense. After all, you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If using the military to overthrow the deep state was Trump's plan all along then appointing traitors into positions where they could commit treason makes perfect sense. If, at the end of the day, it comes down to military might then you might (unintentional pun) as well set up as many swamp creatures as possible.
I don't believe whoever orchestrated this plan wouldn't let critical positions like that be a gamble. Ever. The plan had to be as airtight as possible to even have a chance to work.
Remember, Trumps campaign announcement speech laid it all out bare: his administration was put in place to set this straight after decades+ of relentless western decline.
Decline perpetuated by a force that is so wealthy and resourceful from feeding on an ignorant and obedient working class, it has no bounds in its depravity for maintaining power.
I do hope its truly great for them–those at the top of this beast. I mean it must be to do the soul-wrenching things they supposedly do. I hope its that good for them because it will be all that much sweeter when it's torn away from them. Though I feel like that will only be a small part of the justice they'll meet.
If the military is loyal to you, and the military is what determines who is or is not in charge afterwards, then no political appointment would be a risk really.
Fair, and interesting to think on. Thanks!
They're not life time appointments if they get taken down for treason...
Scotus will flip back when roberts is arrested. IMO. Plausible deniability and part of the plan. Military is the only way.
In normal times, yes. But with everything that’s happened, and is happening, are you sure about that, in this case?
My point was, even Lincoln had SCOTUS judges arrested, and they wouldn’t finish their lifetime appointments LOL.
If the plan all along was the use the military to oust the deep state then it makes perfect sense. It then wouldn't matter that deep state rats are in high positions because they will be taken out and arrested for treason anyways. Letting them hold those positions is like handing them a shovel and asking them to dig their own graves.
Again, if the plan all along was to use the military to oust the deep state then laws simply do not matter. It doesn't matter that the SCOTUS wont rule in Trump's favor because they're getting taken down for treason anyways.
You have to let the people see the corruption, the spotlight must be aimed at the guilty subject.
Anthony Tata
Why would those patriots in the very competent American military set themselves up for failure?
I work in an office with 5 AF pointy nose pilots. 3 are based, 1 is ambivalent and believes whatever the tv tells him and one has serious TDS. Seems like we have a lot of woke O-3's and below, at least compared to 10yrs ago when I was at the same point in my career. Hell, we had one guy in my unit admit he voted Gore and immediately for the callsign Fonda after Hanoi Jane.
Am I the only one expecting a fake virtual inauguration being interrupted by the EBS?
When you're rich, they let you do it