the population of reported politician deaths rising
the mean age of politicians rising
the number of assassinated politicians rising
Or a combination of them all. Truth is arrived by falsifying all alternatives until you're left with only one explanation that fits. It's not enough for an explanation to match the data. That is called a hypothesis.
Based on what you can see with your own eyes. Every pair of people on the face of the earth would need to have a lot of children to make the population multiply by 7 in just 20 years. That includes babies all the way up to 100-year-old people having babies. And you couldn't have any deaths during that time.
This isn't from someone telling me anything. It just doesn't add up.
Maynard Wallace
Barbara Gronemus
Marlin Kuykendall
Dave Arnold
Billy Kinoi
Jim Vickerman
Joyce Hearn
Hank Coe
Nilda Pedrosa
Steven T Kuykendall (odd last name and 2 of them dead?)
Bootie Neal
Not to imply the other names aren’t worth digging into at all - just going to revisit this and research each of these names later tonight. Thanks for the list OP
According to this source theres just under 50,000 politicians in the world. Theres a list on wikipedia that numbers each politician per country but I cba to count them all (on mobile) but at a glance it looks around 50k.
There's a list above. It's more than average but the trend has been around the same for the past 5 years anyway. Another user did mention that most of these deaths happened in the past 10 days rather than the whole month. I haven't verified that tho
I just looked at the First Australian...
George Weatherill, died age 84. 21 years AFTER leaving politics
From wikipedia
"George Weatherill was an Australian politician and Deputy Leader of the South Australian Labor Party. From 1986 until 2000 he represented the Labor Party in the South Australian Legislative Council."
people die... this is not a conspiracy... try harder
Gromov Has been retired since the 90’s, Sorry this list is shit bunch of nobody’s gromov is probably the most famous career wise and he wasn’t even a politician ?
I have a profound interest on #50. Dead at 78 (1/25/2021). Mayor of Saitama (a city very close to Toyko) from 2001-2009. Wikipedia said he died of respiratory failure, but I couldn't find much else about him. Doesn't appear to be seppuku'd/suicided - oh well.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na, na na na na na, na na, me, me oh, me and Bobby Mckee! Janis Joplin credits Kris Kristofferson. Clue?
I can add that Bobbi McKee was 79 and cause of death with suspected Covid. JeanPierre Michel, 82 suspected Covid,
Moshie, 95, no specific cause,
Bootie Neal, 85, in a care facility, no cause of death listed.
Patrick O'Donoghue, 86, no cause listed
Look fat here’s the deal. If that list doesn’t convince you that COVID is real then I don’t know what to tell you. Come on man! Wear two masks you one horse pony
Is there a list yet of the Globalists who have been reported by the MSM as having died (likely faking their death to escape what is coming) i.e... Rothschild
The 3 Frenchies and the Swiss gal were unknown to me. One of the Frenchies has been a senator for10 years and the Swiss gal was 100 yo. There’s nothing suspect here: old unsignificant people passingduring a pandemic...
Don't know precisely what base number you would use to calculate mortality % here but seems like if your going to sticky, (posit this as being worth noting) one would want to see if the death rate per capita among politician figures is outside deaths per capita of non-politiciansb.
Wish their ages were listed
good point.
And that many of these are former politicians :(
Edit: former before they died, lol
Their political party would have been nice to include as well.
Well played
NICE! Very well done!
Probably all Uni-party
better to check the dates of when they died.
What they died of? COVID?? LOL
Deaths of politicians during January of each year since 2000 (Source:
Wow the increases of deaths are an actual trend.
It could be a trend of:
the population of actual politicians rising
the population of tracked politicians rising
the population of reported politician deaths rising
the mean age of politicians rising
the number of assassinated politicians rising
Or a combination of them all. Truth is arrived by falsifying all alternatives until you're left with only one explanation that fits. It's not enough for an explanation to match the data. That is called a hypothesis.
Increase in population does not correlate with increase in number of politicians.
It's not anywhere near proportional to the population increase. There are not 7 times as many people in the world now as there were just 20 years ago.
Based on what you can see with your own eyes. Every pair of people on the face of the earth would need to have a lot of children to make the population multiply by 7 in just 20 years. That includes babies all the way up to 100-year-old people having babies. And you couldn't have any deaths during that time.
This isn't from someone telling me anything. It just doesn't add up.
Math. And having an actual brain.
Do we know whether this is statistically more than the norm in a year?
Comparing the same 10 day period to a year before GEOTUS took office might yield the most impressive difference.
Can you post it in order of countries ? Thanks.
Thanks for reposting
You're welcome.
American politicians on this list:
Maynard Wallace Barbara Gronemus Marlin Kuykendall Dave Arnold Billy Kinoi Jim Vickerman Joyce Hearn Hank Coe Nilda Pedrosa Steven T Kuykendall (odd last name and 2 of them dead?) Bootie Neal
Not to imply the other names aren’t worth digging into at all - just going to revisit this and research each of these names later tonight. Thanks for the list OP
Marlin kuykendall - 86, seems like just old, didn’t dig too much here
Steve kuykendall - 73, signed a letter encouraging impeachment of trump in late January this year, sounds like a bad guy to me
Barbara gronemus - 89, farmer after short political stint, prob not bad honestly
Bootie Neal - 63, very unexpected death, Democrat, first elected in 1991 as first black female in Dayton Ohio
Nilda pedrosa - 43, cancer sadly, 2 kids with husband. Republican, didn’t seem bad on a surface look into her
Henry coe - 74 Pancreatic cancer, diagnosed late last year, Republican House member for a long time, also an investment executive...
Joyce Hearn - 91, just old likely here tough to imagine anything else at that age, didn’t dig deeper after I saw the age
Jim vickerman - 89, Democrat, seemed like a good guy overall. Was re-elected several times then did not decide to run again in 2020.
Billy kinoi - 52, bone cancer, seemed like a nice guy. Hawaii mayor for a while.
Might not be significant...
How many politicians are in the world?
If there are 1,000,000 politicians in the world, then that death total is only 0.0076%.
According to this source theres just under 50,000 politicians in the world. Theres a list on wikipedia that numbers each politician per country but I cba to count them all (on mobile) but at a glance it looks around 50k.
50,000 active politicians? How many of these deceased were active? Not a meaningful comparison otherwise
Millions seems extremely high, but I wouldn't know. Less than 50k seems like.
It's 3 out of every 2000, since there are about 50,000 politicians in the world.
these mother fuckers all died within a week of each other.
I'd like to place an order.
Savage. “Hehe, I like the way you think”
How many similar people have historically died in a similar time period? Is there something significantly different about this instance?
There's a list above. It's more than average but the trend has been around the same for the past 5 years anyway. Another user did mention that most of these deaths happened in the past 10 days rather than the whole month. I haven't verified that tho
if you have 75 Politicians die in a 10 day period. You do not need to know much but the fact that is a lot of dead politicians.
Number 4 is Bootsie Neal dead on Jan. 24th 2021
Yeah, that's all well and good but there's not enough Cabal leadership in that list.
That would be kept secret till the time comes.
I hear they all died of covid...
French policitians of the list are elderly men and minor politicians.
Umm... I just looked at the First Australian... George Weatherill, died age 84. 21 years AFTER leaving politics From wikipedia "George Weatherill was an Australian politician and Deputy Leader of the South Australian Labor Party. From 1986 until 2000 he represented the Labor Party in the South Australian Legislative Council."
people die... this is not a conspiracy... try harder
if you have 75 Politicians die in a 10 day period. You do not need to know much but the fact that is a lot of dead politicians.
Gromov Has been retired since the 90’s, Sorry this list is shit bunch of nobody’s gromov is probably the most famous career wise and he wasn’t even a politician ?
I have a profound interest on #50. Dead at 78 (1/25/2021). Mayor of Saitama (a city very close to Toyko) from 2001-2009. Wikipedia said he died of respiratory failure, but I couldn't find much else about him. Doesn't appear to be seppuku'd/suicided - oh well.
So he was a former politician? Those are on the list as well?
Suicide or killed. Looks like the satanist are losing members
It's a start.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na, na na na na na, na na, me, me oh, me and Bobby Mckee! Janis Joplin credits Kris Kristofferson. Clue?
McGee you say? Nevermind.
Charlie Pride. Not sure if he is the original singer though but my favorite. A close second is done by Gordon Lightfoot. One of my favorite songs
Holy crap! Patrick O'Donoghue is an Irish guy! Who knew?
How many related to Rothschilds
I can add that Bobbi McKee was 79 and cause of death with suspected Covid. JeanPierre Michel, 82 suspected Covid, Moshie, 95, no specific cause, Bootie Neal, 85, in a care facility, no cause of death listed. Patrick O'Donoghue, 86, no cause listed
Look fat here’s the deal. If that list doesn’t convince you that COVID is real then I don’t know what to tell you. Come on man! Wear two masks you one horse pony
How many of them got the Covid vaccine?
Is there a list yet of the Globalists who have been reported by the MSM as having died (likely faking their death to escape what is coming) i.e... Rothschild
10 days of darkness?
French politicians of the list are elderly men and minor politicians.
Looks like a list of GOOD Politicians, imho
Can we get a Google Doc so we can collaborate on filling in death dates, ages, and so on?
The 3 Frenchies and the Swiss gal were unknown to me. One of the Frenchies has been a senator for10 years and the Swiss gal was 100 yo. There’s nothing suspect here: old unsignificant people passingduring a pandemic...
Don't know precisely what base number you would use to calculate mortality % here but seems like if your going to sticky, (posit this as being worth noting) one would want to see if the death rate per capita among politician figures is outside deaths per capita of non-politiciansb.
(i.e., is this an abnormal level of politicians dying in a similar time period we would consider "normal"?)
Well, I know that if you have 75 Politicians die in a 10 day period. You do not need to know much but the fact that is a lot of dead politicians.
Yes, but I’m so happy I see it now. No going back!