Thank you for being here Frens. My back hurts a lot this morning. I spent an hour on the floor stretching, while reading your posts and views. This is a great community because of you!
has the Patrick Bryne - $GME - naked short selling / Failure To Deliver subject been discussed here yet?
handshake account but long time lurker , i just hadnt seen anyone else talk about it yet
People are out of fucks. I hadn't looked at a lot of the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to for a while... Jason Brubaker's videos were strictly about comics until a little over a month ago. Then he posted this about YouTube censorship, Mark of the Beast, with references to election fraud and aborting black babies. And his most recent talked about election fraud some more and called Joe Biden a scary clown who sniffs children and eats them!!
He has a very small channel. Some typical "THERE IS NO ELECTION FRAUD" and "JASON YOU'RE SCARING ME" comments, but also a lot of support.
It was really energizing to see this. He has NEVER posted content like this before!
REALLY off-topic, but have to ask. Would it be possible to get a copy of the "Q" graphic at the top of this page, larger if possible. I've been thinking it would make a really cool laser-etched clock for my office..
Understood. Don't let me tell you what to do, anyways. I'm just some fucking guy lmfao
Just saw more problems than it's worth if customers/clients saw that, you know how normies are. Though, now that I think about it, I see what you're getting at with the clock idea!
"S.F. high school students get a lesson in subtle white privilege"
“"What do we see?” I asked again. We’ve been studying diversity and discrimination in the United States; my students were ready. What did they see? They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire.
We took in the meaning of the day, the vulnerability of democracy, the power of ritual, traditions and the peaceful transition of power.
We talked about gender and the possible meanings of the attire chosen by Vice President Kamala Harris, Dr. Jill Biden, the Biden grandchildren, Michelle Obama, Amanda Gorman and others. We referenced the female warriors inspiring these women, the colors of their educational degrees and their monochromatic ensembles of pure power.
And there, across all of our news and social media feeds, was Bernie: Bernie memes, Bernie sweatshirts, endless love for Bernie. I puzzled and fumed as an individual as I strove to be my best possible teacher. What did I see? What did I think my students should see? A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens."
Did you watch the X-22 Report today? He highlights a part of President Trump's legal team's response to the Impeachment trial charges. He pointed out(24:38)(episode 2394b) that on the page where the legal team highlighted in bold the first statement, that above that they highlighted the word ha** in blue and if you go back and look at the Q posts from Feb 2018 there is a post with hahahahaha. So a 3 year delta for the ha post on the same day the trial starts. This probably should be it's own post.
When this is all over, I want to see what system they used to keep track of all of this. The news stories. The arrests. The timelines. Who knows what? All of it.
My wife. Who cares nothing of politics, just told me that Ivanka trump still holds an office in the white house and has recently been promoted to national security council. This was on an ig story(Instagram disappearing story after 24hrs) can anyone confirm this?
Anybody else having problems with GA win saving upvotes? I haven't seen anyone else mention it, but I haven't been able upvote posts or comments for the last day and a half. Saving posts appears to work though.
Story trending on Telegram saying “Central-Banks Deep State agent arrested in Moscow”. Anybody want to weigh in on that? There wasn’t much info, just a video and comments. No real story. Is this legit?
Honestly, I’m a new Telegram user and I’ve been bouncing around trying to figure out who’s credible and not. I’ve joined and unjointed Lin Wood several times - not sure if I had the right “address” for him. But there were several reposting that particular report with a video - one being “Secretary Mike Pompeo”. That’s kinda why I brought it here asking because I’m not interested in fake news. I want the real deal and I feel like this is about the last place on the planet to get honest info. And I realize a bunch of trolls would laugh at that, but lots of you speak my language - you want the bigger Truth - so this is where I come. Thanks to everybody who can steer me in the right direction.
Seems more akin to the tactic Trump uses a good bit, of spelling errors which causes the media to make fun of him, while inadvertently giving way more coverage to whatever it was with the spelling error than it would have gotten on its own.
Colors on this site are getting weird. Back off on the overuse of different colors. Keep white titles and single color for visited titles.The red theme for "hot" items looks a bit hellish. I get that you are experimenting, but it's time to get back to basics and good functionality.
I'm using dark mode. I was a graphic designer for many years. It's really common to over-design and forget functionality. I love colors, but they need to make sense.
Boo. It's way cooler this way. I don't like staring at bland white boxy screens. Makes me feel like im staring at the posters on the wall of the room you sit in after waiting for the doctor to come in. It's awful.
Asking for some consistency and purpose in design doesn't mean removing all design or making it boring. The red-tinted sky looks more scary than cool. When the unread titles are one color and the visited titles another color, I cannot tell which is which until I click on a few titles and see the resulting colors. Good design doesn't require the user to figure it out, it's obvious. Good design uses a consistent color scheme that reflects the emotional intent of the site -- uplifting, fear-driven, trustworthy, etc. I'm guessing most people don't realize what goes into good design because good design is not the focus. Instead, good design allow for the dissemination of the information without distraction.
Her interview is both hilarious, telling and repulsive. All Trump supporters are Qanon conspiracy theorists who still love Trump?! Oh and she said they might have given her covid. I enjoyed hearing her talk about the people who refused to speak to her unless she took off her mask. Props to them for getting her to actually take the mask off. Aprox quote “Were you Scared? That’s-a good question actually I was...”
Hahahaha “Did anyone know the Truth about the election?! No!! flabergasted”
If you haven’t watched one of their reports recently this is a good one, imho.
I've checked out quite a bit since the 6th. It was great for my health. I'm just catching up now... Anyone able to fill me in on what the latest is for:
I’ve got a “happening” - reports say that 57,000 additional people have died in the US from COVID since Biden took office. YEAH, he had a plan and Trump was the “clown”.
Have any of you ever actually seen the Nuclear Football, aside from some Pentagon Attaché carrying something you THINK is the football (that the MSM told you), or a Hollywood movie?
Lets just spitball this from an electrical engineering standpoint. Secure satellite phone (handheld), keypad for code entry, LED/LCD display for confirmation of typing, big red button...
I'd say maybe an 8"x8" enclosure with the sat phone externalized. Could fit in a courier bag or man purse.
Do you REALLY think he would advertise to the world that he has it? Did you even stop to think at all about that single implication?
That dude could be a Pentagon attaché wearing civilian clothes. Have you seen ANY military uniforms around Trump since Jan 20?
I mean, he could have a cell phone app with voice activation, "Hey Siri, I want to launch some nukes..."
Another example:
Americans know what a car is. Then you see a Fiat and go "Oh, snap! WTH is that thing, a go-kart? That can't really be a car, is it? Where are the clowns."
You can see what you are conditioned to see or maybe something realistic and practical.
how? have you not see the military coup going on in burma, Pompeo's challenges to Biden, Space Force not briefing Biden admin, Bezos stepping down, Dems utterly panicking for the past 3 can you be dooming now?
I can't help ya, I thought the Gamestop thing was very big! Lots of kids that bought in probably a fair few left leaning! They should be able to see the rigged system as it pertains to them.
I know what you mean. I can feel myself drifting towards just tuning the whole thing out and going back to an anaesthetised state. The world is as it is and runs as it runs whether I know about it or not, whether I agree with it or not, whether I want it to or not. There’s no point watching for something coming really. As the saying goes, the watched pot never boils. I can feel an acceptance of the new normal seeping in.
The problem is I have to read MSM Republican news about Biden and they are all "the sky is falling" and then Q news that points to the military being in control and the two are tough to reconcile. I hope Q posts soon or Q+ ;)
Mine too my friend, but that's where faith comes in faith is supposed to thrive in a dry and barren land that's what makes it so special. If nothing else have faith that we petitioned the God of Israel Heavely Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to save this Nation
Did anyone say they were doing nothing? Give that lame assertion a break. Short of armed conflict which we want to avoid what exactly can we do. Get involved locally does nothing to stop the evil. Two reasons. The trickle up will never happen because our votes no longer count and two at best seeing movement in that area takes years. Many of us are at our whits end with seasonal depression let alone thinking we will have to live for years under the destruction of the left.the stock market and Myanmar see much removed from our daily lives. Please stop your superior attitude. It only further divides. Getting old real fast.
I noticed he didn't respond could be a shillwanting us to take up arms and overthrow the government or something. at this point we did everything that we possibly could short of armed insurrection. We voted we broke the system we pulled them out into the light and made them if they wanted to win have to cheat in the light now it's up to Trump & the military
Yeah. The capitol riot was deep state HOPING to start widespread violence that could be blamed on Trump. Opps though we didn't fall for it and those "frontline" people in the videos will never be welcomed back if they pretend to be us. Q is the military side of the operation and we're the information warfare side.
Thank you for being here Frens. My back hurts a lot this morning. I spent an hour on the floor stretching, while reading your posts and views. This is a great community because of you!
has the Patrick Bryne - $GME - naked short selling / Failure To Deliver subject been discussed here yet? handshake account but long time lurker , i just hadnt seen anyone else talk about it yet
People are out of fucks. I hadn't looked at a lot of the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to for a while... Jason Brubaker's videos were strictly about comics until a little over a month ago. Then he posted this about YouTube censorship, Mark of the Beast, with references to election fraud and aborting black babies. And his most recent talked about election fraud some more and called Joe Biden a scary clown who sniffs children and eats them!!
He has a very small channel. Some typical "THERE IS NO ELECTION FRAUD" and "JASON YOU'RE SCARING ME" comments, but also a lot of support.
It was really energizing to see this. He has NEVER posted content like this before!
REALLY off-topic, but have to ask. Would it be possible to get a copy of the "Q" graphic at the top of this page, larger if possible. I've been thinking it would make a really cool laser-etched clock for my office..
I think it's a great idea.
Great idea! I love it!
This is not the type of thing meant to be broadcast.
No intention to "broadcast", would make on my own laser, for my own use, as a reminder of what we're working toward..
Understood. Don't let me tell you what to do, anyways. I'm just some fucking guy lmfao
Just saw more problems than it's worth if customers/clients saw that, you know how normies are. Though, now that I think about it, I see what you're getting at with the clock idea!
No customers/clients in my home office, just me and a python, lol.
Well, here's hoping your python won't judge you for holding the line. At least, if he does, he'll be quiet about it.
Yeah, but a fucking wall clock? Cmon lmfao
I hope people are waking up after seeing drivel like this.
A taste of Commiefornia below.
These are the people teaching our children.
"S.F. high school students get a lesson in subtle white privilege"
“"What do we see?” I asked again. We’ve been studying diversity and discrimination in the United States; my students were ready. What did they see? They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire.
We took in the meaning of the day, the vulnerability of democracy, the power of ritual, traditions and the peaceful transition of power.
We talked about gender and the possible meanings of the attire chosen by Vice President Kamala Harris, Dr. Jill Biden, the Biden grandchildren, Michelle Obama, Amanda Gorman and others. We referenced the female warriors inspiring these women, the colors of their educational degrees and their monochromatic ensembles of pure power.
And there, across all of our news and social media feeds, was Bernie: Bernie memes, Bernie sweatshirts, endless love for Bernie. I puzzled and fumed as an individual as I strove to be my best possible teacher. What did I see? What did I think my students should see? A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens."
Did you watch the X-22 Report today? He highlights a part of President Trump's legal team's response to the Impeachment trial charges. He pointed out(24:38)(episode 2394b) that on the page where the legal team highlighted in bold the first statement, that above that they highlighted the word ha** in blue and if you go back and look at the Q posts from Feb 2018 there is a post with hahahahaha. So a 3 year delta for the ha post on the same day the trial starts. This probably should be it's own post.
When this is all over, I want to see what system they used to keep track of all of this. The news stories. The arrests. The timelines. Who knows what? All of it.
This is a TV series that could run for years.
Can you say Quantum Computer?
I got a SSL error trying the link.
My wife. Who cares nothing of politics, just told me that Ivanka trump still holds an office in the white house and has recently been promoted to national security council. This was on an ig story(Instagram disappearing story after 24hrs) can anyone confirm this?
Newsmax showing their true colors??
wow they couldnt even last 3 months what a joke
Lol how immature.
Fuck them! Hold the line!
deleted app today
How long can Xidens' house of cards last, maximum? Any ideas
Not much longer that's for sure also hear at coming from a higher authority too
Super Bowl EBS
Anybody else having problems with GA win saving upvotes? I haven't seen anyone else mention it, but I haven't been able upvote posts or comments for the last day and a half. Saving posts appears to work though.
Mine seems busted too. It appears to work at first, the animation plays and the count is incremented, but the upvote disappears upon page refresh.
Like Trump’s election totals? Dominion hack? How far are we from the thermostat? ???
I'm having the same issue.
Thanks for checking!
Story trending on Telegram saying “Central-Banks Deep State agent arrested in Moscow”. Anybody want to weigh in on that? There wasn’t much info, just a video and comments. No real story. Is this legit?
What are your "go-to" pages on Telegram for good, solid info?
Honestly, I’m a new Telegram user and I’ve been bouncing around trying to figure out who’s credible and not. I’ve joined and unjointed Lin Wood several times - not sure if I had the right “address” for him. But there were several reposting that particular report with a video - one being “Secretary Mike Pompeo”. That’s kinda why I brought it here asking because I’m not interested in fake news. I want the real deal and I feel like this is about the last place on the planet to get honest info. And I realize a bunch of trolls would laugh at that, but lots of you speak my language - you want the bigger Truth - so this is where I come. Thanks to everybody who can steer me in the right direction. is hot lately too and
Thanks for these - I’ll join them.
Hey guys, has anyone noticed the picture the libs are on Twitter making fun of? Could Trump team misspelling be on purpose?
Misspelled Unite"d" to Unite"s" States Senate. Could this be the USSS in the Q drop that lists the steps? Sorry, new to this.
Seems more akin to the tactic Trump uses a good bit, of spelling errors which causes the media to make fun of him, while inadvertently giving way more coverage to whatever it was with the spelling error than it would have gotten on its own.
I see. That makes sense.
It really is a brilliant tactic and they fall for it almost every time.
Colors on this site are getting weird. Back off on the overuse of different colors. Keep white titles and single color for visited titles.The red theme for "hot" items looks a bit hellish. I get that you are experimenting, but it's time to get back to basics and good functionality.
I agree. It looks kinda cheap and early myspace. I am not a fan.
switch to dark mode - much better
My trouble is that whatever “mode” I’m in, it makes all the pics look like negatives. Cant figure out what I’ve done.
I'm using dark mode. I was a graphic designer for many years. It's really common to over-design and forget functionality. I love colors, but they need to make sense.
You mean you don't like "Dark Mode, Instagram"? Lol.
You get a Pantone! You get a Pantone! Everyone gets a Pantone!!!!
Boo. It's way cooler this way. I don't like staring at bland white boxy screens. Makes me feel like im staring at the posters on the wall of the room you sit in after waiting for the doctor to come in. It's awful.
Asking for some consistency and purpose in design doesn't mean removing all design or making it boring. The red-tinted sky looks more scary than cool. When the unread titles are one color and the visited titles another color, I cannot tell which is which until I click on a few titles and see the resulting colors. Good design doesn't require the user to figure it out, it's obvious. Good design uses a consistent color scheme that reflects the emotional intent of the site -- uplifting, fear-driven, trustworthy, etc. I'm guessing most people don't realize what goes into good design because good design is not the focus. Instead, good design allow for the dissemination of the information without distraction.
Y’all seen this one?
Her interview is both hilarious, telling and repulsive. All Trump supporters are Qanon conspiracy theorists who still love Trump?! Oh and she said they might have given her covid. I enjoyed hearing her talk about the people who refused to speak to her unless she took off her mask. Props to them for getting her to actually take the mask off. Aprox quote “Were you Scared? That’s-a good question actually I was...”
Hahahaha “Did anyone know the Truth about the election?! No!! flabergasted”
If you haven’t watched one of their reports recently this is a good one, imho.
Apologies if this is old news that is new to me.
Is the Senate trial where the trump cards come out concerning voter fraud? The msm gonna cut the feed?
I kind of wonder if they'll let them talk at all? Heck I wonder if Trump is even going to go to this?
Not sure if this is the place to ask...but? What are the three movies that are all playing at the same time?
Dr Strangelove + Contagion + Being There, and soon, Children of Men, once everyone realizes "the vaccine" is sterilizing the human race.
Guardians of the Pedophiles, Panic in DC & FISAgate
Thank you. I listen to The X-22 Report....and there are movies poster in the right margin....Feeling like Homer Simpson. Doh!
I've checked out quite a bit since the 6th. It was great for my health. I'm just catching up now... Anyone able to fill me in on what the latest is for: . -SCOTUs. -impeachment. -secession .
Day 13 of Biden's fraudulent Presidency. Still no happenings. Care package request on my location.
I’ve got a “happening” - reports say that 57,000 additional people have died in the US from COVID since Biden took office. YEAH, he had a plan and Trump was the “clown”.
He still has the football. Video taken last nite.
Facebook is enemy territory - there be dragons and I am not allowed there. If you can, please post elsewhere.
Have any of you ever actually seen the Nuclear Football, aside from some Pentagon Attaché carrying something you THINK is the football (that the MSM told you), or a Hollywood movie?
Lets just spitball this from an electrical engineering standpoint. Secure satellite phone (handheld), keypad for code entry, LED/LCD display for confirmation of typing, big red button...
I'd say maybe an 8"x8" enclosure with the sat phone externalized. Could fit in a courier bag or man purse.
Do you REALLY think he would advertise to the world that he has it? Did you even stop to think at all about that single implication?
That dude could be a Pentagon attaché wearing civilian clothes. Have you seen ANY military uniforms around Trump since Jan 20?
I mean, he could have a cell phone app with voice activation, "Hey Siri, I want to launch some nukes..."
Another example:
Americans know what a car is. Then you see a Fiat and go "Oh, snap! WTH is that thing, a go-kart? That can't really be a car, is it? Where are the clowns."
You can see what you are conditioned to see or maybe something realistic and practical.
At Mar a Lago? The airspace restrictions don't outwardly support this, but misinformation is important too
how? have you not see the military coup going on in burma, Pompeo's challenges to Biden, Space Force not briefing Biden admin, Bezos stepping down, Dems utterly panicking for the past 3 can you be dooming now?
I can't help ya, I thought the Gamestop thing was very big! Lots of kids that bought in probably a fair few left leaning! They should be able to see the rigged system as it pertains to them.
I know what you mean. I can feel myself drifting towards just tuning the whole thing out and going back to an anaesthetised state. The world is as it is and runs as it runs whether I know about it or not, whether I agree with it or not, whether I want it to or not. There’s no point watching for something coming really. As the saying goes, the watched pot never boils. I can feel an acceptance of the new normal seeping in.
Have tried a Sativa ?
Sometimes it’s really difficult being awake. Some days I wish I was still asleep. This is painful.....
The problem is I have to read MSM Republican news about Biden and they are all "the sky is falling" and then Q news that points to the military being in control and the two are tough to reconcile. I hope Q posts soon or Q+ ;)
Mine too my friend, but that's where faith comes in faith is supposed to thrive in a dry and barren land that's what makes it so special. If nothing else have faith that we petitioned the God of Israel Heavely Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to save this Nation
Yes indeed! The wait will be worth it!
Did anyone say they were doing nothing? Give that lame assertion a break. Short of armed conflict which we want to avoid what exactly can we do. Get involved locally does nothing to stop the evil. Two reasons. The trickle up will never happen because our votes no longer count and two at best seeing movement in that area takes years. Many of us are at our whits end with seasonal depression let alone thinking we will have to live for years under the destruction of the left.the stock market and Myanmar see much removed from our daily lives. Please stop your superior attitude. It only further divides. Getting old real fast.
What are you doing if you don’t mind me asking?
I noticed he didn't respond could be a shillwanting us to take up arms and overthrow the government or something. at this point we did everything that we possibly could short of armed insurrection. We voted we broke the system we pulled them out into the light and made them if they wanted to win have to cheat in the light now it's up to Trump & the military
Yeah. The capitol riot was deep state HOPING to start widespread violence that could be blamed on Trump. Opps though we didn't fall for it and those "frontline" people in the videos will never be welcomed back if they pretend to be us. Q is the military side of the operation and we're the information warfare side.
I do do something ! A lot in fact! Don’t assume. It makes you an ass!