Especially black people. Watch some reaction videos you can see the lights being turned on in their heads.
Especially black people. Watch some reaction videos you can see the lights being turned on in their heads.
Additional laughs: Soyboy fag doesn't realize the song is about him
Wow! What a tool. I only watched 2 min and had enough. That guy is a compete and total idiot. I like how comments are off otherwise he would be wrecked.
Comments are off because he was getting wrecked lol.
Comments back on and they're hilarious
So glad the comments are back on. He literally makes Tom Macdonald's point with this reaction video.
Haha same. I want to punch him in his nasally nose and fix his voice
Gah I totally felt that way. Hahaha
Comments aren’t off lol
Damn you made it two minutes? I couldn't even make it 3 seconds lmfao. Wish I didn't even click that link to give him a view.
Dude. That's funny as fuck. He has no idea, does he?
The comments are great, too.
This Soy boy and his fake ass intellectualism is what is wrong with some kids today.
Instantly after clicking that link, it's obvious the guy talking is a soy boy little bitch.
haha oh my a diss track! My sides....
Oh man! What a little bitch! Corny as Hell!
He's getting wrecked in the comments again lol
You think he watched this video back before posting or just let it ride?
All of his songs are red pills. He may not look like a traditional patriot, but with the truth he drops shows me he is. Tom reaches those we cannot. Everyone gets red pills. Blue collar, white collar, young, old, anywhere in between.
Even better when you get the CDs and listen to the ones that you can't find online.
Like "Propaganda" and "Conspiracy Theorist"
I hear ya and I'M NOT like that, but I do realize much of America is, which is I why I said that. Hell we know the best terrorists wear suits, but normies believe if u have a white coat, a plaque, or a suit no way u could be an evil pos. Upside down world. Think Mirror.
this has to be stickeid because this is something that can easliy be shared to redpill the normies
Wow, just listened to this song for the first time. I'd not heard it before. He's a brave guy, that's for sure.
Tatum had to pause the song 30 seconds in and ask "this guy has bodyguards, right?"
That period joke, which had me chuckling (full context I'm a lady pede) is enough to get him on the no fly list these days.
It was a great troll wasn’t it? Lady here too
My husband says it's an old joke but it's a new one to me!
Me too lol
I like the message and we need more artists on this side of the culture war because we literally have this guy and nobody else.
But not a fan of the delivery.
I liked all the verses but I thought the little chorus in between each verse was kinda "gay". Am I allowed to say that? Haha. I feel like it takes away from some of the hardness of the song. But I realize songs have to have those little breaks. But I would have rather just have had continual verses.
Yeah, I totally get it... Something about it is just off... It could use more refining.
B.o.B has an entire album called Elements
Chris Webby’s song series Raw Thoughts are nicely packaged redpills too.
Good, we need everyone awake and on board, as many as we can get.
Lockdown wasn’t in full swing February 2020. Methinks this BHM might actually have our attention for once. Notice the YouTube logo might’ve gone out of its way to avoid using the color black. It even has white highlights, which clash with the already-tacky color scheme.
I love you for posting this. Watching these videos is better than therapy.
We're not crazy. They're crazy. And/or stupid, and/or evil.
I watched several Youtubers I've never seen before but seem more conservative. They liked what he was saying and agreed with the sentiments. Felt he had a set to be able to speak such truths and not care about the reactions. I've never heard of Tom but then I don't listen to rap so not surprising.
Watching these young men encounter new ideas from the song, and immediately start digesting them, is very encouraging.
People are hungry for actual thought.
Thanks for sharing this one. I enjoyed their hunger for their own thoughts and discussion.
Look at all the shit we can agree on, white, black, or otherwise.
This guy is clueless
Spez. The guy doing the critique is clueless
Tom? He basically pointed out every hypocrisy involved in the modern woke movement that drives the fascist liberal machine under 4 minutes to a catchy beat. How is he clueless?
He may not be your cup of tea per-say, but he is bringing straight fire.
No. I may have been not clear. The guy doing the critique of the video is clueless. I love Tom's videos. Truth in bite sized chunks.
Then I apologize.
I don't think the two that were critiquing the music were clueless. Its clear there were gears spinning in their heads and they were reconciling some stuff.
Love this. Nice work youngens!
I just spent entirely too long watching reaction videos and reading comments to them! I know we are being funny here , but I’m crying (female GA fren).. maybe it’s been emotions surfacing but damn it, I see so many people supporting Tom and his message.. you see some of these people literally waking up right in front of you.. it’s crazy.. it’s crazy that a 4 minute song has such power and reach! And I’m just crying.. I’m so sick of being called a racist or supporting white supremacy, it guts me. I want to scream IM NOTTTTT, I’m on your side.. I want the best for everyone .. stop allowing elites and people on the news to divide us., Tom’s message hits both sides of the issues.. and that’s the whole damn point: we aren’t that different.. we’ve been led astray by social media and the news but if we sat down and had convos and saw each other’s point of view and passion.. we could take back the US, make it what it is supposed to be. I am in awe that some tattoo’d , white rapper has done something so powerful.. the one dude said it perfectly, he’s not controversial.. he’s just real. Thank you Tom.
Yeah...I had to comment, lol. Clueless little shithead
No life shaq is the best for reactions!
Maybe I'm looking for trouble, but Fake Woke (Tom McDonald) seems like the 3rd salvo against the fake government already and it's only the first of February!
These all seem pretty big to me. But I'm a smoothbrain so don't listen to me. ;)
You have a good point.
I like this post. To the point. Point made. And why yes, I AM feeling hopeful after seeing black America respond this way.
I've had great success red pilling my black neighbors. The Synagogue of Satan wanted us to have a race war, forcefully shoved us together and ran propaganda for years, shook the jar and sat back and cackled at the racial aggression.
That song has shit wrong with it. Better than nothing at all, but still not exactly right for this movement.
Exactly. He says something like why do we hate the people who wear masks and stay home.
Um because they're dumbasses.
Also he slipped a slick gun control line in there..
We're supposed to be "the great awakening". How do we awaken people if we demand ideological purity?
You don't convert "normies" by forcing them to agree with you 100%. Instead you get them hooked by throwing a few lines where they have good points as well so both feel represented. Then you rely on the truth winning out since they have an exposure vector for the facts.
Fine but masks are stupid. We know this
30 years of science say they're pointless in the current situation. But useful in other situations. I don't hate the masks so much as I hate that I'm being told to accept blatant idiocy by ignorant people.
You hate the dems forcing and controlling and lying about numbers.. but the virus is real. JUST not like they say it is.. it's bad. I know several in areas that think it's 100% hoax and now they are in hospitals fighting for their lives. So don't hate those that are high risk and want to protect themselves over this CCP/Gates/Soros virus. They also know it's sterilization so they don't want their children getting it. IT's a war. This is a war.
Their first mistake was letting the media think they should run to the hospital. If the vid has NEVER been isolated and the pcr tests are inaccurate, what are they "fighting for their lives" from ? Probably unnecessary intubation and eventual ventilatorcide.
No one dies in their home of this thing. I'm sorry but you need to consider the possibility that the medical establishment is highly incentivized to rush people to ICU and murder people for covid payments.
Ban me for saying so but people need to wake up. Hospitals are not your friend here.
I agree but some do survive the hospital.. hard to trust them.
My heart goes out to anyone struggling with illness.
He mentions a fair amount of Q-related/associated stuff as well such as pedophile sex-cults & NWO plants in Hollywood. He is surprisingly based :p