After reading several tweets both explaining what has happened with $GME up till now and the recent moves to crush the rebellion by the Hedge funds and their wealthy powerful friends, I must conclude this was a planned and manipulated event. Let me explain.
Average joes (normies) across America have learned more about trading stocks and the unholy practices of powerful players on Wall Street (hedge funds) in the last 24hrs since this story broke open than ever before.
The vehicle for this education was none other than ROBINHOOD. And in front of our eyes and the world, the powerful hedge funds call in favors from other powerful wealthy people to crush the rebellion.
As we saw, all the trading platforms were down yesterday. Why? Who knows, but today, they have implemented changes that prohibit normies from BUYING any more $GME. Anybody can sell, but nobody can buy. WTF. The price can only go down.... and save the hedge funds collective asses.
THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED.... and now all can see.
And what did I find after retweeting a post criticizing this? Likes and retweets from Biden supporters. Not only that, we find that both Ted Cruz and AOC are in agreement for the first and only time in history.
And all this happens right in the middle of what MIGHT be 10 Days of darkness (palindrome)?
This is no fucking coincidence. This is planned. This is an op. Waking people the fuck up!
Now if we could only get those Biden supporters to dislike Pedos, we'd be in great shape
I think they do. Most of humanity wants to burn those motherfuckers... They just don't realize how prevalent it is and that many of their heroes are in the club....
.... and Donald Trump says... "hold my beer"...
Just watch!
Donald Trump doesn't drink, so that would be...
"hold my diet coke"...
Tneybwont ve able to walk down the street. Wait till these theives are revealed as children rapers and murderers
There are multiple videos of Pedo Joe groping children, sniffing children, tweaking an 8 year old girl's nipple, yet the pedocrats still voted for Pedo Joe. They don't care. Pedocrat voters were happy to turn a blind eye to Pedo Joe groping kids because their establishment puppet masters told them 'Orange man bad'.
That's what I say. Once people see the evidence they'll unite against the elites. They'll be shocked and they'll need us to guide them through it though.
Yeah Pl55AG8 isn’t a left or right thing either, it is good Vs evil.
But brainwashed leftist voters readily go along with the cover up.
Allison Mack and NXIVM. I imagine she has a tear-filled confession that will destroy normies' barriers.
Comon now there are plenty who aren't pedos...just brainwashed.
This is brilliant. A certain percentage of lefties are going to have the sudden realization that they are now being labelled as white supremecists and far-right. They're going to be like "wtf?! No I'm not!" And a certain percentage of those people are going to realize that just MAYBE the people they have been calling those things may not be either.
And now you've got AOC putting the idea out there that what is happening is a good thing and the proper path for the leftists to pursue, so they'll stick with it. Let's just hope that a huge number of them wake up and realize that none of the shit the media is saying about us is true.
I can't fucking believe it, everything we've hoped for might just be happening. I expect some kind of a big scare because there's no way this fight is won. So I assume there will be some drastic counter move by the DS in the next two days that will scare the hell out of all of us.
R/Wallstreetbets is realizing quickly what Trump supporters felt from '16 to '20
I believe this was planned, but honestly I have no idea where to point the finger or how this will end up.
Did this all start on Reddit? If so, that's a bit of a RED flag for me. We all know who runs Reddit... Communists/CCP.
Don't mistake this for me having sympathy for hedge funds. The only people I know for sure are responsible is our shitty establishment politicians.
started on the day of the Maxwell drop too...
Love the username!
Good ol' Governor Party Tits
Ew, gross.
The best part is when they're called a white supremacist despite not being white.
White Supremacy went multi-racial in 2020.
I have to think some of lefties who were legitimately protesting something back at Occupy Wall Street will be forced to remember why all of this started in the first place.
I think we need a massive wave of memes which are sympathetic to the fact that OWS only dies because identity politics was injected into it. This is the one chance we have to bust through the woke brainwashing and let them see some truth.
That tells us what their next move will be. But will another race war work?
What is OWS?
Occupy Wall Street
And yeah, it was people coming in from out of nowhere and pushing identity politics which was a big part of it's disintegration. Left wing populists need to realize that the anti Trump and racial division is all propaganda from the elite to divide and conquer, and keep half of the populists unaware that they are perpetuating the issues they believe they are fighting against.
Yes. AOC knows exactly what she’s doing. She was told to keep dividing. So she does. Nobody was trying to “kill” her. She plays dumb. The left needs to call her out.
It definitely was a bit jarring to see AOC and Lion Ted agreeing on this on Twitter.
Lion Ted agreed. AOC is a lying bitch.
Yeah she immediately showed her true colors, it's nice to see that be a wake up call to some democrats though
Because most communists whether they realize it or not, don't want any wealth redistributed, they just want a functioning meritocracy but have been tricked into believing that's what communism is.
Ted Cruz is a swamprat bro. But he pretends to be for the little guy.
His wife is CFR
Also Goldman sacs I think.
I mean General Flynn did say give us 30 days and it's only 3 days away from 30. I believe this was manipulated by white hats for sure and whole bunch of people are committing crimes right now to stop the loss.
Isn’t it ironic.. Robinhood trying to keep the little man down to make the rich richer.
I seem to remember robinhood stealing from the rich to give to the poor..
Are they, or are they not able to sell due to Citadel shenanagins?
Still learning it myself,
Or the Populist Nationalist Party.
People's Front of Judea or the Judean People's Front? (Life of Brian - for the younger frens here)
I’m Bwyan and so is she!!! Otters noses, get yer otters noses!!!
I said the same yesterday that I wondered if DFV is a Q operation, because both redpill the mass by exposing the inner works of the system through real life events/experience. Too much synchronicity and coincidental timing not to make people think: is Q now changing battle ground to the Wall Street, the snake head?
We should collapse all the hedge fund threads in to a mega and slide the forum back over to ghislaine Maxwell dump yesterday.
Great Reset wants crypto currency. Step back & question.
I've been torn on this because I see both sides and I'm not quite sure who wins. One side is the one world currency the other side is decentralization and transparency. Hopefully the good guys win.
I am just saying that we need to question. What was the goal? Teach a lesson? Destroy it? The possibility of hurting a lot of folks retirement, savings or checking accounts is a distinct possibility.
I feel like the Democrats actually planned this so they could regulate the stock market and ruin the American economy, they're just too retarded to see how it's going to backfire on them by redpilling everyone.
It’s awfully convenient, isn’t it?
A multi-billion dollar liquidity issue, but too bad it’s just “a bunch of retards on Reddit”.
Oh no, we’re in a recession and we need to add new laws to restrict trading.
Too bad it’s the fault of the average person and total not us.
the same thing happened to GME (naked shorting) also is happening to silver bullion.
Through the futures market, silver (and to a lesser extent, gold) has been naked shorted. This keeps the price down and the dollar strong.
If you want to do to the global financial system wgat has been done to a couple of the hedge funds,
pne ounce of physical silver is about 28 bucks, so it’s quite approachable
Most human beings are closer to the center with extremists making up a small fringe on the left and right side of a political bell curve. A third ‘patriot’ party would scoop nearly all of the bell and become The Party. R and D don’t stand for anything.
This. Besides the two parties have “traditions” designed to keep the right people in control. We can’t let that hold us back again.
Happy birthday to me ?
Quick, hunt down everyone who was born on January 29th and 30th!
Eh I’m already a domestic terrorist for being a Trump supporter lol. What’s one more excuse?
I agree, it has to be an op. And that the two of the shorted stocks just happened to be GameStop and AMC? And it's happening now, not years ago when hedgies were doing the exact same thing?
The news media is already slandering the movement as white supremacist
That is amazing honestly.
I was still able to buy these stocks, it was RobinHood and a few other discount brokers who disallowed buying on Thursday, but not everyone.
Wait, if no one can buy, wouldn't that normally mean you can't sell either?
Good point, but apparently it was not ALL platforms that stopped buying. That actually worked for a while, but peasants all over the globe are jumping in now and buying if they can. It's been heading back up... but wait... then the clearing firms stopped allowing buys... and after complaints that seems to be reversing itself too... we will see where things shake out tomorrow..
as of RIGHT NOW, GME is back up to $311 in after-hours trading so the peasants are winning.
The parallels to what happened in this past election are just so on point. I’m reading through the WSB posts and they sound EXACTLY like what we’ve been saying for months.
Well said, I've always believed there were people in the elft who are genuinely good and genuinely believed that their approach is best for the masses.... Many Bernie nros. Come to mind. I can work with someone who sees the same problems as me and we differ on solutions
Its likely never been the left and right the swamp needed divided— it was Bernie Bros and Patriots. Under the political rhetoric, our beliefs are too similar and threatening (so threatening they needed to rig elections against both Bernie and Trump). The swampy media has convinced us that we have different endgames, when in reality we have most of the same end goals, just different opinions on how we get there. This has finally gotten us talking to one another and realizing we’re unstoppable if we just focus on the same end.
agreed. op to wake up people. showing that stocks are garbage scams to steal from the poor.
Anyone else reminded of this post?
RobinHood will not even pull up GME to see the stock at all but, Webull pulls it up and it can be traded there as well. FYI, and spread the word
I wonder if you realize this is the main driving concept behind Karl Marx's theory? Of class conflict, and class solidarity.
For marxists / on marxism, the history of civilized societies exist in terms of a war between classes - between those who actually produce the goods with their own hands (wage workers, what he called "proletariat") versus those who only control the means of production or services in society such as people who own machinery and land (rich elites and landlords, those who keep being rich by doing nothing, what he called the "bourgeoisie").
Think about this the next time you see someone go on about "cultural Marxism". It was a main driving force (and still is today) behind the early rise of communist ideology, btw.
Just throwing this out here for you to think about and make up your own mind.
Make "Globo Gym" bleed it's own blood for once ....
So you're defending the elites? Low energy
Wtf?... exactly the opposite.
What I'm saying is that when someone says "it's us versus them" ("average joes versus elites"), that this is exactly what marxism was about, this was its main point - at that moment they are parroting marxist ideology. For the OP, if this is their point, then they would do good by reading up on what that was about, as it might just reinforce/strengthen their point, or just provide some insight.
Or it might not... who knows? Do your own research on the tenets of marxism (as always) and make up your own mind.
But maybe framing our movement in terms they already agree with is actually helpful? I don’t care why someone wants to take down Wall Street, I just care that they’re trying to do it. At this point it seems like a crapshoot whether this ends in support of government restrictions or outrage at the politicians protecting the elites. We know government restrictions will never work because politicians are the elite, but most liberals haven’t realized this yet. We can’t all fight against the elites if we can’t agree on who they are.
Politicians aren't the elite and they will never be. Politicians and law-makers (and law enforcers) are puppets to the elite. They act accordingly to what the elite lobbyists want them to. You think people like Obama or Bush or the Clintons are rich, like filthy rich? What they have is scraps and rags. Ever seen the list of the 10 richest people at the start of 2021 (here), do you see a single politician in there? "Redpilled Elon" is the richest person, above even Bezos who was the richest in 2020. There's never been a single politician in there.
The closest you get to a politician among the richest people in the planet is some middle east oil baron - a Saudi prince, not unlike the ones who gave Trump a medal.
My bf w TDS is waking. Wake o sleeper!
I'm sorry but this part of your speech just gave me pause. It sounds...quite a bit like Marxist rhetoric (Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie).
I have a sick feeling we're being duped into intentionally destroying our naturalistic (capitalism is a Marxist term) economic system in order to usher in another false Communist Utopia and that we might be doing so willingly simply because they're using different labels to describe it ("Elites" instead of "Bourgeoisie", "UBI" and "NESARA/GESARA" instead of "Socialism/Communism").
If anything else the fact that AOC is happy about this should probably give us pause (even if DTJ is too).
I think I'm going to need to give this some more thought before I go all in on celebrating this GME thing.
We all got duped into thinking that we had a chance of becoming like them, but unless you sell your soul, you don't get to join the club. It's a redefinition of "elites". They are both R and D and they only care about themselves. They enrich themselves on taxpayer dollars or getting phony laws put in place to favor them. If it makes you feel better, use Sarah Palin's terminology... "Crony Capitalists". Whatever you call them, they are a cabal of globalists who want power and control over us peons and they don't give a shit about rule of law. If that sounds like Marx, then perhaps he had a few salient points. No, I'm not a commie or a Marxist. I don't even know what I am anymore. I used to be a dyed in the wool Conservative Republican, but nowadays I'm just a red-pilled pissed of American who wants to ensure his kids grow up in a country that was as great and FREE as the one I grew up in.
I'm telling you the worlds first quantum AI is controlled by the US military and its being used to fight against our enemies. Its helping humanity. It use advance game theory and can basically predict the future.
There is only 2 other possible explanations. We have invented time travel or the future have and come back to help us
We are not alone and extraterrestrial have intervened to help Humanity
I don't see any other possible way. Just using logic.