Riiight, I can tell you have really studied the history of this country and what Our forefathers stood for! I know schools these days don't teach it anymore! Being an American is to stand for Truth, fairness, freedom, and to help your neighbor, Does that sound like any democrat I don't think so! They are only interested in having an echo chamber and when you don't agree they want you gone! American people are supposed to be people that are willing to accept other people's race, religion, political views, freedoms! Even when they don't agree with them or how crazy it may seem to be does that sound like facebook, twitter?
We all may have to consider applying for Russian citizenship in order to ever vote in a somewhat fair election again. Guess I will use my stimulus check to buy some wool longjohns!
Well Putin's journey is fascinating, i admire his career, not much people would stand going tru what he did and still today do what he did / does, he saved Russia from the unrecoverable fall ongoing, Rothschild & co are there too, but, he stills decide how things have to happen within his Country, there has been some strong OILgarch on Rsc side that tried to turn upside down the parliament, and also a lot of "Russian springs" attempts made via many ONG of any kind (usual people that has been used in ME to "push for a change") that they found tied and financed by HRC & Soros, and let's leave apart assassination attempts on Putin himself, just a bunch of years ago if you remember about a plane striked down with AA over Ukraine that NATO tried to blame on Russia (Malaysia Airlines 17)? Well is said that was the projected flight path of Putin coming back from Brazil, but that he had changed route half an hour earlier due to possible threat coming in from CIA-Mossad-MI6....
( Btw, Malaysia Airlines has a bad luck, it's strangely the same company that sometimes loses flights in sea where any trace get lost, and then somehow the crash after you find cold-blooded people (already dead since time) between the plates )
The same man, went down face to face to OILgarch and thieves, he has never been afraid to tell people they are rat face to face in front of medias or people, the example i prefer is about a production plant where people was used and left as ants by themselves, they didn't want to save the complex and instead started to plan a new one, long story short, he didn't allow them to leave until all the signatures were made, he toke control of the plant and saved it, have a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wxrTtBSrOE
Original meeting TO WACH, Deripaska get force to sign the docs and tries to steal his pen, Putin pwns him literally
Here about corruption in politics where ranked individuals appointed themselves as Russian Academy of sciences member (famous topic), the way in which he fires them out, look if he doesn't sound like POTUS lol
Not saying Putin is perfect, but still, he's of a breed few are left of, he's a man of steel, a PATRIOT that loves his country, not far from what Trump is for Americans and America, and let me tell you from the point of view of an European, both of them are HEROES to us, we can only dream of similar people in our sold-out-with-discounts countries (no we don't deserve anymore the capital C to be honest)
Your thoughts on MA17 are intriguing. I always put it down to “BAD RUSSIA”
Some more insight on that flight. I spent 6years working for an Airline based in UAE and the day MA17 was shot down I was flying from Dubai to JFK. I flew that route often and we ALWAYS went up over Ukraine/Greenland/Canada and then onto JFK. That day our flight path took us down over Africa and then back up. I remember seeing us fly over Ghana and thinking WTF. At some point 2/3 of the way into the flight the captain got word of MA17 and the news quickly made the rounds to us on the plane. This flight path added 1 1/2hrs on our flight time and out of the 100 plus times I flew this route it was the only time it happened. MA17 wasn’t shot down till 8-10hrs into our flight. Obviously whoever planned our route that day knew something was up.
I remember when they assassinated Putin’s personal driver princess diana style right after Trump won in 2016. A sign that he wasn’t already with the program.
Putin is a pedo and a power grabber. I like that he says its over, but I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. (And I can't lift more than 50 lbs atm.)
How's it over if Russia is following exact same BS the rest of the world is forced to? Their idiots are even more brainwashed than ours, they strongly believe in face muzzles and vaccination, I watch videos where people are literally forcefully thrown out of public transport when not wearing a mask, and attacked in stores.
They also somehow believe that their vaccine is so much better than ours, while not realizing/understanding the only vaccine they supposedly "developed" is exactly same one they stole fro Moderna. They had no time to test it, at all, they simply said "Here it is!" If we have roughly 50% brainwashed, they are closer to 95% from what I see and read (native speaker). They follow same protocols for business closures we do, no difference.
Wasn't news, at all. They decided to enact new, "improved" Constitution last year. Pretty much infringe on even more rights. Cut government pensions, again. Raised retirement age, again, to force people to work until the age when they cannot even collect on their pensions (average age in Russia is pretty low). You now can be fined for using cuss words (kid you not!). A bunch of other crap, all against people's rights. In order to do that they all "quit". But prior to "quitting" they also voted themselves much higher salaries (doh!). And once the new Constitution kicked in a week or 2 later, they ALL came to back to their prior political offices, no exceptions. ALL OF THEM. So, no one resigned, no one left, they all got nice fat pay raises in the process. Some "resignation".
Have no idea what all the lying shills are claiming.
I get my news at the source. Native Russian speaker, check on their deeds daily. Used to live in that hell hole, many moons ago.
That same Marshall report also claimed other gov shake ups, Poland, etc. All pure speculation and utter uneducated BS. The only reason 2 of Poland's guys "quit" was to assume better positions in the EU government since UK left those positions open, and both Poland and Hungary now are "moving up" in EU ranks, so to speak.
Estonia gov dd not quit, just the PM. After the only financial propping up of their economy, save for money laundering for most of the word, the only economy boost they had was doing business with Russia. Last year all Baltic ex-republics, now their own countries, decided to "punish" Russia and close all business ties with Russia. Guess what happened to their economies. All are dead now since they mean nothing to EU. Slitting their own throats. Putin said, Good riddance.
Same with Malaysia gov, they go through new one very often, so nothing to do with the cabal, or Vatican, or whatever. Normal occurence.
Absolutely nothing to do with the cabal. Have no idea who believes this utter garbage of a report. If the only "proof" of the report was posting utter LIES, then entire report is garbage.
Putin is more American than Joe Pedo Biden and the Democrats
Is it bad that I would rather have putin in the WH then biden?
Me too! The world we live in right now is so crazy
No! It seems to me that being an American (non-legal sense) is defined by what is in your heart!
Riiight, I can tell you have really studied the history of this country and what Our forefathers stood for! I know schools these days don't teach it anymore! Being an American is to stand for Truth, fairness, freedom, and to help your neighbor, Does that sound like any democrat I don't think so! They are only interested in having an echo chamber and when you don't agree they want you gone! American people are supposed to be people that are willing to accept other people's race, religion, political views, freedoms! Even when they don't agree with them or how crazy it may seem to be does that sound like facebook, twitter?
Beautifully stated?
We all may have to consider applying for Russian citizenship in order to ever vote in a somewhat fair election again. Guess I will use my stimulus check to buy some wool longjohns!
CHYNA praised him for the speech. Think about that.
G̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ R̶e̶s̶e̶t̶
Great Awakening
More freedom in former Russian Soviet Socialist Republic than under Biden Regime.
Well Putin's journey is fascinating, i admire his career, not much people would stand going tru what he did and still today do what he did / does, he saved Russia from the unrecoverable fall ongoing, Rothschild & co are there too, but, he stills decide how things have to happen within his Country, there has been some strong OILgarch on Rsc side that tried to turn upside down the parliament, and also a lot of "Russian springs" attempts made via many ONG of any kind (usual people that has been used in ME to "push for a change") that they found tied and financed by HRC & Soros, and let's leave apart assassination attempts on Putin himself, just a bunch of years ago if you remember about a plane striked down with AA over Ukraine that NATO tried to blame on Russia (Malaysia Airlines 17)? Well is said that was the projected flight path of Putin coming back from Brazil, but that he had changed route half an hour earlier due to possible threat coming in from CIA-Mossad-MI6....
( Btw, Malaysia Airlines has a bad luck, it's strangely the same company that sometimes loses flights in sea where any trace get lost, and then somehow the crash after you find cold-blooded people (already dead since time) between the plates )
The same man, went down face to face to OILgarch and thieves, he has never been afraid to tell people they are rat face to face in front of medias or people, the example i prefer is about a production plant where people was used and left as ants by themselves, they didn't want to save the complex and instead started to plan a new one, long story short, he didn't allow them to leave until all the signatures were made, he toke control of the plant and saved it, have a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wxrTtBSrOE
Original meeting TO WACH, Deripaska get force to sign the docs and tries to steal his pen, Putin pwns him literally
Here about corruption in politics where ranked individuals appointed themselves as Russian Academy of sciences member (famous topic), the way in which he fires them out, look if he doesn't sound like POTUS lol
i think that i'll give them time to dedicate themselves at sience....(continues)
And if you check around on yt there are still many videos around, a last suggested one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co8s0egftsc
Not saying Putin is perfect, but still, he's of a breed few are left of, he's a man of steel, a PATRIOT that loves his country, not far from what Trump is for Americans and America, and let me tell you from the point of view of an European, both of them are HEROES to us, we can only dream of similar people in our sold-out-with-discounts countries (no we don't deserve anymore the capital C to be honest)
Your thoughts on MA17 are intriguing. I always put it down to “BAD RUSSIA”
Some more insight on that flight. I spent 6years working for an Airline based in UAE and the day MA17 was shot down I was flying from Dubai to JFK. I flew that route often and we ALWAYS went up over Ukraine/Greenland/Canada and then onto JFK. That day our flight path took us down over Africa and then back up. I remember seeing us fly over Ghana and thinking WTF. At some point 2/3 of the way into the flight the captain got word of MA17 and the news quickly made the rounds to us on the plane. This flight path added 1 1/2hrs on our flight time and out of the 100 plus times I flew this route it was the only time it happened. MA17 wasn’t shot down till 8-10hrs into our flight. Obviously whoever planned our route that day knew something was up.
I remember when they assassinated Putin’s personal driver princess diana style right after Trump won in 2016. A sign that he wasn’t already with the program.
Let’s hope Putin is right.
We all do since he outright said the NWO worships the devil. He said that in like 2015 or 14 if I remember correctly.
Seems that Trump was right when he said he liked Putin. I bet the two of them are laughing at all the globalist idiots they've rolled up.
So what if this was the game over? Same day game stop went wild? Use the dems #1 enemy to rub it in their face.
I want to believe but I just saw an election for the greatest country to ever exist get stolen from the people.
This is hopium but it's not yet reality.
He’s a sociopathic tyrant, but for once, he’s right!
Is he though? Why the fuck would we trust the main stream media at this point?
exactly, the media had painted him like that because the CIA (Catholics in Action) wanted him painted that way because he is not in bed with the NWO.
So why should we believe anything the MSM says about anything and anyone at this point.
Ahhh... critical thinking! Gotta love it.
Wasn’t this from today in Davos?
Putin is a pedo and a power grabber. I like that he says its over, but I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. (And I can't lift more than 50 lbs atm.)
What exactly makes you think Putin is a pedo?
No real sauce just a creeped out feeling like I get from Creepy Joe. Pic of him randomly kissing that kids stomach didn't help.
qute. but no.
How's it over if Russia is following exact same BS the rest of the world is forced to? Their idiots are even more brainwashed than ours, they strongly believe in face muzzles and vaccination, I watch videos where people are literally forcefully thrown out of public transport when not wearing a mask, and attacked in stores.
They also somehow believe that their vaccine is so much better than ours, while not realizing/understanding the only vaccine they supposedly "developed" is exactly same one they stole fro Moderna. They had no time to test it, at all, they simply said "Here it is!" If we have roughly 50% brainwashed, they are closer to 95% from what I see and read (native speaker). They follow same protocols for business closures we do, no difference.
Don't care what Putin claims.
Wasn't news, at all. They decided to enact new, "improved" Constitution last year. Pretty much infringe on even more rights. Cut government pensions, again. Raised retirement age, again, to force people to work until the age when they cannot even collect on their pensions (average age in Russia is pretty low). You now can be fined for using cuss words (kid you not!). A bunch of other crap, all against people's rights. In order to do that they all "quit". But prior to "quitting" they also voted themselves much higher salaries (doh!). And once the new Constitution kicked in a week or 2 later, they ALL came to back to their prior political offices, no exceptions. ALL OF THEM. So, no one resigned, no one left, they all got nice fat pay raises in the process. Some "resignation".
Have no idea what all the lying shills are claiming.
I get my news at the source. Native Russian speaker, check on their deeds daily. Used to live in that hell hole, many moons ago.
That same Marshall report also claimed other gov shake ups, Poland, etc. All pure speculation and utter uneducated BS. The only reason 2 of Poland's guys "quit" was to assume better positions in the EU government since UK left those positions open, and both Poland and Hungary now are "moving up" in EU ranks, so to speak.
Estonia gov dd not quit, just the PM. After the only financial propping up of their economy, save for money laundering for most of the word, the only economy boost they had was doing business with Russia. Last year all Baltic ex-republics, now their own countries, decided to "punish" Russia and close all business ties with Russia. Guess what happened to their economies. All are dead now since they mean nothing to EU. Slitting their own throats. Putin said, Good riddance.
Same with Malaysia gov, they go through new one very often, so nothing to do with the cabal, or Vatican, or whatever. Normal occurence.
Absolutely nothing to do with the cabal. Have no idea who believes this utter garbage of a report. If the only "proof" of the report was posting utter LIES, then entire report is garbage.
it seems to me he was talking about russia specifically. i don’t think he’s saying the global attempt at NWO has failed
Damn, Vlad, lay the smack down.
Oh..Ok... So now what?
wait patiently. pray.
God Emperor Putin speaks!
Yuge if true
Put more in your damn title so people know what the hell the video is about.