If there were true justice, Killary would have her face sliced off then hung but we are too nice to match their brutality. This is also why it's so difficult to defeat those types of people because we have morals and respect for life.
It's like how terrorists would blow themselves up just to kill people. There's no limit to what they would do. If elites will seek adrenochrome harvested from kids, whether they take part in the process or not, what point would say stop?
They have no limits and over the past have murdered countless people. This still happens now days too. The best we can hope for is that she ends up in prison and suffers from adrenochrome withdrawals.
I know we have not seen video or picture proof and anyone that claims to have, has never once provided any proof. The catch though is that people die when they publicly go against Killary, just saying.
Too easy. I prefer rope and instead of dropping I think she deserves to be slowly, over hours, picked up until her feet swing freely and she is dead. Then she should be fed to carrion birds. She lived a shit life, let her eternity also be shit.
We love strong, honest women of conscious. Women who raise a family, protect them fiercely and still have the will, the compassion and the intelligence to make a difference for good in our society. We celebrate these women.
This evil that has subverted the role of feminism in our society must be destroyed. This evil that has created the false notion of toxic masculinity must be destroyed.
Both are designed for the sole purpose of destroying our humanity and the human race itself.
Oh gee, now Hil is talking about Q, too?? My goodness, errrrrrybody is trying to dis-credit Q these days. makes one wonder why?
O V E R the T A R G E T and then some!!!
SIDENOTE: She would try to spin Q as some sort of women-hater's club. If it's not about race, it's about gender from these people. Always the superficial identity politics at play.. why can't she just accept that people cringe at her and it has ZERO to do with her being a SHE and more to do with her being a corrupt hag?
I'm not a feminazi but I am proud to be a woman. That said, I have been with Q since Oct. 2017 and Q and the Q team are not sexist! Haggery the cankled ass bitch needs to know what she's taking about or she can just STFU.
Hearing this heinous witch's take on ANY subject is - and I'm guessing here - like holding a conversation with the biggest dump you have ever generated. That represents the extent of my interest in that doomed psycho.
We aren’t exactly “obsessed” with you Killary! It just so happens that all of our breadcrumbs lead to your soulless existence! That is all!
Hahaha that’s awesome!
Never gets old! haha
Best GIF of all time and its not even close.
Roger that, firing up the shredder now.
How would you like your death penalty administered? We have: hanging, firing squad or electrocution.
Mansplain her to death. Let Trump do it.
”No you don’t understand, Hillary. I won.” u/#Trumpnope
please clap u/#Bernieclap
Ah you sonuva bitch!
I never get tired of that look on his face. The utter defeat.
If there were true justice, Killary would have her face sliced off then hung but we are too nice to match their brutality. This is also why it's so difficult to defeat those types of people because we have morals and respect for life.
It's like how terrorists would blow themselves up just to kill people. There's no limit to what they would do. If elites will seek adrenochrome harvested from kids, whether they take part in the process or not, what point would say stop?
They have no limits and over the past have murdered countless people. This still happens now days too. The best we can hope for is that she ends up in prison and suffers from adrenochrome withdrawals.
I know we have not seen video or picture proof and anyone that claims to have, has never once provided any proof. The catch though is that people die when they publicly go against Killary, just saying.
I've hear about that interview. Do you have a link to it?
They dont f Gas chamber anymore?
Suicide by 3 gunshots to the back of the head
Too easy. I prefer rope and instead of dropping I think she deserves to be slowly, over hours, picked up until her feet swing freely and she is dead. Then she should be fed to carrion birds. She lived a shit life, let her eternity also be shit.
Yet we love Kayleigh McEnany. Yet we love Candace Owens. Yet we love MTG. Yet we love the true FLOTUS.
Don't forget Lauren Boebert!
Or Chanel Rion!
We love strong, honest women of conscious. Women who raise a family, protect them fiercely and still have the will, the compassion and the intelligence to make a difference for good in our society. We celebrate these women.
This evil that has subverted the role of feminism in our society must be destroyed. This evil that has created the false notion of toxic masculinity must be destroyed.
Both are designed for the sole purpose of destroying our humanity and the human race itself.
I've been shut out of twitter even though I have not tweeted in a long time.
Is this real or is it a photoshop?
If they really want to sell it as an online conspiracy theory. Referencing it every 10 minutes doesn’t help in that regard.
Yeah it’s getting weird. They’re obsessed.
As a woman I find this hilarious lol
When they can't defend their actions and refuse to comment about the substance, they always fall back on identity politics.
"They're mean to me because I'm a woman, and they hate women."
Racist, sexist, misogynist!
Hillary Clinton is so full of crap her eyes must be brown!
We have no idea who or what Q is. Perhaps Q is a rutabaga for all we know.
Ugh, she is pure evil.
If Hillary Clinton claims you're oppressing her, you're doing something right.
Hillary Clinton just makes stuff up.
We have made the real 'news'. Someone is watching.
It’s not nice to kick someone when they are down....
STFU UGLY CHILD RAPIST, not even your rapist friends want you youre so fuckin hideous
Keep in mind she picked a fight with a cartoon frog and lost.
Hahahahahhajahahhahahahahahahahahahaha. There is not enough up arrows I can do to express that.
Can you imagine if she had become president? ?
Perfect example of the Streisand Effect. It's all they can think about and they have no way to stop us.
Does Hillary not realize how irrelevant she is?
Not obsessed with Killary, people are obsessed with wanting Justice.
Wait Hillary is a woman?
I just thought she was an asexual demon
Oh gee, now Hil is talking about Q, too?? My goodness, errrrrrybody is trying to dis-credit Q these days. makes one wonder why?
O V E R the T A R G E T and then some!!!
SIDENOTE: She would try to spin Q as some sort of women-hater's club. If it's not about race, it's about gender from these people. Always the superficial identity politics at play.. why can't she just accept that people cringe at her and it has ZERO to do with her being a SHE and more to do with her being a corrupt hag?
I'm not a feminazi but I am proud to be a woman. That said, I have been with Q since Oct. 2017 and Q and the Q team are not sexist! Haggery the cankled ass bitch needs to know what she's taking about or she can just STFU.
Another post linked this twitpost to a Q drop https://greatawakening.win/p/12hR7cSZJj/is-it-possible-they-already-have/c/
My guess is that it's a white hat drop to get Hillary fans to look up frazzledrip, which is mentioned in the article.
Stick their identity politics up her fat ass
Hearing this heinous witch's take on ANY subject is - and I'm guessing here - like holding a conversation with the biggest dump you have ever generated. That represents the extent of my interest in that doomed psycho.
Lol wtf, I’ve never seen these evil cocksuckers so obsessed with a “conspiracy theory” this much in my life.
"Algorithm-fueled manifestation"
So is Q a quantum computer AI confirmed?
"Algorithm-fueled manifestation" is an interesting description.
From another group:
Check out Q drop 148... interesting. Cannot post photo. Trying.
As she scapegoats Patriots and labels as sexist. Same playbook.
Tryingnto use sexist to furtherbdivide the country cause of the racism division strategy. Oh my now.