The title of your post makes it look like you are saying the Military is terrified, when I believe you mean the DS is terrified of the military and the people.
SO ... I like to investigate 'OPs' previous comments and posts when I suspect fuckery.
This OP clearly has a distrust, to put it mildly, of the US military given his previous posts.
I am of the opinion that This OP meant that post TITLE, and had ZERO clue what the hell was in the gif (actual meaning). I will not deport OP this time, but this OP is on my shillacious remarks radar.
No everyone on this board is as intelligent as the majority of us. Gotta give the benefit of the doubt that OP is confused and narrow.
I am hopeful the military has taken over and will soon thwart the Democrat’s coup. But, if they don’t - feel free to add me to the distrusting military group.
The title made me move towards the deport button. Glad I didn't... This is a valid point. I'd say they are scared because they know they cheated and the military could handle it, but that's not the whole picture. They are also scared because there's 75+ million patriots who could rise up at any time
The title of your post makes it look like you are saying the Military is terrified, when I believe you mean the DS is terrified of the military and the people.
It doesn't look like it says that, it straight up says that.
trying my hand at being a bit more tactful.
No good deed....
Res ipsa loquitur.
Am guessing you know that already. :)
Looks like it was a mistake lol
Thought it was a Hook.
Got me. lol
Yeah I almost went for the deport block button... you are correct
Your headline is incorrect.
I read it twice and as I read it,
The democrats are the scared ones because they know that we know and they have trapped themselves and are being exposed for their authentic Treason.
The democrats are scared of the Military, that has already taken over.
SO ... I like to investigate 'OPs' previous comments and posts when I suspect fuckery.
This OP clearly has a distrust, to put it mildly, of the US military given his previous posts.
I am of the opinion that This OP meant that post TITLE, and had ZERO clue what the hell was in the gif (actual meaning). I will not deport OP this time, but this OP is on my shillacious remarks radar.
No everyone on this board is as intelligent as the majority of us. Gotta give the benefit of the doubt that OP is confused and narrow.
I am hopeful the military has taken over and will soon thwart the Democrat’s coup. But, if they don’t - feel free to add me to the distrusting military group.
The title is 180 degrees different from the post. Therefore, the OP is a moron, and can prove it.
Handshake OP is probably getting deports just from the incorrect title alone.
Hilarious wording on your part.
I am pretty sure he ment to write, "The military is frightening" but selected wrong word in predictive typing list.
you are fake news
The title made me move towards the deport button. Glad I didn't... This is a valid point. I'd say they are scared because they know they cheated and the military could handle it, but that's not the whole picture. They are also scared because there's 75+ million patriots who could rise up at any time
Paranoid and federally employed at a job with great benefits and retirement. We actually pay these anus apertures with our money.
100 upvotes if I could! Well said.
Quit insulting our military. Edit your post or get out of here.
Idiot...the military is not is the other way around. Get your story straight or stop posting.
dark mode fren...
The wicked flee when none pursue.
Fix your title. Change military with Riggers or Biden administration or something equivalent.
I had a stroke trying to read that title.
I bet you Biden's handle on the win is..... Yolo
Truth slinging there. Yes. Proverbs gives a great explanation on how this works.
BOOM! Im screen shot this
Well if they are watching tbey should know we are going to make them pay.
Lets redefine MILITARY in the title. MILITARY = DEEP STATE
Joe Stalin embodied this with his bloody purges in the 1930's... it is clear projection
yeah but this doesn't help us in the short to medium term...
a paranoid regime ran the USSR for 70 years and killed hundreds of millions of people and split the world in two in an insane cold war.
just because something is wrong - doesn't mean it dies out automatically or very quickly.
Title is wrong. Screenshot is correct.
Very poor title, intentionally or not.
What does this have to do with the military?(
I'm starting to warm to the idea of removing all the patriots from the military and backfilling their vacancies with trannies.
The military is cucked.